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A/N- Hello reader's I hope you are enjoying my novel. Please comment, love to read feedbacks 🥰


I received a text from Ming at practice stating that, "P'Forth is here". Out of excitement I run towards the visitors parking lot to go meet him. Ding** Another text from Ming, "... lol don't bother going to the visitors parking lot", I swear this guy knows me too well. I replied, "Why?"... "He is coming in from the Engineer entrance, he wanted to surprise you and the boyfriend hahaha". My heart thump after reading that, I was really excited to have P'Forth come see me perform that it slipped my mind how over protective and how scary he could be if he doesn't like someone.

Growing up ,P'Forth was my favorite out of all my cousins. My mother was his father's little sister, and when she passed away my uncle and aunt stepped in to help my dad raise me. Since, P'Forth was the youngest I shared room with him whenever I visited them. He used to take me to the arcade and for ice cream when I was younger, and our bound was really strong, I could tell him anything.

When I got to middle school he would every now and then 'take care' of the boys that gave me trouble. From an early age I knew I liked boys and in middle school one particular boy named Korn used to pick on me for that.He would harass me to the point that I didn't want to attend school sometimes.I came home from school one day with scratchiest and bruises. It was a Friday and my driver would normally drop me off at my Uncle's House.

I didn't want to alarm my aunt , so I run inside to treat my wounds. I was in so much pain I jumped into bed and covered myself with a blanket. My aunt thought I wasn't feeling well so she told the boys not to bother me. " Who DID this to you N'yo!..", I felt the blanket pulled off me hours later,and P'Forth glaring at me with my bruises. When I didn't reply right away, he cupped my face and repeated sternly, "WHO.DID. THIS.TO.YOU.N'YO!!!".

I was scared to tell him, not because I was afraid of him, rather I feared what he would do to Korn. P'Forth ,although he was very smart academically he was also the leader of his gang in high school. It was no surprise when he later on became one of the most fierce Hazers for the school of Engineer in University. His reign over of the engineering campus has become a folklore and all the new students in Engineer have come to know of him.

" I swear if you don't tell me, N'yo, I'll beat it out of you" said P'Forth. I knew he wasn't playing. He is very loving but once the beast in him is awoken (as aunt June, forth's mom refers to it)there is no way to avoid its wrath. So I proceeded to tell him how Korn has been picking on me because I was gay, and how I fought him today during lunch.

He smiled when I told him how I fought back, and patted me on the head. He was beaming with pride to hear that, even though I didn't win I stood up for myself. To him that's a WIN!!. " I'll come have a talk with Korn on Monday", then he smirked and it gave me the chills. What is he planning to do 😳?...

" Who is KORN?!!!...", everyone in the Cafeteria froze from the booming voice coming from the entrance. It was P'Forth along with his best friend P'Lam and a couple of their gang. They skipped school to come have a 'talk'',with Korn. I thought he would show up after school, but I should have known better. He wanted to make an example out of Korn, to warn anyone else who wanted to fuck with me.

All the girls were giggling and whispering how HOT he was, while the boys avoided to make eye contact. Korn quivered at his table, when the other's pointed him out. P'Forth walked up to him, and said " you owe someone in here an apology, and by the way I see it. You can either apologize before getting your ass kicked or get your ass kicked and then apologize",he grabbed Korn by the hair and had him face my direction.

Then he pointed at me and said, " you FUCK with him, you ANSWER to me!!! And this goes for anyone else who got a problem with Wayo!!!". Let's just say from that day onwards Korn didn't give me grief anymore. If anything I found out Korn was taunting me all that time because he had a crush on me, and didn't want his homophobic friends to tease him for liking a boy.

I suddenly was in a panic, perhaps I should have given P'Pha a heads up about P'Forth. I wouldn't want P'Forth to have a bad impression of P'Pha. Because if he end up not liking him, he would definitely make me break up with him. I texted Ming, " can you stall P'Forth for a while? ... text me when you arrive at practice".

As I was running back to the practice hall, Ming replied with "... we are here!!!😁. Sorry Yo I couldn't stall him lol". That stupid Ming!!! How did I end up with him as a best friend !!! Arrgghh!!! I swear he didn't even try, he must find this entertaining. I walked in to all the stars surrounding P'Forth, and Ming winked at me and I glared at him.

The girls were busy chatting it up, " oh mine!! Phi!! You were a moon here?"... one of them asked. Followed by, " ...not surprised at all, you could still give these new moons a run for their money" this made him chuckle and they all giggled like some fan girls. I finally made my way to him. The moment he noticed me, he said " are you going to give me a hug or stand around pouting like a puppy 🐶" .

I run into his embrace and he proceeded to pinch me on the cheeks. " who told you to grow up to become this pretty", he teased me. He knew I hated that, it doesn't help that I have this fair skin and pink lips that makes me look feminine. " P'Forth!!! Stop that I'm handsome not pretty!". Ming's ass kept laughing,he was definitely no help. Then with that cheesy grin of his he said looking towards the entrance, " one order of jealous boyfriend coming up, and he brought me a snack of KitKat 🥰".

I saw P' Pha bulldozing towards us, then said " I don't know who the fuck you are,but you better get your fucking arm off my boyfriend before I break it off"... P'Forth looked at P'Pha from head to toe, then wrapped his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him making me bump on to his chest. Then he said sternly, looking dead in P'Pha's eyes and said "BREAK.IT." Oh lord!!! the beast has been woken.

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