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When I returned to the room Beam was still in the study with both his parents. There was no sounds of commotion, so I presumed they were good. " Hi, best man. Are you ready for next week?" Park said while arriving with Lam. " Oh yea... I'm ready!!! Are you ready to be off the market?lol"... Lam glared at me when I asked that. " He has been off the market ever since I came into his life"- Lam said sarcastically while rolling his eyes. " Don't you mean ever since you came in his mouth?Hahahaha...." P-Mew. These brothers of mine would never grow up, still childish as before. Earth walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my neck, then leaned in to whisper " So word on the street is that you are NEXT!!"-P'Earth. He said smiling and patting me on the head. I guess my parents filled them in already. I wanted to talk about my plans on proposing when the door to the study opened. Ms. Baramee walked out first then I looked behind to see if N'Beam and his father would follow, but that was not the case. They were in there up until it was time to eat. N'Beam sat next to me with a smile. He is normally beaming, but he was more radiant and the happiest I've seen him in a while. I guess their conversation went well.

Father and I caught up on work, school, and relationships before joining the rest. We promised each other to talk on the phone at least once a week, and he wanted to plan a trip with him and my sisters, for us to get to know each other. Apparently, they've been asking to meet me for a long time. When we got to the table I sat next to P'Forth, who was looking at me for any sign of distress. But I smiled to reassure him everything was good. I couldn't help but notice the resemblance between my fathers new wife and Aunt Sheila. It was uncanny, this man set out for her doppelgänger. I had the opportunity to converse with her later on in the evening . I can see why he married her, she is really funny and easy going. A complete opposite from mother, then I looked over to the Garden where mother was giggling with Tharn. Everyone seem at peace, I'm glad I attended this dinner. It had a great outcome.

Ahhhh, it has been a week after Easter holiday. This day is finally here!!!! LAM AND PARKS big day. Everything is going smooth, but the best part was when I sung Lam's favorite song 'Kiss from a Rose' as he walked down the aisle. Everyone but him knew that I'll be singing today. It was a beautiful ceremony, Lam wore a white Tuxedo while Park wore a dark blue one. Both of their hair were perfectly coiffed. Lam even shed tears while reading his vows, I couldn't help but glance at N'Beam and picture us on this day. " Focus!!!!" He mouthed the word to me to snap me out of my daze. They were waiting for me to hand them the rings. Oh boy!!Lam gave me the look of death, which made the entire crowd laughed.  The reception was beautiful as well, it was filled with laughter and people dancing. I wrapped my arms on Beam's waste, " You look extra handsome today babe..." he smiled at me... " Let's go dance P'Forth", N'Yo showed up out the blue to drag me to the dance floor.  Beam and Phana joined us , and we danced the night away.

It has been a few months since P'Lam and P'Parks wedding. Today is also, my last day of finals, and starting next semester I'll be starting my residency. I'm so happy to have time off to spend with P'Forth before that. But P'Forth has been busy of late, for a couple of weeks now he works more in the office and not from home as he used to. He also has a lot of conferences he attend than before. We have been communicating via FaceTime and I have not seen him in two days. I wanted to hang out with my friends but they all have plans with their boyfriends. I guess I'm spending the night by myself. I suddenly received a text from P'Forth, " Hi hun, I just landed in Bangkok. Meet me at the racetrack at 5pm. I got tickets for a live show". This is odd, I'm a big fan and up to date on when the show is in town. Well at least P'Forth is back in town!!!! 🥳 and that's all I care about now. I'm going to shower and head over to the race track.

One by one friends and family started to trickle in. I have been preparing for this day for months and I wanted everything to go as planed. " Hi P'Forth!!!! Beam doesn't have a clue!!! He thinks we all ditched him for solo dates" N'Kit... " Good job guys, I know it must have been hard sitting on that secret for a month"... " You have no idea, I had to follow Kitty to make sure he didn't spill the beans. He really can't keep secrets hahaha"N'Ming. This comment earned him a nudge on the side from Kit. Everyone that matters to Beam was here, his parents and their spouses and even his sisters. This was my first time meeting them and they are lovely. My parents and siblings were there too. And Lam and Park just arrived with the ring. I hired a chef from Beams favorite Korean restaurant from our first outing together. This couldn't be perfect, I'm excited and anxious at the same time. "You are ready for this Son, I can't picture a better partner for you than Beam" father said patting me on the back. " Shhhhh, 🤫 P'Beam is here"- N'Yo.

I texted P'Forth when I arrived at the race track to confirm if there was still and event because the place was a bit empty for a race show. He told me it was a private show and I should enter from the main entrance. The I enter four high Beams went off, and I could hear P'Forth singing over the speakers. " What is going on here???" After he was done, huge sign boards went up other words, " WILL YOU MARRY ME" on them. I immediately gasped, then from behind I felt a hand tap on my shoulder. When I turned P'Forth was on his knee, " Will you marry me Beam Baramee"-P'Forth. I was overwhelmed with emotions, the place was dead silent that I could hear a pin drop. I looked him in the eyes and said, " Not only in this lifetime, but also the next. YES!!!! I'll marry you"... Suddenly, fireworks went off and a band started playing music. Then out of the woodwork was my family and friends running to the field screaming " CONGRATULATIONS 🍾🎉🎊". I was still in a daze, it felt so surreal. " it is not official until I put the ring on Nong!! Hahaha". He put the ring on and what followed was a wild night of karaoke, food, dancing and just good energy. 😌 I guess I have a wedding to plan.

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