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Where did I go wrong? We were okay the night before...I called Beam's Phone, but he kept sending me to voicemail.After the nth time calling, I grabbed my keys and headed back to his apartment.
*Bam!Bam!!Bam!!!! "Open the door N'Beam!!! I swear if you don't open this door I'll break it down!!!"... I heard light footsteps close to the door.  I softened my tone, "Beam!!! Nong !can you please open the door so we can talk. Please!!!" I want to talk to him , I needed him to look into my eyes so he would understand I meant what I said when I professed my love for him.

I was about to say something else when I heard, "Y-you said you would give me time P'.... I need time to process this okay!!"-N'Beam. I got teary eyes, he's avoiding me because of my confession 😣. Alright then I'll give him time.... "Okay Nong... Take all the time you need, because I know for certain my feelings for you won't change. I'll wait for you okay!!".I pull myself together, then headed home. I couldn't help but smile, "N'Beam, why are you so adorable 😍".


I rushed back to my apartment, after I got out of P'Forths car.I tried acting nonchalantly, but it's obvious my emotions deceived me. I am not sure about what or how I feel. I need time to sort out my feelings. *in coming call from P'Forth* My heart thump when I saw his name, then I clicked deny. He called multiple times and I kept sending him to voicemail. I wanted to call someone, I needed to clear my head. I called Phana.. "Ai'Pha, are you home?"

"I'm going to the movies with N'Yo. Do you want to come with us?".... oh I thought for a moment, I just need to occupy my mind for a while. " Okay Pha, I'll meet you at the Mall. As I was about to head out I heard P'Forth banging on my door. Then I told him he should give me sometime. He gave me his word. I texted Phana I won't be meeting with him after all, am so distraught I really want to tell Ai'Pha. But I just ended up snuggling with my pillow.

It has been two days since P'Forth promised to give me space, and he did. I hope he's doing well, he sounded heart broken the last we spoke. Normally,I have lunch by myself, but both Phana and Kit have their boyfriends here today. After I texted and cancelled going to the movie's, Phana wanted to spend time with me. He claims I've been acting secretive, I mean I have been but I don't want to be the third wheel all the time.

"P'Beam, did you go to the bar this weekend? You been MIA lately"- N'Yo. I smiled and said, " nah I've been preparing for finals, our exams start next week"... Ai'Kit laughed and said, "N'Yo, Beammie is on a sex detox, he is trying to cleanse himself now hahaha". This grumpy kitty always being a smart ass, and his boyfriend was awfully quiet today. N'Ming normally part takes in his boyfriend's banters, but not today. I noticed him glanced in my direction a few times already . Do I have something on my shirt?


P'Beam have been weird lately, his friends aren't attentive but I'm very observant. He keeps to himself a lot nowadays and he completely stopped playing. But today he had something that made me question whether he is in a relationship, specifically with an engineering student. The bracelet I gave P'Kit, is not a mere bracelet. The emblem represents the heart of an engineer and having someone else's wear it is an indication that you are giving them your heart to have them care for it. Also, it is an indication of one marking their territory . P'Beam had it on yesterday and today too. Is P'Type dating P'Beam 😦? Did he finally get P'Beam to fall for him? I'll check to see if he still has on his bracelet.

It has been two day since I last spoke with N'Beam. I've been refraining from texting or calling as I promised. I am currently at a conference about an hour from the city,but my mind is elsewhere. I hope I didn't chase him away with my sudden confession.

I kept replaying the scene in my head, of Beam telling me to give him time, he sounded distraught 😩. Next, I called a flower shop and ordered 1o dozens of roses to be sent to Beams apartment. I mean Just because I said I would not contact him,doesn't mean I can't send him roses, and a card, and a teddy bear 🧸😊.


After classes today, Phana insisted I had dinner with him and N'Yo... I'm really tired of these two dragging me around while they are being all lovey dovey 🙄. As we were eating, the waiter brought me a paper with a phone number on it. "This is from the gentleman from the other table"-Waiter. I turned towards the direction he pointed at. A middle aged man smiled and waved at him.

"WTF, Tell him I'm not interested". Phana laughed hysterically, " Don't read into it too much Ai'Beam, probably because I'm with Yo he assumed you play for this team". I sigh, " Ai'Pha do I come across like I'm into men?" Phana stopped laughing when I said that, "Beam!!! I was just joking, and I believe the man made a mistake"-Phana. " Nah!!! P'Pha... P'Beam is actually too pretty for a guy. I honestly use to think you two were an item at first. You dot on him more than you do P'Kit"- N'Yo.

"WHAT!!!!!" both Phana and I said at the same time. " Yeah!!! He is attractive, not only women but men check him out when we go out. P'Type likes him, P'Forth likes ...oops 🤭"-N'Yo. I tensed up when Wayo said that, OMGosh have P'Forth told N'Yo he likes me 😳? I couldn't help but wonder who else knows he likes me?

But sitting across from me was my helicopter dad Pha with the wtf face. He turned and faced N'Yo
" who the fuck else like Beam? I know P'Type jokes around. but P'Forth!!!! When did he say that?" N'Yo hesitated but then he said, " during the moon competition!!! He told me he would start courting P'Beam". Oh shit !!! Here goes nothing... Phana looked me in the eyes, and said "is any of this true, have P'Forth been courting you?" I looked down at my fork and nodded.

I was expecting an outburst but rather he asked, " are you okay with that Beam?"... I don't know why but I got teary eye, and told Pha everything that has been going on and P'Forth's confession.
After I was done, all I heard was "P'FORTH TOOK YOU CAMPING BEFORE ME!!"-N'Yo. Hahaha well P'Forth you got an angry N'Yo to deal with . We left the restaurant with Phana telling me " Beam, don't run away from your emotions. Love doesn't have to make sense. Let your heart lead the way". With that we parted ways. I arrived at my apartment to find buckets of roses 🌹 and P'Type by my door with a card in his hand.

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