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A/N: I've been pondering on two scenarios on how to end this fanfic. Finally, decided on the ending I want to go with. Thanks faithful readers, this story will be wrapping up SOON. 🤧🥺

" Hi hun, I'm here with Wayo. He is no longer a baby, he's already dating and in college hahaha, can you believe that? I wish you could see what a beautiful being we made together. I know you are looking over us from heaven..."... I stood by my mothers grave as my Dad update her about our lives. Today marks 13 years since her passing. This time of the year is hard for my family, but mostly my father. My mother was his first love, and they were high-school sweethearts. I am getting older, and I wish he would get remarry. He is only in his 40's, still young enough to remarry. " Hi mom, I brought you some daisy's, your favorite..." we lit a candle and said a prayer then said our good byes.

" Did you tell your boyfriend I want to meet him tomorrow?"-Dad said during our drive back home. " Yes.. he said he is excited to meet you" I said but the truth is P'Pha is a bit nervous to meet him, but at least I'll be there with him. I promised him Dad is harmless, he just wants to get acquainted. " Tell him to meet me at the Cafe Au Lait restaurant by 12 pm"... I nodded, and responded with " We will meet you there..."... " NO!... Tell him to come by himself. Why??? he can't have a word with me alone?"He asked with a straight face. My father use a soft tone with me, I only see this expression and tone of his when he's dealing with his employees. I couldn't help but worry a bit, " hahahah are you worried I'll hurt your boyfriend?" I guess he read my mind. "NO!.. it's just your first time meeting... and it will be awkward if it's just you two"... "If his intentions is good, then it shouldn't be awkward , should it?"- Dad. Again I nodded my head and looked out the window.

"WHAT???? WHY??...." I said when Phana called about N'Yo's Dad. Apparently, he wanted to meet him by himself. " I met him... he wasn't pleased to hear you were fucking his son".... " SHIT!!! Ai'Beam!!! No wonder he wants to see me alone. Is he going to kill me?"-Phana. P'Forth walked into the living room when he heard me yelling. I looked at him with worried eyes, " is my friend safe with your Uncle?"... " what the HELL, he is not a mobster... give me the phone" P'Forth took the phone from me. " Nong Pha, do you have younger siblings.... any sisters?..." I didn't hear Pha's answers but I knew he had no sisters just two younger brothers. " Wayo, is his fathers only immediate relative and only child. He is just a concerned father. Show up tomorrow and be sincere as a MAN should. He is just worried about his son...goodbye" P'Forth said and then hung up the phone.

Uncle Arthit is possessive but he is harmless, I don't know why this guy is worried to meet him if his intentions were pure. " Nong Yo is a sheltered kid, his father only wants to know who is in his life. I believe he know all there is to know about PHANA by now. Meeting him is just formalities. Your friend better make be good to N'Yo... then nothing BAD will happen to him" N'BEAM looked at me startled. " I'll do the same if I have a child like Wayo"....he nodded his as if he finally understood my sentiments.

We settled in and are now having dinner. I've been meaning to ask N'Beam about his decision about moving in with me. " So Nong, did you give it a thought? about moving in with me?"... he took a sip of his juice and then looked back at me. " Yea... I don't think it's a good idea...", I dropped my fork, that was not the response I was hoping to hear "...W why???..." I asked. " Well your place is too far from campus, I really don't want to commute that far"... hmmmm I was disappointed with the response, but I managed a smile for him. " I'll be here every weekend..." he said. Then a light bulb went off in my head, " ...or I can just move in with YOU!"

He wants to leave his mansion to live in my small ass apartment? I wouldn't mind but I know he would be a distraction. He couldn't even hold himself at his parents, none the less coupe up in an apartment alone when I have school work. " Phi... I think you would be a distraction... I'll be going into my 3rd year and that's the hardest year for my major. Let's do the weekend only for now. Okay?"... he just nodded his head and smile. After dinner, I couldn't help but feel like P'Forth was giving me the silent treatment. We were laying in bed, I was watching T.V., while he worked on his laptop. This is weird, because he is normally very touchy feely, but currently he is not paying me any mind. " Do you have a conference coming up?" He nodded his head Yes. Hmmm, " is everything okay Phi?" He nodded his head yes. WTF , 🤨 why the silent treatment? Is it because I'm not moving in?

Beam kept asking me questions,but I didn't have it in me to face him now. Honestly, my feelings was hurt that he wouldn't allow me to move in with him. I get it!!! My home is far from the campus, and I believe moving into his apartment was a reasonable compromise.I'm trying distract myself from getting mad. Next , he turned off the T.V.and snuggle on my side. " I'm working right now Nong" I said. He looked at me with sad eyes, " are you mad at me Phi?"... I shook my head no. He grabbed the pillow and hit me on the head with it several times. I reached for his wrist to stop him... "YES!!! Nong.... yess I'm mad!!! Why can't I move in with you? I know when not to disturb you... Do you even have feelings for me???? A part of me die, whenever we part ways. Hell, I can't even sleep unless I watch you sleep!!. And you don't seem to even care about me. You didn't even bother to give it a thought when I said I'll move in. It's like you DON'T LOVE ME!!!" I screamed the last part but he was just watching me rant on. Then suddenly, his facial expression changed.
Wow P'Forth is really upset with my answer and is ranting about it. I've never seen this side of him before.... I was listening to his rant feeling bad up until he said "I can't sleep, unless I watch you sleep..".... " what did you just say?"...: "Huh?... I don't feel like you love me!"... "No!!!before that?"... " That I can't stay apart from you?"... " No!!! AFTER THAT!!"...He looked at me trying to figure what he said that I was so hung up on...I searched in his eyes to see if he honestly didn't know what I was asking him about. " YOU SAID!! 'I can't sleep, unless I watch you sleep' what did you mean you watch me? 🤨. He looked surprised and just gazed at me in horror " ummm, I mixed up my words... you heard wrong"... "I definitely didn't, I heard you crystal clear!!!"... as if hit by lightning 🌩. " Do you have cameras in my room!????! PHI!!!!.... is that why who was in my apartment with me last time?" He knelt next to me, "I'm sorry Beam, I didn't do it to spy on you.I've been meaning to have them taken out. I haven't done it since you had Ai'Pha over".

My eyes widen with shock, I pushed him to the said and grabbed my phone and stormed off outside. I could hear him calling out behind me, " let's talk Nong, it's not what it sound like!!! I only did it because I'm concerned!!! Beam. BEAMMIE!!!"... before he could catch up, I hop into a taxi that was conveniently waiting outside the gate. I gave the driver my address and we drove off. I was busy racking my brain that, I didn't bother to look at the road. But, I noticed a sign saying, *Now leaving Bangkok* huh???. " Hey , Driver you are heading the wrong way!!!"... " No, I'm not Nong.." that voice!!! where have I heard it before? " P'TYPE!!!" 😳... He pulled the car to the side of the road, got out and opened the back seat and said " Long time no see Beam, MISS ME???". He took my phone and covered my face with a white handkerchief. I suddenly felt drowsy * oh fuck, I've been sedated... HELP P'Forr 😭!!*

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