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I finally got N'Beam in my good graces, I just confirmed with Chef. Everything is smooth sailing, I can't wait for him to see all that I have set up. I don't know why but I'm a bit nervous, I hope tonight ends accordingly. Probably because this is the first time I'm actually this much effort into a relationship, I just want everything to be perfect. I just got out the shower, trying to decide on what to wear when I received a call from Lam.

"Ai'Forth, the interior design lady just left a memo. She decorated the yacht just as we talked about. There is roses spread from the entrance to the cabin"-Lam. Lam and Park have been so involved with my planning, they even hired a decorator and recommended the Chef. " Hey Forth!!! I hope you bought a lot of LUBE...hahaha Beam would need a lot of that"-I heard Park say. "Are you two ALWAYS together lol?"... "Yea, we just arrived at his Parents, we are finalizing marital stuff... besides what's wrong with being together all the time?"-Lam

I guess I understand Lam and Park now because, I always find it hard when Beam and I have to part ways. " well when you put it like that, it makes a lot of sense Lam"... " Enjoy your date Forth, you deserve happiness my friend"-Lam. "And Nong Beam's ASS deserve some rest, don't go too hard now. He's a virgin back there lol"-Park. Leave it to him to say something derogatory 🤦‍♂️ . After I hanged up with them I finished packing my over night bag.  " Beam!!! Are you ready to go??". Why is he still in the room? He started getting ready before I did. *Knock.* "Beam I'm taking my stuff to the car now, I'll be back for your stuff. Please be ready soon"... No response "Beammie?!!...". He finally answered, "Okay Phi..."

I am side ting in this room trying to come up with an excuse for this night not to happen. I have had anal with women before, but the idea of my ASS getting stretched out is not something I've thought about. I heard P'Forth calling out my name. Okay, I'll just tell him I'm sick if anything happens. I finished packing my stuff, and when I opened my door P'Forth was there with a big grin. " Are you ready to go now? I have a surprise for you", he looked so happy.

Now I'm curious what he has installed. We arrived at the port about 10 minutes from the house. There were a few boats and a couple of yachts on the water. " Wow, there are lot of rich people in the city, that's a beautiful Yacht"... P'Forth giggled when I said that. " what are we doing here Phi?"... "Well, hun this is my yacht and where we are going on our date"- P'Forth. I gasped 😮 " How RICH exactly are you Phi? I learn something new about you every day".


Hahahahaha Beam's expression confirmed that I did good. He was really shocked I owned and not renting the yacht. We got on board and set to sail. The chef prepared all the food and champagne. We were having a lovely evening. Then we went to the deck to watch the sunset 🌅 and it was really breathtaking. I knew this was the right time to give beam his birthday present.

"Nong, I know your birthday is actually in 3 days; but there will be so much goin on that day. So I have something for you now..." his face lit up, and he was beaming so brightly. He look really handsome too, he coiffed his bangs today and without his bangs covering his face he just look so beautiful 😍. I pulled out the present 🎁 I have wrapped up. "I hope this gift reminds you of all the good TIMES we share now, and also in the future."


I got all teary eye, because I have received a gift on my birthday in ages. Most of the time my mom tells to buy whatever I want, but receiving a thoughtful gift with you in mind is far more precious. I opened the present and it was a Rolex watch. " Wow!!! Oh my God Phi!!! I love it".Without thinking much about it, I jumped in his arms and kissed him.

That took him for a surprise, because he normally initiates the kiss. " Thank you P'Forth, I love the watch". Truth is, I actually have the same watch, but this one had sentimental meaning so I'll be wearing it all the time. P'Forth forth pour me so more champagne and toasted, " to spending many more birthdays with you Beam"-P'Forth then we kissed and continued watching the sunset. This is the happiest I've been in years.


I am so happy N'Beam really like his present. He even went as far to kiss me first and I couldn't be happier. I want us to reach a stage in our relationship when he can initiate any form of intimacy without hesitation. Tonight is going great, then we moved the celebration in doors. I cuddled Beam while the waves from the ocean rocks us. In that moment everything felt serene. " N'Beam, how do you feel about moving in with me?"

I noticed him tense up when I asked.  " are you being serious, or joking again?" I turned his head so he was looking me in the eyes. " I've given a lot of thought, you don't have to pay rent and I get to see you everyday"...he chuckled and said, " I don't pay rent Phi, my family owns that luxury apartment."-N'Beam. " okay, so how about me. You don't want to cuddle to sleep with me?"

He sighed then said "...I do!! But your place is a bit of a commute to campus and I also feel like you would be a distraction ".... " oh I won't be a distraction ... I'll give you space when you have to study. And I don't mind driving you to and back from campus"... he didn't say anything because he was in deep thought. " You don't have to give me your response now, just give it some thought okay?". He nodded and gave me a smile. I leaned in for a kiss and it lead to a full blown make out session.


P'Forth has been really sweet to me today, from my gift to this entire yacht date. Then he asked me to move in with him. I thought he was joking because he has said it before. This time he definitely was serious. Next we started making out, the energy today was different from normal. P'Forth's kisses were tender and sweet. He started caressing my ass and slowly slipped his hands down my pants.

"Phi!!!" I said with my eyes wide open , and suddenly his overnight bag flashed in my head. " What? I can't touch you there.." he said lustfully. I said, " I don't know if I'm ready yet." I whispered. He smiled and leaned in giving me pecks all over my face. " How about I just give you some head??" He said seductively. I am tempted, but I know things would escalate. Before I could say anything he slipped his tongue my mouth.... Mmmmm he is such a sensual kisser.

A/N: Next chapter would involve mature language and obscene words. Please skip that chapter if that's not your cup of TEA. P.S thank you for reading. I also appreciate the comments on here. It gives me feedback on how the story is going and how the edit the chapters I write.

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