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P'Type showed me the rest of the cabin, it was two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. The living area had shelves covered with books. " I use to come here as a kid by myself and read" P'Type said pointing at the shelves that have over five thousand books arranged in alphabetical order.He walked over to the couch and motion for me to sit next to him. " Do you know why I was attracted to you in the first place? Aside from your beautiful face? 😏" he said while rubbing my thigh. I gulped because I knew this could end up like last time. I didn't want to trigger him so I just shook my head no. He leaned in and sniffed my hair. " You reminded me of myself" he said whispering next to my ear. I could feel his hot breathe on me. I started looking around for something to fend him  off if anything was to happen. While my eyes roamed the room I noticed my cellphone, watch, and his car keys... I started thinking of what I could do next. " I saw those lonely eyes and saw my reflection in them, and knew we were kindred spirits"-P'Type.

It was currently sunset and I could see all the trees, and here the sounds of animals. I wonder what type of wild animals could be lurking out there. I was knocked out when he brought me here, so I don't have a clue as to how exit this jungle. I kept thinking of a plan, then I felt his hand creeping up my thigh. I jumped abruptly, and said " P pphi, I didn't finish my ramen 🍜", he looked at me sideways. At first he was angry 😠 I jumped up like that, then he said " arghhh, you ruined the mood Nong..." then he stood up rubbed my cheeks and whispered, " but we've got all the time in the world...Don't be coy" he said and went back to the room to grab our food. Meanwhile, I noticed a pocket knife by the lamp. I quickly put it in my pocket and sat down. My heart was racing, but I knew if anything went down I was not going down without a fight.

We are an hour away from where the GPS is picking up N'Beam's signal. Park who was in the back of the helicopter was loading a gun, " We are in the middle of the jungle we need protection from animals and that animal"- Park. We rushed out of the house so fast that I didn't reason out a plan. All I could think of was getting My MAN back, That it didn't occur to me that this man could be armed. I hope that asshole hasn't done nothing stupid to him. My blood was boiling just from the thought. "This is for you Forth, I have one on me"- Park. Lam smiled at his fiancé, and looked in my direction. " we will find N'Beam in one piece Forth, Beam is stronger than you think he is." He said as if he could read my mind. I hope so Lam, I thought to myself 😞🥺 I HOPE SO.

~ Beam~
While we were finishing our ramen I asked P'Type " So what is your plan? We can't be here forever we would run out of provisions. Are you going to abandon civilization all together?"... he laughed as if what I said was the funniest thing he has ever heard. " No Nong, I'm still on track to graduate. I have some business deals lined up. Once I'm settle WE will move out of here"-P'Type. 'We' !!! This asshole really has me fucked up. That's his brilliant plan??!!!? He might be book smart but he come off very oblivious to reality... " Hmmm, so what about my dreams. You just going to lock me up?"... he looked up from his finished bowl of ramen. " I'll make enough money to take care of you, don't worry. I just want you to myself, can't do that if you are out there for everyone. Especially that Forth... I wish I could see that smug face of his now that you are MINE"-P'Type. I just looked at him in silence, there is no use arguing with crazy. But one thing I knew for sure was that I'll be escaping this place tonight. I rather face whatever animal is out there than this ANIMAL.

After I got off the phone with P'Forth I was surprised to see Ms. Baramee get out the car with a bunch of men in black. " Auntie!!! When did you arrive?"... " Just now, I can't get hold of Forth. what is the status?" I gave her the coordinates, and she handed it to one of the men in black and He just nodded after looking at it. This is the most disheveled I've ever seen Ms. Baramee, she is always prim and proper, but she showed up in sweats and although she had on shades I could tell she has been crying. " Let's go get my SON!!"... Soon a helicopter appeared out of the blue and she hoped in. " Wait!!! I'm coming with you." I said, she hesitated and then motioned me to get in with them. I called Ai'Kit to let him know, but they had set out on the road with a GPS already heading there. " We set out on the road the moment you text the coordinates Ai,Pha. We will see you there..." before I could even ask what was on my mind I heard N'Ming say, " No!!! Wayo did not come along"..... I sighed with relief, I can't look for my friend if I'm worrying about Yo's safety " Alright, lets go get Beam!!!"

After our little conversation I picked up a book to read, while P'Type dozed off in the couch. I looked towards the door and where the car keys were. It was about a yard in distance. I pretended to read while peaking at P'Type to see whether he was still sleeping. It looked like he was deep asleep now. I slowly tiptoe toward the keys trying not to make any alarming sound. I reached for the pocket knife when I got closer. Then suddenly I heard a loud tottering sound nearing the cabin. It sounded like a helicopter. P'Type also awoke from the sound, clearing his eyes with his palm he rushed to the door opened it and noticed a helicopter looking for landing. He quickly yelled at me to put on shoes and he rushed for his backpack, grabbed the keys and phone. I quickly put the watch in my pocket, I was not leaving without it. As a matter of fact, I've taken it off since I got it, except to shower.P'Type grabbed me by my wrist and pushed me out the door. I was surprised to see we were in the middle of the jungle with no path. I also noticed P'Types Car was not out here. As a matter of fact no form of transportation can come up here.

Suddenly, the strong light from the helicopter shone on us. " Beammie!!!!Beam!!!!is that YOU?"I heard P'Forth's voice. I waved my hands and screamed back " P'Forth!!!! I'm here!!!!" Before I could say another word P' Type covered my mouth and pull me into the thick darkness of the jungle. I knew I had to fight back, I bit him pulled away and reached for the pocket knife. " Back off or I'll stab you!!!" I yelled. He looked at me calmly and reached for a pistol in his back pocket. "Put it down or I'll shoot you..." I looked him stern in the eyes then he said through tears, " If I can't have you Nong,then nobody can!!!". *BANG!!BANG!!* shots went off. Everything seem to be in slow motion.I want to wake up from this nightmare as I felled and rolled down the hill.

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