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A/N: Thank you for reading!!! While you wait for updates on this story, check out my original novel:Stupid rules of sin, I have 10parts up already. It is also a BL novel.Please and thank you 😊.12/12/19

I am currently at the corner store getting snacks for Ai'Pha and his little Prince, N'Yo. They have officially been going out for a month now. I am happy Phana came to terms with his feelings for this cute boy. He was in denial throughout high school, but that boy following us to the same University was a sign from above. I've known Phana and Kit since we were in elementary school. Phana's parents are both prominent Doctors, so it was no surprise that he would study medicine.

Kit's family own chains of grocery stores all over Thailand, he comes from money but he's very humble. He is the 5th born of his parents, they had him at an old age. I honestly, thought they were his grandparents the first time I met them. Then there is me, My dad is a Judge in the high courts and mom just made CEO in a Fortune 500 company two months ago.Life was always good, until my parents got divorced. Dad couldn't handle mom's new found success. She started making more money and ended up spending more time on planes, traveling from country to country for conferences. My Dad file for divorce, he wanted a "wife", not an "air stewardess" as he so often referred to her as.

Honestly, Father should have known he didn't marry no timid 'Houswife'. They first met in Cabo, while Dad was on vacation and mom was at a conference per usual.She was a working woman from the start, but he thought once I was born she would slow down. Oh, not Brenda Barame!!. She was the only girl among 5 brothers. My grandpa raised her tough, he used to jokingly say, " I'll trade all my 5 Sons, for just Brenda. She is more of a Man than they are lol".

The truth is, if a woman like my mom was born a man she would viewed as a BOSS!. But society like to deem an assertive head strong women as a BITCH!. She was aware of the name calls behind her back, but she had no qualms with it. In fact she stated, "If they are going to call me a BITCH!, I must as well be the HEAD BITCH!IN CHARGE (HBIC)😂".

The divorce did have a toll on me, both my parents drown themselves into their work. Father remarried when I was 15 years old. He currently has two daughters with his current wife. He went on to start a new family, my mom was so vex she legally changed my last name to hers, 'Barame'. Ever since the divorce at age 13, my two best friends became my family.

I started indulging in my new found adult free life at that young age. I was going to the clubs and having sex with women older than me. I started using sex aa a coping method. I have sex at least 3 times a day, and never with the same woman twice. By the time I was done with high school I had earn the Casanova title on the streets of Bangkok. This reputation followed me to college as well.

But through those years, Phana promised he wouldn't meddle in my sex life as long as I was getting monthly checkups, using protection and keeping my grades up. What I didn't promised, was the 5am phone calls for him to pick me up at random hotels, bars and peoples homes. There have been a few times we were involved in fist fights over somebody's wife or girlfriend.

Although, we were the same age, Phana was really mature for his age, probably because he was the first born of his parents and have always been a reliable first born. There was no room for error with him, because he was the blue print for his younger brothers. Due to the countless fist fight he made me enroll in kick boxing classes, just so I can protect myself from these random attacks.

I was on my way back to the medical campus with the snacks when I run into 4 girls from the school of Engineer. Now I've messed with many of the girls, from all the majors but none compare to the girls from engineering. They call the men from engineer Wolfs, and their women were tigers.

This applied both in how they carry themselves and how they performed in bed. Hell!!!, some of the best sex I've had was with the engineering girls. One of them waved and screamed, " hey, Beammie!!! are you here to play!!! Lol". Next, the remaining 3 joined in, and I felt ambushed. I said ladies, "you know the rules, one night only!!". They begged and flirted with me as I made my way to my car. " wow!! What a beauty!!!"... parked next to my Range Rover was a 2019 BMW I8.

I have a love for cars, especially fast cars. Always said, if I didn't end up as a Doctor, I'll be a race car driver. I wanted to stick around to meet the owner of the vehicle, whom ever this belong to must be really rich!!!. Then I received a text from Kitty, " where are you with the snacks? Phana have to go lead the freshman moons and stars"... I rolled my eyes, " yeah right, more like to go fondle his boyfriend N'Yo..." I replied.

" Beam!!! Why do you have to sexualize everything!!!🙄"- Kit. " Ai'kitty!!! We all can't save ourselves for marriage like you, wait till N'Ming gives you that BIG D!!!" You'll be begging for SEX🤣😂".... "😡🤬🤬 FUCK YOU BEAM!! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I'LL BE THE BOTTOM"- Kit. " hahaha omg!! Did you just confirm you that you would fuck Ming!!!" 😂😂😂😳.

I arrived to the medical campus to an angry Kitty and Phana. " Hey guys... sorry for the wait".... "What took you so long?"-Phana. " His horny ass was having a quickie, what's new!"- Kit. " Talking about ASS....". Ai'Kit glared at me before I could finish my sentence ." Stop messing with Kit, we are already late for the Practice"-Phana. " You mean you are LATE for practice, I'm just there to scope out the new Stars😁 and Ai' Kitty to see his M..." Kit glared at me again and gave me the finger before I could finish my words Hahahaha.

Awww Kitty, he is so CUTE, when he's mad. I can see why that Ming kid is head over hills for him. I honestly don't know how that Playboy is best friends with N'Yo. I'll admit I have earned my title as a "Man whore" as Ai'Kitty love to refer to me as. But this Ming was dangerous, and if I had a sister, I'll keep her away from him in a 5 mile radius.

He changed girlfriends every 2 to 3 months. None, of his girls were average looking either , all dropped dead gorgeous, but of late he has been showing interest in Kitty. I didn't know he like boys or was he bisexual? This also have Phana very worried, N'Yo is always with N'Ming. They are best friends, but that boy is really protective over N'Yo. We thought they were boy friends until N'Yo cleared it out and said they've been best friends since high school. Still he made Phana uncomfortable to know a player like him hung with his innocent N'Yo.

We arrived to the practice hall to a bunch of stars and some of the regular girls giggling and whispering. One of them gasp, and said,"... oh his other boyfriend is here". Huh!!! What are they talking about. Next thing I saw was Phana bolting into the hall like Flash, and started yelling.Then I heard a deep, stern voice say, " BREAK.IT.!!!". Kit and I rushed to the hall. What I saw left me speechless, N'Yo was in an embrace and enveloped into a hug by a guy who was a few years older than us. Now, Ai'Pha was the most built in terms of muscles among us, but this dude made him look like a string bean next to him. This guy was lean but you can tell every inch was muscle.

He was very handsome if I was to say myself and sharply dress. What he had on was very casual, but anyone who had a taste for expensive things could tell everything on him was expensive name brands. Everybody was frozen, while Phana and this guy had a stare off. Except, N'Ming who was dying from laughter. Kit who was next to me, finally said " what the hell is going on here?". The guy holding on to Yo, turned to our direction. His gaze stopped at me, he looked at me as if trying to make out where he knew me from. Then I guess a light 💡 bulb went off because his gaze softened while looking at me. I looked away but I could still feel his sight was on me.

Then a little voice said, "P'Forth, this is P'Pha my boyfriend." Wayo run into Phana's arm and stroke his back, " please!!! Calm down P'Pha, P'Forth is family. I told you a lot about him I wanted you to meet him"... " okay the show is over!!! Everybody go back to what you were doing... Nothing to see here"Ming dispersed the crowd... Meanwhile, I'm over here cracking my brain to remember if I've met this Man before... I sneaked a peak at him, only to find him still staring at me. This time, more like a predator who have found his prey 😳.

A/N: This was a long chapter, but I hope you're enjoying my version of ForthBeam 😁.

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