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It has been two weeks since N'Beam was released from the hospital. He will be returning back to lectures tomorrow. His mother saw to it that all his professors came to the house to tutor him. Apparently, his family donates a lot of money to the school, so the Principal made sure N'Beam received the best lecturers. I also found a bigger apartment near his campus to move in with him. That was not an argument he was going to win. If the commute from my home is the issue, this will resolve it. " P'Forth!!! You have to promise to not hover over me like you've been doing these pass two weeks" - N'Beam. I looked down at him from the rim of my coffee cup. " I already told you this new apartment have a study area solely for you, how I'm I going to be a destruction?"... " Well for starters you follow me everywhere, you get mad when people talk to me, and I've noticed you checking my heart beat when I'm Asleep!!!!" N'Beam. " But how is that destructive though? I'm not hindering you from studying!"..." That's not the point you haven't been going to work and...." he paused as if contemplating whether to say it. " ... and what Nong?"... "and... well, ummm, nvm!!". I moved next to him on the bed, what is eating him up? Have I done something wrong? " N'Beam, you need to talk to me. I can't tell what is bothering you if you don't tell me!!"... " YOU HAVE NOT TOUCHED ME SINCE I WAS RELEASED!" He screamed then buried his head under the pillow. Why the hell is he so Cute!

Between Mom and P'Forth I don't know who is babying me the most. Mother who use to call me once or twice a year, is at P'Forth's house every day since I was released from the hospital. P'Forth on the other hand has been acting like a new father ever since I came home. He literally baby proof the entire house, now that I'm returning to school. He has purchased a condo near campus that would accommodate both of us. I honestly was hoping to go back to my old life, but he didn't even give me the option to make a choice. But above all, I've noticed he has been really careful with me lately. I mean he is still affectionate, but whenever it progress to anything sexual he pulls away or pretend something came up. It honestly feel like dangling a carrot in front of me then taking it away.

I'm not an insecure person but it made me wonder if he still has the same attraction to me like he did before. Could he be getting bored with me? I mean he was a player and never had the same ass more than once. I know this because this used to be me as well , I used to change women because I didn't believe in commitment. Perhaps P'Forth is bored of me. I finally had enough of this new Daddy role he is playing in my life. I want him to be my Daddy not a DADDY!!, arghhh. So today, I finally build up the courage to ask him. Well, I managed a mustard seed of courage to ask him, then ended up burying my head under a pillow after I blurred out my frustrations. " Nong, I've not touched you because you are still healing. I mean you still have the bandages on Beammie!!! What if your stitches come undone?... I looked away after he said that.... " So you are still attracted to me?"...he looked at me as if I've lost my mind. " Beam!!! I take cold showers just to lay next to you. Do you know what I endure in order to refrain from touching you!!!! Babe you're so alluring and absolutely!!! nobody holds a candle next to you".
Awwww so this is what is bothering this kid all this while smh... I can't lie I was touched to hear was concern." But you will have to mellow down with your obsessively checking up on me"-N'Beam. I looked at him quizzical 🤨. " Beam... please allow me, that's the only way I could have a sound sleep. If not I'll convince your mom to have you permanently home schooled. You still have your friends who come around, I just want you to have a security guard with you at school when I'm not around".... N'Beam sighed loudly "Don't you think that's obsessive? Nobody would want to interact with me!!!" -N'Beam... " That sounds ideal for me!!!😊"... " You can't isolate me from everything!!!" He said and stormed off to the bathroom. I knocked on the door, " Beam!!! You don't have to have the security guard. But at least let me drive you to campus and back. You can't deny me that!!!"... he opened the door , "what about your work?, you don't plan on attending your conferences?" -N'Beam. " Yea I delegated that task to my vice-president for the next month. Having him there is no different than having me. He is very competent and well equipped for it". He finally sat back on the bed and continued with his packing. We are moving to the new place tonight. Beam is really excited to go back to his life, but I can't say I am. This Type issue has been giving me nightmares. But him returning to lectures is not only baby steps for him alone but me as well.

My first day back to school was great, I was greeted by my friends and even people whom I've never held conversations with. I had all my classes with Phana and Kit and spent the entire day with them. The entire day was good up until the end of the day. I was leaving campus when I was suddenly approached by a very handsome young guy. He stated his name was Cane, he was very polite. He asked me for directions to the book store because he had just transferred to this university. I figured I'll walk him to the store, since P'Forth hasn't arrived yet. After he got his books, he walked back with me to the exit. "Thanks Phi for coming with me, I'm heading home now. I'll see you around " -N'Cane. I said bye, but the moment I turned around I was faced with a pissed off P'forth glaring at me from his car. " Who was that?"-P'Forth. " A friend..." I said and walked passed him to the car. I am not about to deal with his jealousy in public. He sat in the car and slammed the door, " He didn't look like just a friend to me. How come I've never met him before?"... " That's because he just transferred here Phi!!!" ....

He gripped the steering wheel tightly then said," N'Beam I think you should take a semester off". " WHAT!!!! WHY!!!!....." I screamed and got out of the car. I'm moving back into my own apartment then. Nothing happened!!! Everything is going well, why Why the sudden change in plans."Beam!!!BEAM!!!!! Get in the car NOW!!!"-P'Forth. " FUCK OFF" 🖕🏼I flipped him off and proceeded to head home on foot.
That's another thing, I need my car back!! Next thing I knew, he picked me up like a bag of rice, threw me in passenger side and drove off. " You lack manners N'Beam. I'll be damn if you're to talk to me like that" he said fuming 😤 with anger. " I don't think that's the issue P'Forth.... I think we need a break". He went silent after that comment. As if I turned the off switch. Crazy enough he didn't take me home, he pulled up to a tuxedo 🤵 store. " What are we doing here?"I asked. He didn't respond, he looked out the window not making eye contact. " You need a Tuxedo for tonight".... Huh!!! Why??What's going on here???

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