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Park and I were in charge of food preparation. We had to make sure we had the utensils, food, water and drinks that would sustain all of us. " So when are you going to ask N'Beam to become your boyfriend, I almost slipped up yesterday"- Park. " I plan on telling him tonight, in this setting he won't runaway when I pour my feelings out to him" hahaha

" I was observing him during dinner last night , he would sneak a glance at you from time to time... he might not be aware of his feelings but that kid likes you forth"- Park. It got silent while we work.
"I know you said you knew from first sight about Lam from were you able to tell". 
" I don't know how to explain it, there was a force that drew me to him. But I knew for certain ,when he was the first and last person I thought of when I woke up and when I went to bed"-Park.

I threw a piece of bread at him hahaha " why are you so cheesy Park?"... " Before, I forget I want you to sing Kiss from a rose  by Seal when we walk down the isle, that's Lammy's favorite song lol". Awwww, for a guy whom a lot might find scary, Park is very romantic. " Of course I would buddy" lol.

" Okay! Guys let's break up in teams. Tent builders get your stuff and for wood collectors set out. We have paintball in an hour go! Go! Go!"-P'Lam. When I first met P'Lam I found it hard to believe he was part of the Sotus hazing team, but witnessing him give orders right now made it make sense. 

" N'Beam, you are with me on firewood duty, collect the dry fallen branches. We need enough for tonight and for cooking". Indeed, within an hour we had enough firewood to last us a week, the tents were set up. They even had the food all prep in baskets and hung them from the trees to protect it from animals. We broke up into 4 teams for the paint ball game. I was on the same team with P'Forth, P'Lam, and P'Park. We took down two of the other team in less than 30 minutes. P'Forth was my cover, and P'Park was Lam's. P'Lam was almost shot, but P'Park took the bullet for him.

Even in pretend play, he doesn't play about his MAN. " Duck,duck, Beam!!!", before I knew it I was shot. It was two against two now. P'Forth and P'Lam were a great duo. It was as if they knew what the other was thinking. They ended up winning for our team. We played a couple times until sunset.

I haven't had this much fun in a while, as we were walking back to our base. I tripped on a root of a tree and fell in a pool of muddy water.  " N'Beam are you okay" P'Paul help me up. I saw P'Forth rushed over to me, and inspect me. "Are you okay, did you break anything..,damn you are drenched".

" Ai'Forth he only fell hahaha, you are acting like he went to war" -P'Can. They all laughed, but P'Forth didn't find it funny, " can you walk? do you need me to carry you?"-P'Forth. "I'm fine Phi, I just need to wash off and wear dry clothes",he grabbed my wrist and dragged me back to camp.

I washed up and put on dry clothes. I was shivering a bit, but then the camp fire was set up. I sat next to the fire and warmed up. We had hot dogs and burgers for dinner. I was having so much fun, listening to their old college stories.

" So P'Forth, how did you and P'Lam become friends" I asked... " Yea, great question Nong, I always wonder how Lam never considered Forth and ended up with this bear 🐻 lol?" -P'Can. P'Park threw a can of beer at him after he said that and they all laughed. " Lam's mom and my mom are bestfriends, they had me and Lam 3 months apart. So we did a lot of first things together. Honestly, I can't think of a childhood memory without Lam in it"-P'Forth.

I nodded and P'Lam looked at his best friend and smiled. "Yea, our mother's wanted to marry off their kids, but they both had all boys"-P'Lam. "Well technically they still can, I mean..." -P'Can. " IF YOU WANT TO DIE, FINISH THAT SENTENCE CAN!!"P'Park yelled at P'Can in mid sentence.

P'Lam laughed and said, " It's only a joke babe!!!"... P'Park glared at him, "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???". It got dead silent, because obviously P'Park didn't find none of it funny and stormed off into their tent,with Lam following behind "Park,Park!!! DADDY!! Don't be mad at me.".... " Well let's pray for Lam's ASS , he won't be able to sit for a week". P'Can. They all burst out in laughter.


" Time to pair up for tents, I choose N'Beam"-Ai'Can. Everybody turn to me after he said that, this guy has been cracking jokes all day but this is where I draw the line. I glared at him," oh!! Calm down Forth I was only  joking 🙃"-Ai'Can. Like hell he was, he was the biggest player during our year.

" well goodnight guys, see you in the morning." Paul went to bed, followed by the rest except Beam and I. " Do you want some hot coco N'Beam, it is windy out here"... He nodded, and I returned with a cup of hot coco with mashmellows. His face lit up when he saw the mashmellows, " thank you P'Forth". I went inside to set up our sleeping bags."Nong, you can come in when ever you are ready just pour water over the fire"... he nodded and said goodnight.


I decided to sip my hot coco slowly, I was nervous to share a tent with P'Forth. The last time we were alone like this he ended up pecking me on the forehead. I was waiting for him to fall deep asleep before going in, but the wind was too strong and the temperature was dropping.

It was really cold, I went inside to find P'Forth already asleep . Great!!! He is asleep, I looked around for another sleeping bag but there was none. Shit!!! He got a couples sleeping bag. I ended up sleeping on the floor of the tent with my blanket covered over me. That wasn't enough because I started shivering from the cold.

I was aware of  when N'Beam enter the tent, I guess he wanted me to fall deep asleep before coming to sleep. I had my back facing him at first, but when I turned around his teeth was chattering from the cold 🥶. " Nong, N'Beam!!! Get in the sleeping bag, before you freeze".

With his teeth chattering he said, "I'm okay phi"... why is this boy acting stubborn, does he think I'll do something to him? "Nong!!! Get in the bag now!!! You are going to freeze to death!'... he shook his head no. Arghhh this kid!! I got up and carried him inside the bag. OMGosh, he was cold as ice. I proceeded to take off my top, " What are you doing Phi", he said with wide eyes.


I don't know what is going on but P'Forth took off his top. I was shocked to see the dragon 🐉 tattoo on his shoulders going down his back. I gasped when he got in the sleeping back and pulled me into his embrace. " I'm just trying to warm you up with my body heat. Would you stop acting like a virgin wife in bed with her husband"-P'Forth.

He chuckled after he said that. I guess he read my mind. Next, he proceeded to unbutton my shirt. "P'Forth!!!"... "We have to generate heat Beam, calm down. I won't do anything without your consent ", after he said that he pulled me into his embrace.He wasn't lying we did generate more body heat that way, then slowly I started to doze off to sleep.


If I don't say it now, I don't know when I can build up the courage do so. Here goes nothing, " Beam... are you asleep? All I need you to do is listen okay!?". I knew he wasn't deep asleep." I have a confession to make to you N'Beam. I'm in LOVE with you, I don't know when it started , but thoughts of you have been plaguing my mind ever since I set eyes on you" I sighed and took a deep breath .

" I like you so much, that the sight of you with someone else hurts my heart. I've been secretly courting you for a couple of weeks now. I'm not expecting an answer right away. But can you think this over please?!! Even if an ounce of you have any feelings for me I'll take it 🥰. I took off my gear bracelet and put it on his wrist. I pecked him on the cheek and dozed off to sleep.

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