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I am currently standing in front of the mirror trying on my fifth outfit already. My palms is sweaty, my heart is racing, I have never felt his nervous before. Not even during my big pitch to CEOs of big Cooperations. I don't know why I'm even bothering, unlike Beam would notice any way. Why does it feel so warm in here, the A.C. is on high but I feel hot. I took a second shower, and decided to go with my first outfit.

A regular white T-Shirt with blue jeans, off- white sneakers and my Rolex with my Sotus gear. I looked at my worn out gear that I received after my freshman year in Sotus. The gear represents our heart and it is given to a significant other as a token of our love. I remember Park stoled Lam's and replaced it with his the night of the SOTUS ceremony .

Lam didn't know until the day Park proposed and told him "you have always had my heart" while putting on the ring and holding onto the gear.Those two are so cheesy!, nowadays Lam wears it as a necklace. He claims is to keep Park always close to his heart.🤢🤮

*Ding Text from N'Yo* " Hi P'Forth, I got you a ticket, plus two more for P'Lam and P'Park. I'll be back stage getting ready, so P'Beam will meet you by the entrance to give it to you".  My heart thump when I read Beam's name. I bought tickets for the NASCAR race show, I wanted to invite him.Will that be too forward? I mean we both enjoy race cars. *Ding incoming call from Lam* " Hello, Ai'Forth are you done getting ready? Park and I are leaving home now. We will meet you at the engineer parking lot".

" Yea, I'll be leaving soon... hey Ai'Lam"... " Yea!, what's on your mind". Hahahahaha this best friend of mine, he can read me like a book. " Do you think I should tell N'Beam I want to court him?" ... " No... Let your actions speak louder than words. He's a guy who is not into men. Telling him that will scare him off you know!!"-Lam.

" yeah you're right... I'll befriend him first and court him without letting him know". It was dead silent after I said that, then I heard Lam giggled. " Ai'Forth,- Lam... "hmm?"... "this kid really got your heart shook huh? Lol"- Lam. You have no idea Lammy, you have no idea I thought to myself. " I'll see you soon, bye".

After I got off the Phone with Lam, I went on Beam's Facebook page. This have become a new habit of mine now. I find myself checking his page, going through his pictures and reading comments. I guess I'm a stalker now.With all the comments left by women on a daily , he never answers any of them I've come to realize.

As I was scrolling I saw pictures he was tagged in from last night. There was a picture of Beam being spoon fed by a random guy. Most of the comments were congratulating them, and what a perfect couple they were. I was fuming with so much anger I threw the phone at the wall and cracked my screen. " where have I seen that guy before?".. think, think, think 🤔. Yea!! Nong Type from engineer. I need to calm down, technically Beam is not my boyfriend ....YET! I need to make a move ASAP.

I woke up feeling a bit under the weather today, so I hitch a ride to campus with Ai'Kit. Luckily, today is Friday and I'll be done with classes by 12pm. Because of the Moon and Star Competition a lot of professors canceled classes and there are students from other universities here for the competition. The medical food stalls is crowded today, so we are meeting up with Pha at the engineer campus with N'Yo and N'Ming.

" Will you go to P'Tpye's house party for N'Ming ?" Kitty interrupted my thought process... " lol, Ai'Kit!! So you are rooting for N'Ming to win!!! Ohhhh, you've been caught". He threw his pen at me, normally Kit will be cursing at me for the N'Ming jokes but this time he just blushed. "Ai'Beam.. I agreed to go out with N'Ming last night"-.... "OMG!!!! Kitty!!! You slut!!!! Hahahaha"... "😡 Beam!!! Is not like that! We just decided to be a couple"-Kit.

He then showed me his wrist that had some emblem bracelet. " He put this on me when I agreed to it, he said I should never take it off. I've noticed all the Engineer's wear it".  Kit looked really happy while he shows me the gear on his wrist and how N'Ming was so sincere when asked him to be his boyfriend. I've known Beam for years, and he has only had one serious relationship and that was with a girl. I couldn't help but wonder, " Kitty, what made you agree to go with N'Ming?... I mean you've never shown interest in boys. At least that I know of".... he looked at his feet, and then build the courage to look me in the eyes with his blushed cheeks and said, " I don't know if I'm gay, but I do know I like Ming.

I decided not to fight my feelings anymore. I can't put into words but it feels right Beammie ".  I just nodded, I'm happy for Kit. He is always so serious, it's nice to see him laid back. As we approached Phana and the rest Kit said, " can you not tell Pha yet? I want to wait till after the competition. You know  he can't stand Ming" hahahahaha yeap that's daddy Pha nobody is good for his kids. Especially Ming!!! Oh I definitely want to be there when he finds out he might kill him.

I ordered some pad Thai for lunch, that's the only food good at the Engineer campus. Then I felt something cold on my cheek. "Hi, N'Beam!!!"- P'Type. Oh not today, I really don't have the energy to deal with him today. At least he is not referring to me as beautiful. " N'Beam, I got you this for you. It's a can of Pepsi. This is my way of saying sorry for yesterday. I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable"-P'Type. The entire table was quiet. I looked at him and took the soda, "Apology accepted". He stood up and before heading back to his Hazers table, with the most stoic face I've ever seen him. 

Seeing that face made me understand why he was chosen to be a hazer. Then he said, " but I won't apologize for liking YOU..." I was loss for words, I glance over at Phana. He shrugged his shoulders and said, " you can't control how a Man feels". " From today onwards, I'll be courting you. Prepare to be overwhelmed with love lol". Oh never mind, and with that last sentence the goofball is back... smh 🤦‍♂️. To think I took him serious for a minute tsk.

" P'Type really makes it hard to root for him"- N'Yo. " Oh P'Beam, before I forget can you please give P'Forth his tickets when he gets here?... As Yo reached out to give the tickets to me, Phana snatched them. "I'll give it to him Wayo"-Pha. He suddenly became annoyed after he took the tickets from Yo.

"P'Pha! You were last year's moon. They would need you backstage. You won't be able to give it to P'Forth." " Why didn't you give the to Kit then and why is there 3 tickets ?"-Pha. Wayo rolled his eyes, " does it matter who gives it to him? I thought you were cool with him now?He is coming with P'Lam and P'Park"... I took the ticket from Phana " stop being childish Pha... You tell him I'll wait for them at the main entrance".

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