I woke up to beeping sounds and white walls. It appears I am in an hospital bed. I noticed an IV drip and at the edge of my bed was a couch where P'Forth was asleep. I tried recollecting what happened last time that I was conscious , and all the memories came back to me in a flash. The last thing I recall was my scuffle with P'Type and he ended up shooting me on my side. Next, I stumbled down a little hill and bumped my head on a rock. I felt my side where I got shot, it was bandaged. I glanced at the clock and it was 3am in the morning. How long have I been out for. I glanced back at the direction of P'Forth, he was still in business attire with his face covered in scratches. He looked like he was exhausted, I couldn't help but feel guilty. He looked like he went through a lot to get to me. Then it sunk in, I was at the brink of death, my life was in a limbo. Also,what happened to that imbecile? Is he still alive? I had so many questions, but for now I just laid in bed looking at a peaceful sleeping P'Forth. Whatever the outcome was, I'm glad that he is the view I get to see instead of that jungle😊.
I had fallen back asleep, when exactly I don't know. This time I awoke with my mother by my bedside. " Mother?!".. "Shhhh, just lay still son. I'm glad to hear your voice again", she said and then pecked me on the forehead. I glanced over to where P'Forth was before, but he no longer is now. " I forced your boyfriend to go to the hotel and shower. He refused to leave your side... you are much lucky in the love department than I am" she said while smiling. " Where are we mother?" I asked. " We are in Hua Hin... I was thinking you could check into one of our hotels here by the beach when we leave here.Do you want to take the rest of the semester off? I would be more than happy to take some time off too.You and I can just travel and see the world. What do you think?" She said stroking my hair. I definitely have come back from the dead, for my workaholic mother to offer to take time off.
Now that I'm taking a closer look at my mother,I notice the puffy eyes. She must have cried a lot, she is smiling but her eyes look worried. " I'll be fine mother, the semester just started so I can catch up. Besides I don't want to graduate late, I need to stay on task if I want to become a neurologist by 28 years" I said with a smile trying to ease my poor mother's aching heart. " Of course!!! You are a Baramee!!! Nothing can take you off track... I'm glad you returned to me son. I don't know what I'll do if I was to loose you!!!"She said looking in my eyes, and this time the tears she was holding back broke loose. I wanted to ask her the outcome of P'Type, but at this very moment all I wanted to do was console her. I have only seen my mother cry twice in my entire life, the first was when she lost a major deal and today. I kept rubbing her back and whispered, "I'm fine mother...everything will be okay. I Promise!"~Forth~
Ms. Baramee arrived at the hospital around 6am, she booked the VIP suite for Beam. So his room had a lot of space. I was comfortable sleeping on the couch but she insisted I check into their hotel. "You don't want this to be the sight Beam sees when he wake up... go shower and shave. Take a power nap... I'll text you when he wakes up".. I gave up arguing with her because there was no way I was winning. I can see why she was appointed the CEO over five hundred employees. She is very convincing and she did have a point. I have been laying in the couch since N'Beam came out of the surgery and haven't showered for going on 3 days now. I arrived at the hotel that belonged to the Baramee's. I was given the Presidential suite, very spacious and beautifully decorated room. I took a bath and shaved, then called Lam." Hey Forth, how is it going?" Park answered the phone. At this point I'm not amuse when he answers the Lam's phone anymore, those two are two peas in a pod lol. "Good, Beam is not up yet but his vitals are good. The doctors said he is just sleeping and would wake up anytime soon"... " Yea, Lammie was really worried. He was up all night waiting for your call for his status. He didn't want to bombard you with text... I finally convinced him to sleep an hour ago."-Park. That sounds like Lam, he appears the most laid back and calm among the three of us, but inside he is the worrier of the group. " I just wanted to thank you guys for everything... I wasn't in my right mind, but you guys kept me focus. Thank you for everything you've done for us. I truly appreciate it" I said with the deepest sincerity. They kept me grounded throughout the entire chaos. " Hahahaha, we are FAMILY Forth, that's what family are supposed to do for each other"- Park. We then talked about surveillance and tightening up security at the house. I rather get nagged at by Beam, than experience such an ordeal again. I can't fathom my life without Beam, hence why I'm looking into a bigger apartment next to his campus. I want to be by his side at all times.
I was shocked to see countless get well soon cards,flowers and gifts that were pouring in from friends and family. "Knock,knock,Knock... Hi P'Beam!!!!" Said Nong Yo, who came with N'Ming, Kit, and Phana. " For someone who just returned from the pits of hell, you definitely look good" Ai'Kit said while he hugged me. " What made you think I went to hell?" I said then shook my head. " Well with all that LIVING, you've live. I can't picture the pearly whites gates being opened for you"Ai'Kit.... " Well, God figured, hanging around you was HELL enough so he sent me back hahaha"... we all bust out in laughter. I looked around at my best friends and their lovers and I couldn't be any more grateful. I felt their love and concern, even with Ai'Kit. I've known him long enough to know that was his way of saying, 'Glad to have you alive with us'. But I couldn't help but wonder what happened to P'Type. "What happened to P'Type?" I asked. Before any of them could answer, a voice from the entrance responded with "He's in the Psych ward where he belongs" I turned around to a well groomed P'Forth. Boy!!!! I am glad to hear his voice again. He smiled then walked over to me and planted a kiss on my lips. " Well I think that's our cue to leave" said Ai'Kit. As if my friends were not in the room, P'Forth pulled my head back and deepened his kiss. When we came off the kiss, it was only the two of us in the room. " DONT EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!" He hugged me really tight. " Ouch!!! Phi!!! My wound". He backed off quickly, with so much concern in his eyes. " I'm okay P'Forth, just not too tight hahaha"... we both laughed and stared at each other in silence. "Thanks for coming for me" I said with tears in my eyes. " Don't worry I won't let you out of my sight again"... we laughed again, but I knew he meant every word.

Fanfiction"Why is this P' staring at me like that" Beam whispered to Kit who was busy fighting off Ming's cheesy advances at him. " Perhaps you have lipstick stains all over your shirt hahahahaha..."Kit. Forth in this story is an older man who falls for Beam...