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A/N: Hi Guys!!! Just finished one of my boards exams andI'm in a great mood. So here is another update for today.Also, thank you 🙏🏾 for taking the time to read. 😣😭

Over hearing N'Beam's conversation with Wayo's soon to be ex-boyfriend messed up my mood. Don't get me wrong I know N'Yo would not stay a child for ever, but in my eyes he would always be my little Yo who followed me everywhere. Last thing I want to hear is some douche bag BONING HIM!!! I gripped tightly on the steering wheel to subside my anger. Suddenly I heard a voice say "I'm sorry P'Forth, that came out wrong. I want take back my words. Please! Don't take it out on Ai'Pha"-N'Beam.

Gosh!!! That sweet voice will melt even the devil's heart. I took some deep breathe and looked out the window to calm my self so I won't sound pissed off. " Do you have younger siblings N'Beam?"... " Technically I do, but I didn't live with them. I'm my mother's only child" -N'Beam. I nodded after hearing that, I didn't know if I would get my point, but I proceeded anyway. " Okay, Wayo is the baby of my family. I dot on him a lot because he's the only memory of my aunt that we have. Him being taken advantage is not something I'll stand for. If that means I come off over protective and possessive then so be it"....

Beam hurriedly grabbed my arm and looked me in the face with those puppy eyes. "P' I can definitely vouche for Ai'Pha, he means well. He has like N'Yo since high school and I doubt do anything to harm or without N'Yo's consent".

The car went into silent after he said that. This kid is very mature for his age. He is attentive of others and knows to carry himself. I don't know about his Casanova side but this Beam that I'm getting to know is an all round good person. I couldn't help but to wonder why his hands were so warm when he touched me.I believe he might be running a fever.

" N'Beam, have you taken any medication for your headache. You felt like your temperature is high, you might be running a fever 🤒 "... He felt his forehead with the back of his Palm. "I do feel light headed a bit, but I don't think I'm running a fever though. I parked the car and reach over to feel his forehead. He was a bit startled because he wasn't expecting me to do that. " No you definitely have a fever, let's stop at the pharmacy before I drop you off".

He did not refute my request, he just nodded in agreement. We arrived at N'Pha's suite. Oh, so this is where that asshole lives I said to myself. I glanced at he address and memorized it, just in case I have to stop by and have a 'talk''with him. N'Beam met up with him and dropped off the parcel.I didn't bother to get out the car, because the sight  of N'Pha would have got my blood boiling again.

I stopped by the pharmacy and picked up some antipyretic  and antianalgesics. Upon, returning to the car I noticed N'Beam has dozed off. Luckily, I already had his address in my GPS, so I ordered some soup to be delivered to his apartment. My GPS lead me to a luxury apartment in the upscale side of town. This kid is living a bit too swanky for a college Student. I couldn't help but wonder why he did t live in the suites like his friends? It saddened me to wake him up but we had arrived at the destination.

" N'Beam..N'Beam", I tapped him on the shoulder. "Oh we are here, thanks a lot P'Forth.... "Don't mention N'Beam. And I ordered you some soup it should be here shortly. Make sure you take it and the medication". He nodded with a smile and said thank you. I almost wanted to walk him to his room,but I didn't want to impose. I rather I got invited, with that I went home.


I locked myself up in my room, while the party rage on downstairs. I witnessed something that truly broke my heart today. When I followed N'Beam out to the parking lot, he was really pissed off at me. I know what I did made him uncomfortable, but the moment I noticed him approaching P'Lam I was alarmed.

I noticed P'Lam was starring at Beam the entire time. I wasn't sure if he was into him, so I felt the need to stop anything before it started . Well, I found P'Lam is actually P'Parks fiancé. They even invited me to their wedding. After I apologized to Beam I went and purchased a bucket of roses and a box of chocolates. When I returned on campus, the competition over and everyone was leaving.

Then I saw it!!! P'Forth with those eyes looking like he has been struck by Cupid approaching Beam on the curb. Next , he followed him to the parking lot and they left in his car. I dropped the flowers on the ground because I was so heart broken. I've loved N'Beam since I set eyes on him during his freshman year and my junior year.

He attended the moon and star practice with his bestfriend Phana, who was the Moon of medicine. Beam was mostly there to pick up girls. He was so charming that women threw themselves at him. I'm used to getting people's attention with my wealth, but he is definitely not impressed by that.

I found out his family runs Barame Cooperations they deal in imports and exports, and own most of the luxury apartments in Bangkok. Currently, I don't know how to reach out to him. It seems he thinks I'm not sincere because I'm a flirt. Now that P'Forth is in the picture I have competition. But I won't let him take N'Beam from me without a fight. 😡

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