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I woke up in the middle of the night in the embrace of P'Forth.  The news about my father wanting to meet me filled with so many emotions that I couldn't comprehend. I was mad, sad, happy, and wary at the same damn time. It has been 13 years since I last set eyes on my father. There were no phone calls on holidays or even birthdays. He literally erased me out of his life and started afresh. At first, I thought it would be best if we did not attend the Easter get together, I wouldn't want to put a damper on a jovial day. Then again, I want closure from him. I have questions that I needed answered. I am happy in this new chapter of life, but I need to sort out my past. "Are you up?" P'Forth said, as I tried to move out of his embrace. I nodded my head, then replied with " Yes..I am". He hates it when I don't use my words. He glanced at the time, " it's only 2am... why you can't sleep?". " Yeah, I was thinking about my Dad. I think I'm ready to see him".... P'Forth smiled and opened up his arm. " I'm glad you came to that conclusion... and I'll be right by you if you feel overwhelmed. Okay?... Now, let's get some sleep".-P'Forth.

We are on our way to my parents for Easter celebration. I keep glancing over at my boyfriend, who is biting his finger nails. I can tell he is nervous, because that's the only time he bites his nails. " You know... it's not too late to turn around. I can tell my parents you weren't feeling up to it"... " he looked at me with those puppy eyes of his. " I'm fine P'Forth!!!. I'm just a little anxious. Mother would be there with her fiancé. Dad with his new family... I'm worried this whole meeting would end with someone in the hospitals and another in jail"- N'Beam " Hahahaha, these are adults. I doubt anybody would be having a fist fight". He just huffed in annoyance and looked out the window. He look so cute when he is mad, it's hard for me to take him serious. When we pulled up to the house, P'Mew and P'Earth we're having drinks at the garden. " Hey little bro!!!and little bro's boyfriend!! Hahaha" P'Mew. I can tell these two buffoons were already drunk. They do this every year. " You know he has a name right???"... " Yeah!!! What is it? Baby???? Hahaha"-P'Earth. No need entertaining these fools. So I got out bags and headed inside.


I was shocked at the scene when we entered the main house... there in the living room were my parents, having a civil conversation!!!! Mother was not raining insults, but rather smiling and laughing at whatever they were conversing about. P'Forth nudged me and whispered " it doesn't look like a blood bath here... go talk to them I have to put our stuff in our room"-P'Forth. As soon as he said that, aunt Sheila stated " Forth!!!! You sharing room with Mew!...". All the adults who were busy engaging in their conversation turned to where we stood by the entrance. " Sheila!!! You know these two already fuck like rabbits. No need putting them in separate rooms" Mother. My cheeks turned crimson red, I felt so embarrassed. It wasn't only my parents, but P'Forth's,P'Park's, P'Lam's, N'Yo's Dad, Tharn and a lady whom a presumed to be my father's new wife. Then my father stood up, a bit hesitant, but walked over and asked " Can we have a talk?...Son".  Hearing my father call me Son almost brought me to tears. I just looked him in the eyes and nodded. I followed him to Mr. Jaturapooms study room.

Upon arrival, I shut the door and my father offered to pour me some whiskey 🥃. " No Sir, I don't drink". He seem shocked to hear me call him Sir, I mean we are practically strangers. Why would I refer to him as anything else. " Sir??? .... hmmm, I guess that's fair enough. I don't deserve to be called Father"....  we sat in silence for a minute, but it felt like an eternity. " So what made you want to come around?" I asked looking him in the eye. " Well, Kiet reached out to me... and, in all honesty. I've been thinking of a way to get in touch with you over the years".... " What stopped you? It wasn't like you didn't know where I lived.... hell, I've had the same phone number for all these years. I didn't want to change it in hopes you might call me one day" I said.

I could feel the anger brewing in me....He didn't alter a word but stare at his glass of whisky 🥃. " The divorce brought on so much anger and resentment. When your mother changed your last name. I figured you have moved on too!!" He finally said. " Hmmm, so you didn't only divorced my mother but me too?.... Do you have any idea what a shit show my life has been? I felt lost in this world, I felt unwanted"... I burst out in anger. What he did next took me by surprise. The wrapped his arm around me and started crying, " I'm sorry Son... I can't change the past but I'm will to reconcile for the future. I want to do right by you henceforth" he said. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, we both wept in an embrace.
After about 5 minutes of just shedding tears and hugging, " Also your mother promised to cut off my balls if I do wrong by you... hahaha , I was married to that woman long enough to know she meant every word"... he both laughed. We sat back down, " I reached out to your mother after Kiet told me you was dating Forth... I honestly knew it was destiny because that kid loved you as a baby", I looked over at dad in surprise. " Hahahaha, I caught him kiss you on the cheek when you were about a year old. He use to call you 'sleeping beauty' Hahahaha. He thought you was a girl".... "I was out of the country when your mother told me bout your kidnapping... that woman is stronger and braver than most men, but the way wept that day. I couldn't sit still so I sent the black opts with her to find you...I don't want to be a stranger I. Your life anymore, I understand if you are not ready to call me your father. But, I'll be happy to be in your life and I want your little sisters to get to know you too"... " I have sisters?" I said while smiling. He nodded, " Yea, Leah and Prai... twins. They couldn't come with us, they are visiting their maternal grandparents" he said showing me their pictures. We heard a knock at the door, " Is everything okay here?" Mother. She walked over to us. " Son did you get your answers?" She asked and I nodded. She lifted my chin, " I'm also sorry... we were young and dumb that we forgot what truly matters... You!! Forgive me, for being an incompetent mother" ... I hugged my mom and I could feel my father patting me on the back. At this very moment, I felt at peace. I felt like I was 5 year old, that was the last time I felt the warmth of both my parents.

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