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A/N: hello readers!!! I just want to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR, may all your dreams and wishes come true this new year.😆

For the next three days my ASS did not get any rest. P'Forth fucked me from night to dawn. I had to sneak off to my room and locked it last night in order to get a decent sleep. Thank God I'm a MAN, because at this rate I would have been pregnant with the number of times we've done it. This morning I was awakened by the waves crushing on the shore. It is a very serene way to wake up, aside from my sore Ass that's healing. This has been a good few days with P'Forth. He pampers me every day and showers me with compliments.I actually enjoy being pampered for once. Well tomorrow is my birthday 🎂 and also P'Forth's family's annual dinner party. I am starting to feel anxious because I'm curious how our parents know each other. You would think I would have at least met my God-mother at least once in my lifetime. "Beammie!!! can you unlock the door? I made breakfast!!", my thoughts were interrupted by P'Forth.. I giggled this sly fox, he just want sex. Don't know where all this energy comes from 🤦‍♂️

My first time with Beam was magical, I honestly get why his one night stands flock to him like bees to honey. Beam is alluring clothe, but naked is just addictive!!! I've not been able to keep my hands off him, I really need to tone it down. I won't be able to have sex while we visit my parents. That's another news I need to break to him. We have to stay in the house and can't get a hotel room as insisted by my mother. She claims she want all of us under the same roof. I just finished with breakfast and trying to get N'Beam to eat. After yesterday's escapade 😏, I guess I was a bit too much so he refused to share a bed with me hahaha. Now he refuse to open his door, I mean when he does such cute things how can I keep away.

" Beam!!!...I really do have breakfast. Don't you smell the food", I pressed my ear to the door to check for movement, but there was none. " You do know I have a key to every room right? If I truly wanted something I could easily get in"... I listen for a while, then I heard footsteps towards the door. " Good morning gorgeous ", I leaned in for a kiss but he blocked me. " No form of physical interactions with you. You gave me all these hickeys, a day before I meet your family!!!" He squinted his eyes and pouted his lips. Oh!! I wish he didn't do that because that's turning me on. I blinked a couple of times to hold back my hunger. " okay! I promise not to touch you until the new year🤚🏻"... he looked at me as if he didn't trust me. Frankly, I didn't know if I can do it myself, now that I've had a taste of him. " You Promise?!?"-N'Beam. " Yes I DO". Then he stocked out his pinky towards me, "what???"... " Pinky swear, that you will not touch me until the new year"... I agreed. Then he walked passed me to the dining area and I got a whiff of him. That alone was intoxicating and alluring. I don't if it's mating season but I'm so in heat.Hmmm, hopefully I can keep my promise Beammie, HOPEFULLY!

After P'Forth promised we had a wholesome breakfast. He truly does it all, because every meal he has made thus far has been 5 star quality. " when are we leaving tomorrow Phi",... "It's a two hour drive not that far, so by latest 10am. Mother wants us there for lunch before the party". I gulped when he did that, I wonder if she would be interrogating me. But P'Forth Sid she was excited to actually meet me. I guess anyone would be nervous to meet the family of their lover, vid I'm extra nervous because this is the first of it's kind for me. As if he could read my mind, " Don't get nervous, my mom is the sweetest person you'll ever meet. She is so sweet she is boarder line diabetic hahaha". I nodded. " what about your Dad and brothers?"... " P'Mew is very chill and laid back. He is an electrical engineer, he is single and a bit of man lol". I smiled and thought I can only imagine. " P'Earth is the oldest, we actually look a lot alike but I'm the better version hahaha. He is also a Computer engineer, currently married with a kid and another on the way."... I nodded my head, "must have been chaotic household with all boys lol"... " yeah, but it had its perks. The house was always alive with all the different personalities lol"... " What is your father like?".
"Growing up I was actually afraid of my Dad than I was my mother. He is a Commander in the Navy... he was strict but I believe we would have turn out bad if he wasn't you know.? But now that I'm older I'm afraid more of my mom lol" ...I gave him a quizzical look and laughed " hahaha, wait why is that?"... "Well!!! That woman has the entire household wrapped around her pinky. What she say is law and final, my dad was just a pun in her mischief hahaha"-P'Forth.. " He must really love his wife".... " Yeap, they've been together since they were teenagers, that's the type of head over hills love I aspire to have. They are both best friends and lovers"☺️

I couldn't help but smile when N'Beam asked about my family. I can tell he is nervous to meet them, but they no different from other households. I hope that eased his mind. *In coming FaceTime call P'Earth*
" Hi Uncle For!!!"-Macie... Macie is my 5 year old niece. " Hi beautiful!!! Awww you look so adorable!!!!" I said in my sweet voice, I noticed N'Beam was smiling on the side. " Uncle For!! When are you getting here? Grandma already bought the caaa...." her dad muffle her mouth before she finished her sentence. "Hey, N'Forth!!! When are you getting here?"-P'Earth. " we'll arrive around 12pm tomorrow"... " Oh yeah!!! This one you are bringing home must be a KEEPER mom is cooking up a storm"-P'Earth. I face palmed, ever since she told me to bring Beam, she has been harassing me with text ask what Beam likes to eat, drink favorite color... I'm her son and I doubt she know my favorite Color!!! I glanced over at Beam who was busy on his phone. And responded, "He sure is Phi, He sure is ☺️"

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