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~ Forth~

" I heard you are studying Medicine"- Father broke the ice after the clacking of utensils and every one stuffing their face. Beam responded, " Yes sir, I'm in my second year of Pre-Med"... " No need calling me sir son, after all you would be marrying Forth hahaha". I almost choked on my food, Beam was blushing all shades of red, and of course my stupid ass brothers were dying from laughter 😂. "Yea, your father and I promised each other to marry off our kids, but we ended up with all boys and you came out a boy also. So we never thought it was possible, but I guess destiny has been fulfilled"- Mother. I know my family has no filter but I don't know how N'Beam is taking all this in.

" Uncle Lhong was my favorite, he used to give me money all the time.Then he stopped coming around"-P'Earth.... " Wait you knew Beam's Dad???"... " Yea, you were too young to remember. We use to spend holidays together, travel together before they even had Beam" -P'Mew.... I looked over at N'Beam who was just smiling and listening to the rest of the family reminisce. " Your Dad and I, was like Lam and Forth. We practically did everything together. Even attracted to the same type of women.... I knew he was attracted to Sheila"-Dad. Everyone was stunned when he said that, and turned to mom. "Did you you know he was attracted to you Mom"-P'Mew. Leave it to him to ask the question everyone, and my father included was thinking.

"Growing up, we were thick as thieves. All three of us, Lhong and I became closer when we went off to law school. People use to tease as, calling us the 'Campus Couple' but I never saw Lhong in that light. He was kind, mellow, handsome and very smart. He always had a new girlfriend each month.He never asked me out, or made a move. I didn't think much of it"- Aunt Sheila. Wow, I felt like I'm learning a lot about my father today. I just listened attentively... " Yea, but I knew Sheila... I'm a man, I could tell. This is the first you hearing this but I asked him if he was okay with me asking you out. He wished me the best of luck but I could tell he was hurt"- Uncle Kiet.

I guess my mom was not the only one that picked up my fathers attraction to P'Forth's mother. The only one that was oblivious about his feelings was Aunt Sheila. There could have been a possibility that I wouldn't exist if they had been together. P'Forth nudged me, snapping me out of my day dream, he whispered "are you okay?"...I nodded and finally spoke. " I feel like my own parents are strangers sometimes..." everyone turned to my direction. " this is the most I know about my father growing up"... I could feel tears welding up in my eyes. " Your father is a great guy, I'll make sure he mends your relationship with him. Divorce brings the worse part of most couples. They loose sight of what is important, but I'll be reaching out to your father.Especially now that you'll be marrying my SON hahaha"-Uncle Kiet "FATHER!!!!"- P'Forth yelled at his father and everyone else just laughed. I enjoyed their company, I get a warm fuzzy feeling of home. I looked around watching the happy faces at the table. I thought to myself 'I wouldn't mind marrying into this family.'

After breakfast Beam and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. I showed him all my favorite hangouts with Lam, and where Lam's family house is located . "Wow, You and P'Lam live literally two houses from each other".... " Yea, Lammie and I, were destined to be besties for life hahaha, aside from my mother one of the few people that truly knows me in and outs" Beam smiled and nodded. " I think that's why P'Park never leave him alone with you. He probably believe if anyone can steal Lam from him, it would be you hahaha"-Beam. I frowned when he said that, " Ewww, I don't know why people think that... even though I swing both ways I never saw Lam in that light. Doing anything with Lam would be like doing something with my brothers gross!!!".
N'Beam smirked and stopped at a bench and took a seat. " I guess it is a good thing we didn't grow up together, then you would think all that freaky shit you do with me is GROSS"... I stared at those almond eyes and plump lips. I thought for a minute and said, " I doubt that..." N'Beam turned to me when I said that, "Why? What makes you so sure?" He asked. " Because I felled for you the moment I laid eyes on you, and I believe in our next life time. If we are to ever cross paths I'll still feel the way I feel now". He blushed and then pecked me on the lips and zoomed off running. " Hey!!! Come back here. You can't tease me like that!!!".... "Come catch me DADDY!!"- N'Beam. Hahahaha this kid is really asking for the BEAST!!!!
We had lunch with the family and packed our bags to head home. " Promise me you would come for Easter holiday . I'll come visit you when ever I'm in the city okay"- Aunt Sheila. " You NEVER!!! visit me when you come to the city mom. Already showing favoritism!!"-P'Forth... " You are a grown man!!! You don't need me!!"... we all laughed when she said that. " Thank you for your hospitality and inviting me to your home" I said wai-ing at both Mr. and Mrs. Jaturapoom. " Awwww you are so well mannered"- Aunt Sheila... this time both P'Forth's brother and him rolled their eyes. " I feel bad for Nong Yo he got replaced hahaha" P'Mew. I looked around and realized N'Yo and his Dad weren't around. We said our goodbyes and set off on the road.

We were listening to music and singing along on our way back to Bangkok. I honestly can listen to P'Forth sing all day he has such a soothing voice. " Why didn't you pursue music P'Forth, you could be like one of the Kpop artist".... he laughed then said," Nong, I learned from an early age that in life, you need a hobby and a career. Being an engineer is my dream, singing brings me joy. The moment I make it a career I doubt I'll be able to have the same joy.Besides I can't dance hahaha"...I couldn't help but laugh, " it's nice to know you have a flaw P'Forth. You are borderline perfect"... He looked away from the road and glanced at me for a minute, " are you flirting with me Nong? ☺️What are of the perfect things about me?!?"-P'Forth. I shook my head, he already has a big head no need to swell it up. I changed the subject, " when did N'Yo and his dad leave?"

" You think you are slick, avoiding my question huh? Hahaha"... I smiled and replied him, " they went to my aunts grave site. She passed away this day 13 years ago. Uncle Arthit is a very cheerful man, but this time of the year is not that pleasant for him. I honestly hope he meets a great woman one day"... " That explains why he was annoyed about the News about Ai'Pha"- N'Beam. I looked over as he sighed a sigh of relief. " Ummm, I'm sorry to break it to you Nong , but that's not Why. Your best friend is definitely about to be in big trouble. Uncle Arthit does not play about his SON. And hearing that N'Yo is sexually active with him is not winning him any brownie points. I'll be saying a prayer for him if I was you" ... I could see the fear permeating in his eyes.... hahaha I over exaggerated a bit but either way PHANA will have one hell of an interrogation tomorrow. 😝

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