I woke up this morning still in disbelief that I will be getting married in less than a week. Within a span of less than a year, so much has happened. There has been lows and highs, and through it all I had this man my side. Life as I know it has been on an onwards and upwards trajectory with P'Forth in my life that, when he proposed I didn't hesitate. Every fiber of my being is certain this is the man for me. " Are you up? Soon to be Mr. Jaturapoom" P'Forth said still with his eyes closed next to me. " Why can't you take my last name P'Forth?"... he sprung up to a sitting position looking me in the eyes , as if to search if I'm serious.
Last night proposal was a success, and all our friends and family had so much fun. Now time to plan the wedding, already both our mother's have grand ideas. It's the morning after and I can feel N'Beam squirming about on the bed. I know him so well, he's probably planning our wedding. I smiled at the thought, then asked, "... Soon to be Mr.
Jaturapoom"... the response was so unexpected that I sprung up from my sleep. " Wait!!!! You don't want to take my last name? I asked searching for answers in his eyes. I'm really good at reading people, and I knew he meant it when he said, " why not??? Is it because I'm the bottom? Or because I'm the younger one. Why can't we be the Baramee's". " No, that's not what I meant.... I mean I'm the one who proposed!!! I asked YOU to be my HUSBAND!!!"... "I guess with that logic, I will have to wear a dress too?" He said with sass and annoyance. " Why the sudden attitude early this morning? Let's think it over, okay?"I said trying to defuse the tension that was building up. Hell, it's the day after our proposal party, we should be fucking right now, not arguing about bullshit.~Beam~
I stormed off to the bathroom and locked the door. I've been so submissive to this man, and now he thinks it's absurd for him to carry my last name smh. I picked up my phone and called my mother, I needed someone to vent to. " Morning son, I'm glad to see you call me first. We are making strides in our relationship".... "That's because you playing this mother role so well lately hahaha, how is Tharn doing?" . I asked..." He is good, on his way to Melbourne , Australia . He has some business out there to take care of.... hey do you want to have brunch? Or you're busy?" Mother suggested. This is definitely a turn of event, I use to hardly see her and now she is so accessible. I decided to reserve my venting for when I see her in person. " sounds good, I've to hop in the shower. Text me the place..." I said then got in the shower.~ Forth~
The water has been running for a while now, I got out of bed to go to the bathroom. Then realized it was locked, " VERY MATURE OF YOU N'BEAM!!! Why are you being stubborn?" I yelled behind the closed door. I needed someone who would understand my point of view so I decided to call Park. Come to think of it, did Lam take his last name? *Out going call Park* " Well this is a first!!! Hahaha"-Park. " Why? I know you would be the one answering Lam's phone anyway. Must as well skip that step"... " Hahahaha, you make it sound like I'm always lurking on his phone... you just happen to call when he's not around. But congratulations on last night, we were so shit face drunk couldn't properly congratulate you brother"-Park. " Yea... there is already trouble in paradise, and I need your advice"... " I told you not to ask for ADVICE!!! Ever!!!" Lam said in the background. " I'm I on speaker? 🤦♂️"."We are a package buddy!!! We are always together!!!" -Lam... Good, now I can get both of their opinions. " Lam why did you take Park's last name?" I asked. " huh?? Hahaha what make you think I carry his last name? Is it because I'm a BOTTOM ?"-Lam said angrily. Wait!!! They announced them as the 'Anuwat's' at their wedding, I'm I missing something. " No!!! We use both last name's 'Boonsom-Anuwat' ... it sounded better in that order"-Park. Oh!!! That makes sense. Suddenly, Beam stormed out the bathroom all dressed, " I'm having brunch with my mother" he said and slammed the door. " is that sweet Beammie? What did you do to make him that mad?"- Lam said after hearing the door slammed. " Well I kinda assumed he would take my last name, you know!!! I mean I thought it was a given".... " Why do you feel like that? There you go assuming things and making decisions for the kid. You might be older but you guys are Partners now. Don't bully him with your age and the fact that you fuck him. He is also a man with pride at the end of the day. Fix this!!!"-Lam. I pondered on what he said, he does have a point. But we can't use both names, it's too long. " I'll do that, thanks for the advice guys. Bye".
I arrived at the restaurant where mother was downing mimosas like it was water. " Mom!!! It's only 11am, slow down with the drinks"... " well it's 5pm some where in the world kid".... I sat across from her and motioned the waiter over to place my order. " You are up early for a nearly engaged man, aren't you supposed to be moaning under your Man?"She said with a straight face and this made the waiter blushed. "Mother!!!..." I glared at her. " what? We all have SEX, why make it sound like taboo!..."when the waiter walked away, I finally asked, " is it that obvious that I'm the bottom?" .... My mother gave me a questionable look. " Hun!!! Even the aliens on Mars know you are the bottom.... there's no way Forth would let you TOP him. Do you want to TOP?" I looked at her, and realized that from the early beginning of our relationship I've assumed the docile role. I guess I've always thought of P'Forth as being more manlier than I. Even though I've done anal with women, it just doesn't feel right with P'Forth. Besides, I do enjoy being pampered and spoiled. I just ignored her question and brought up my reason for calling her. " P'Forth wants me to take his last name when we marry. I don't think that's fair. He already assumes a lot of roles in this relationship. And the least is for him to take my last name." I said. Mother just smiled and tilted her head. " Say something mother!!!"

Fanfiction"Why is this P' staring at me like that" Beam whispered to Kit who was busy fighting off Ming's cheesy advances at him. " Perhaps you have lipstick stains all over your shirt hahahahaha..."Kit. Forth in this story is an older man who falls for Beam...