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I was awaken by the bright sunlight and birds chirping.  Where the hell I'm I? I try recollecting the last memory I had. I was arguing with P'Forth, then I hopped into a Taxi and then..... Yea!!!! P'Type. I tried to get up then I noticed I was handcuffed to the  head board of the bed. Oh shit!!! " HELP!!!! HELP!!! Can anyone hear me?"... the door to the room I was in was suddenly swung open. " You can scream all you want, there isn't a living soul within 50 miles radius of this place" P'Type said calmly, that it sent shivers up my spine. " Why are you doing this Type????"... he looked at me sideways and said, " I see you've dropped the honorifics hahaha, don't worry you'll be here long enough to LEARN how to address me." He said then walked out the room.

After screaming for help for what seemed like forever, I stopped then started looking around the room for an escape plan. The room was solely equipped with a bed, there was nothing else there. I started wondering what lies beyond the door. " P'Type!!! I have to pee!!!", he came in the room and threw an empty bottle at me. " I'm handcuffed to the bed!!!"... He smirked and said, " I'm more than happy to do it for you".... " No no no... I can use this hand" showing him my hand that was not handcuffed. That sick fuck watch as I pull out my member to pee and winked at me. I felt so grossed out, "What is your plan, huh? Why are you doing all this? You know this is kidnapping?"

It has been two days since I brought N'Beam to the woods with me. My initial plan was to kidnap him, have my way with him and sell him on the black market. But when he entered my car on his own accord, I knew it was destiny. Beam and I are destined to be together, I mean how else would he have ended up in my car. I brought him into the woods with no roads to it. I have to walk a mile to where I parked the car. I figured once I get rid of the hindrance (P'Forth ), we could live together in peace. Beam would finally learn to love me!!

" this is not kidnapping Nong, you willingly got into my car" I said smiling at him. " if that's not destiny and miracle at work, telling us we belong together then I don't know"... " You are insane!!!! You need to be psychiatric evaluated" N'Beam. " Funny you say that,my mother is a shrink!!!! That bitch been analyzing and claiming I was sick all my life. I'M NOT A NUT JOB!!!! I AM SANE!!!! I GRADUATED TOP OF MY CLASS!!!" I stopped when I noticed all that screaming was scaring N'BEAM. I moved next to him and stroke his hair " Shhh shhh, Phi didn't mean to scare you okay. You are safe, WE ARE SAFE!! They can't separate us now"

P'Type is mentally ill and this makes a lot of sense. He always acted impulsive and I believe his family had him medicated, but now he is off his meds and has lost it. The best thing to do is to coax him, so he doesn't hurt me or himself. " P'Type, it is okay. I'm fine now you don't have to worry" I said to him. He opened his eyes with a big grin. " Good Nong, I'll go heat up the food"... I wanted to know what lies beyond this door. Perhaps,there's a phone or anything to get help. I started thinking of a plan while he went out to get the food. Then I thought of the last conversation I had with P'Forth. I wonder if he realized by now that I am missing and not just ignoring him. Right now, I wouldn't mind him being over protective. I laughed to myself from just the thought of that and my current situation. I'm going to make sure to see him again!!! I'll leave this place alive!!

I received a call from Lam and Park stating they were waiting at my house. Park's IT guy was checking the surveillance cameras around my house. They found the car I had described to them. When I arrived home, they told me the car was not only seen in several of the video clips on my surveillance but Beams as well. " we were being stalked!!! Whoever it is noticed where the cameras were and never looked in it's direction"... I said pacing in my living room with my friends watching me.Then my phone started buzzing, it's an Unknown number. I picked up "Hello... is it true? Is it true my son is missing!!!"Ms. Baramee. Beam's mother has gotten wind of it. She sounded like she has been crying. " I sent my people to look for him, do everything in your power to bring my baby home Forth!!! I'm on my way back to Thailand. Call me with any updates" ... she said and hung up.

Finally a call from the IT guy, " We have found him sir, we tracked the the watch to a place 4hours from here, it appears to be somewhere in the jungle "..." Send me the coordinates ASAP"... I looked at Lam, " do you still fly your helicopter? They found Beam"... " What are we waiting for let's go!!!"-Park. Before we left the house, N'Pha called me. " what is the status Phi?..." he asked. " I have a lead as to where he is, I'll send you the coordinates, Alert the police and have them send their men closest to that area". ... " Okay Phi, I'll be heading there too... see you you there!". Before I could even say anything about it being a 4 hour drive , this kid hung up. This Phana reminds me a lot of myself, no wonder they call him Beam's father. He is quick on his toes and ready to do anything for Beam. I'm glad he has a friend like him. Arghh, N'Beam stay safe, all your love ones a concern,I'm almost there PLEASE hang in there okay.

P'Type returned with the food as promised, it was a bowl of ramen. P'Type can  you take the handcuff off? I promise I won't try to run away". He looked at me quizzically, then smiled. " I'll take it off, but unless you have MAP you won't able to escape this Jungle"... my eyes widen when he said Jungle . I looked out the window again, he wasn't lying it looks like the place is covered in trees. "If we are this deep in the jungle, how do we have electricity?". He looked up from his meal, " Generator... this place runs on a generator that I built myself... now eat your food" He said calmly, he was being very meek and not his abrasive self. He doesn't appear hostile as before, why the sudden change in personality. " N'Beam... do you want a tour of the cabin?" Why the sudden change in attitude. One minute he is going to rape and kill me and now he is the nice guy. Which P'Type is the real one?

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