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I didn't want to go to the hospital but P'Forth insisted on it. He was still trying to calm himself, he also called N'Yo and Phana. They rushed to the hospital with Kit and N'Ming. " Type did this to YOU!???...What happened to you BEAM?!"-Phana. I tried telling him but I broke down in tears 😭 . At the sight of me crying Ai'Pha dashed out of the room with N'Yo following "P'Pha calm down!!!!".

Kit sat next to me and hug me so tight. He is not very affectionate in public, but his hug was that of a mother who has finally found her missing child. It felt so warm and comforting.Then he whispered in my ear, "Shhhhh Beammie, we will make sure he PAYS for it". N'Ming also look pissed off as well.
" Kitty!!😭, I should have listened to my instincts. This wouldn't have happened if I didn't let him in"... Kit hit me on the back and said, "ITS. NOT.YOUR.FAULT!!!" He tilted my head so I looked him in the eyes "DON'T EVER BLAME YOURSELF !!! YOUR HEAR ME??!!". I nodded while still sobbing. Kit kept holding on to me.


I was finalizing paperwork and talking to the police, when Phana walked pass me. I grabbed him by the shoulder and he swung at me. I saw the anger in his eyes. Wayo followed behind soon after. " I didn't take him seriously Phi... I didn't know he would do this to Beam" Phana punched the concrete wall and started bleed. He was so mad, his breathing was not even. I held him back, " After what I did to him, I doubt he would be able to see out of his left eye again. I filed a police report and called my lawyer, we will file a restraining order on him".

After I said that he kept pacing back and forth. I definitely could understand his rage, he felt he wasn't there when his friend needed him. Type is actually lucky I found him and not N'Pha, because he has blacked out in anger from just the sight of N'Beam. I took a deep breath, and motion N'Yo to give him some space, but he refused. Instead he run to Phana, and hugged him. He turn to look at N'Yo and broke down in tears. I guess it takes a cute boy to calm down the HULK. I left them and returned to N'Beams room.

The nurses has dressed his wounds. " I'll sleep over at your place tonight" said N'Pha. Then I told him about the door being broken by me to get in. It would be best if N'Beam stays in his suite. But then I heard something that shocked me and got everyone else frozen in their spot. "I want to stay with P'Forth"said N'Beam. Phana almost said something, but then nodded his head at me to let me know he is cool with it. Beam was released to go home, by the time we got to my place it was almost 2am in the morning.


I decided to stay with P'Forth because I felt SAFER with him. I had no clue he live on the outskirts of town. We pulled up to what he referred to as a HOUSE, but it is obviously a MANSION!! He had the OCEAN for his backyard!!! I grew up in a big house but nothing of this scale. P'Forth led me to his leaving room and made me a cup of hot coco with mashmellows. I got teary eyed when I saw it.

" Thanks Phi"... " You are welcome Nong, come let me show you your room"-P'Forth. It was a big room with glass window that overlooks the ocean. I could actually hear the waves 🌊 crashing on the shore. It was very soothing. It had a king size bed and big mirrors, it was well decorated . "You would sleep here, there is a mini fridge and a bathroom here so you don't have to leave the room" I just nodded.
" My room is right across from you, if you need anything text me okay? I'll go get you a change of clothes" I nodded again.


I wanted to make sure N'Beam was comfortable. I got him a change of clothes and headed back to my room. I kept replaying the entire situation in my head. What if I had not gotten there in time. I called Lam to let him know what happened. " N'Type did WHAT!!!???" I could hear Park who was listening to the conversation say in the background.

" Yea, N'Beam is really shook up so I brought him home...AiPark, I need your IT guy that bugged Lam's Car".... I said without thinking too much about it.
"He did what to my car???"-Lam... " Babe don't get mad!!! I did it for safety reasons. I just can't be around you 24/7 I just want to make sure you are SAFE!"- Park. " Park I know I BOTTOM for you, but I'm still a Man!!"- Lam. Oh crap, I didn't even think this through. Park took the phone from Lam, "Ai'Forth, I'll stop by your office tomorrow, I need to calm down my MAN". These two are always going at it smh.

I was on my laptop filling out an application for personal bodyguard, when I noticed a shadow by my door,it was N'Beam. " is everything okay N'Beam, do you need more blankets?" He shook his head and started fiddling with his fingers. "What's wrong Nong?"... he look at his feet and mumbled, " can I sleep in your room?"-N'Beam. I gulped and even though I heard what he said, I wanted to make sure I heard right.

" What did you say N'Beam?", in a tender tone, he looked up with those puppy eyes and said, " I can't sleep alone, is it okay if I sleep with you tonight?"... I sprung out of my bed and put the laptop on my dresser. "Of COURSE!! You can sleep here" I moved my covers for him to lay down next to me." Do you want anything else? Water, another cup of coco?", he just shook his head no.


I was in my room trying to sleep, but every time I close my eyes I see P'Type hovering over me. I wish I could erase that moment in time out of my life. I am a bit shook up and restless. I sat on the bed looking at the ocean, Then I left my room to walk around the house. I noticed P'Forth's light was still on. I am very grateful for him, the anger and concern that he expressed today confirmed the love he has for me. I realized that I loved him back, and right now I want him to cuddle and cradle me to sleep like he did when we were in the tent.

I paced back and forth in front of his door before building the courage to open the door. He was awake and working, I almost walked away but he noticed me. I asked to sleep in his bed, he hesitated at first, but once he confirmed I meant what I said he made room for me on the king size bed.

I honestly thought him of all people would be excited about that. But he was being very careful with me.He let me in his covers but then he placed a pillow between us. Ummm, I was hoping he would hug me, but I grew too shy to ask. So I closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift off to sleep. Having P'Forth next to me , alone was enough for me to sleep at ease. Because I knew I was in SAFE HANDS .

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