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A/N: Guys!!! My little fanfic made it to number 6 on top Fujoshi theme novels. Ahhhh!!!😭😱. I'm mind blown 🤯. Thank you all for reading!!! Truly, I write to release stress, I'm overwhelmed with the response.Thank you!!!!🤗🤪


" Well I've never gone camping before...ummm"...
" Oh, what is there to think about, is good to try new things Nong, you never know what might tickle your fancy" -P'Lam. P'Park chuckled and mumbled " I know what tickles your fancy babe lol"😉.... P'Forth shook his head upon hearing that remark.

" So what do you say, are you in?" I was still contemplating when P'Lam said, " is a done deal then, N'Beam is coming. Yay!!!. This is good, because now we would have an even team members for the paintball game". Wait what just happened, I didn't give an answer yet. Did I just get ambushed!!! " Don't fight it Nong, when Lammy makes up his mind it is final. Lol it is going to be lots of fun, I'll see to it that you have fun 😊" -P'Park. I did an awkward laugh, then I noticed P'Forth had on a big smile, I guess he doesn't oppose me tagging along either.


Lam invited Beam to our weekend getaway and I was shocked, because I've known Lam my entire life I've never seen him warm up to anyone that quickly. After dinner, I drove N'Beam home. He was awfully quiet and so was I. Even though it was silent , I felt a sense of warmth, with the mere presence of Beam. We finally arrived at his apartment, " we will leave early around 5am in the morning, make sure you layer up on clothing the temperature drops in the mountains"... He nodded and said, " drive safely P', I'll see you tomorrow goodnight".

Oh I almost forgot, " here, this is a gift I got you from S.Korea". "Oh, thank you P', see you tomorrow ". I watched him enter his apartment before driving off. I made a stop at the grocery store before heading home. I was in charge of the food and drinks for the trip. I bought a tin of Nescafé, next to it was hot coco. Immediately, I thought of N'Beam in his over sized T-shirt and shorts.

The thought alone made me smile, " I definitely should get a picture of him in that outfit next time lol". I added the hot coco to my basket, then went down the aisle and bought a bag of mashmellows too. Then I remembered, I only have one medium sleeping bag, I should get another one for Beam... I stopped in my tracks when it occurred to me I'll be able to snuggle with him if there was only one sleeping bag ☺️.


Upon arriving to my apartment, I had mixed emotions. I can't put into words these feelings I'm feeling towards P'Forth. Why did I obediently get into the car when he told me to? And why would it matter if I was hanging with P'Type. At first,P'Forth was just like an older brother to me, but tonight he acted like a jealous boyfriend....and the crazy part is, I felt guilty for making him mad.

I need to sort out my emotions, I haven't felt like this before. I opened the present he got me, it was a cute pajamas set lol. It has race cars on it. Crazy enough, when I was younger I had race car pj's just like it.
"I know I love race cars, but why this though, it makes me feel like I'm a child lol". Before I went to sleep I texted P'Forth.


My alarm went off at 4am in the morning, I turned it off and went and took a shower. I came back to a text that was sent at 11:32pm last night from N'Beam. Huh, this is out off character. The text said, " Thanks for the gift Phi, this brings back great childhood memories" I smiled upon seeing that. I got dressed and headed down to pick up N'Beam. Truth is, my house is only 2hours to the camp grounds and it would have been easier to have N'Beam sleep over than drive into town, but I didn't want to discomfort him.

It took about 35 minutes to get to Beam's place, he was all dressed up and ready to leave when I pulled up. " Hi P'Forth, can you open the trunk" he showed me his luggage 🧳. I burst out in laughter because it was very obvious this kid has never gone camping before." N'Beam we would have to hike to the camping grounds, and there is no way you can walk up the steep mountains with that luggage lol". 
" Do you have a smaller bag, something that would hold a two days worth of clothes?". He seem so lost, he is a very capable guy, but right now I'm wondering whether he has any survival skills lol.


I honestly didn't know what to pack for camping, so I grabbed everything I had in my closet. I always pictured Camping like in the movies, when they have the RV vans, I had no idea we had to hike to the site!!! What have I signed up for. Luckily, P'Forth had a backpack that could hold what I needed for the two days. It was weird seeing him pack my undies, that made me blush a bit.

Once we were done, we were set to leave. " Do you mind if I play some music, I need something that would keep me alert"-P'Forth. He started playing Bruno Mars. For a broad shoulders,tuff guy like him I didn't expect to listen to this genre of music lol. Then he started singing along... "OMG!!! P' you can sing???". He laughed so whole heartedly, it was indeed nice to see him in a pleasant mood.

" Yeap, that's how I won the Moon title my year"-P'Forth. " Oh wow I didn't know that". He smiled and continued singing. The drive to the mountains was 3 hours, but it didn't feel like it because P'Forth was really chatty and witty the entire time. If this is any indication of what awaits, this going to be a fun weekend 😊.

We were the last to arrive at the camp site," Ai'Forth, why did it take you longer to arrive than me. You only live 2hours from here" said a guy named P'Paul. Including me, there were eight of us on this camping trip. P'Forth just said, " I'm not that late Ai'Paul, and I can see you live in the gym now hahaha". He wasn't lying, this guy was swole. In fact, I might have been the skinniest and fairest among them. Most of them were field engineers, some mechanical engineers, electrical engineers and computer engineers. They were all part of the hazing team during their year.

" Forget Ai'Forth's manners, this is Nong Beam he attend our university" I over heard P'Lam say behind me. " I'm glad you came Nong" he smiled at me. P'Lam looked so radiant in the morning. " Shiaaaa, who is that angel??? He even got the ice king to smile hahaha", Lam rolled his eyes at the guy that said that, I found out later that his name is P'Can.
" N'Beam, come with me. Forth and Park are on food duty. They would come up later" said P'Lam.
" I miss you ALREADY!!!" said P'Park. All the guys pretended to throw up. Lol these guys are all funny, I can see why they've stayed friends all these years.

As we were hiking up the mountain, I couldn't help but noticed they all had on the gear bracelet that N'Ming gave Kit. P'Lam had on one too, but he wore his as a necklace." Hey, P'Lam... why do all the engineer students wear that gear bracelet". 
" Oh it is a symbol from our major, we get it for completing SOTUS" P'Lam. " Does it have a meaning, you guys never take it off?",he smiled at me and said, " you should ask Forth".

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