" Do you have to record EVERY moment P'Forth!"- N'Yo. " Of course!!! I promised my mom I would, and she won't let me here the end of it if don't lol" I was helping N'Yo retrieve his music notes and outfit for the competition. N'Yo has been playing the piano since he was young, and has a great voice. I have no doubt he would win the talent portion. "Hey, P'Forth... are you still trying to get in P'Beam's pants"-N'Yo. I chuckled and said, " ... stay in a child's place Yo.I hope you're not having sex yet!😠" he blushed when I said that and avoided my gaze.
I don't know why I asked, but my baby N'Yo being defiled just didn't sit well with me. Change the subject, "...But to answer your question I actually like Beam, and will be courting him henceforth ☺️". " Well you've got BIG competition ..." N'Yo said, while pointing towards the direction of Beam storming off with N'Type following suit. From where I stood it looked like lovers Quarrel.
" Hey N'Yo go in first, I'll be in shortly", I watched N'Beam and Type have their conversation for what took about 5 minutes, then N'Type left first. I walked over to N'Beam. " Is everything okay N'Beam?", he looked surprised since he didn't notice me approaching him. " Nothing I can't handle Phi", he said with a smile. " But I might owe your handsome friend an apology though, I acted really childish back there".
"My handsome friend?!? Who Lam?? Hahahahaha ... N'Beam for your sake and my own please never repeat that out loud. Park would bury you alive" Hahahaha. He laughed along when I said that. His face was beaming so beautifully, I couldn't help but think his name truly suits him well. " Lol seriously though P, your friend could be a top model. He got the looks"-N'Beam.
" oh!!and his soon to be husband would cage him to prevent the world from getting a glimpse of him. Park doesn't play about his Lammie lol". " and he doesn't play about him either, you can tell by the way he calls him his MAN"-N-Beam. We proceeded to walk back to the auditorium. This was a great ice breaker, I figured this would be the best time to bring up the Race on Sunday.
" N'Beam, I purchased tickets for the NASCAR race on Sunday, I happened to have an extra ticket. Would you like to attend?". I could feel my heart beating through my chest. Why does this kid makes me so nervous. " Oh yea, I actually was thinking about going myself"-N'Beam. A burst of joy exploded in my heart. I was about to ask if he would go with me when he said, " But I'm feeling a bit under the weather. If it wasn't for the competition I'll be in bed right now.
It's only Friday, if I feel better before Sunday I'll let you know"-N'Beam. I was feeling down until I heard his last sentence. There's still hope 😏. You catch more bees with honey, I'll allow time takes it course. " Ummm, N'Beam... I don't think I have your number. We should exchange numbers in case you decide to attend". " 😂 oh of course"-N'Beam.
We got back in time for all the announcements. I recorded N'Yo's performance and posted it in our family group chat. N'Ming performed a Thai kick boxing for his talent part. In the end, N'Ming won the Moon title. My N'Yo won some titles too, it was a fun and nostalgic evening for me. Once the event was over I received a text from N'Yo that he had dinner plans to celebrate with his Boyfriend, smh.
I looked around for Lam and Park, who was obviously reliving his college days. I found them all in the hallway where N'Ming yelled, " KitKat and I are official!!! He agreed to be my Boyfriend". Everyone clapped and cheered, N'Kit looked embarrassed because he wasn't expecting the announcement. Next someone yelled " PARTY AT TYPE'S HOUSE!!! 🎉 WOOHOO 🥳!!". In the mist of this, I was searching for N'Beam who I spotted walking towards N'Kit.
I have a bad headache that I've been fighting since morning. I went over to Kit to let him know I was ready to head home since I hitched a ride with him. He said he had plans with N'Ming, then they'll be heading to P'Type's for the party afterwards. No!!! That's the last place I want to be now.
I decided to take a cab home, when I received a text from Pha. "Ai'Beam! Please do me a HUGE favor. I forgot to pick up the present I got for N'Yo. Can you please pick it up for me". Damn!!!Pha on a day I don't have a car. The commute downtown on a Friday rush hour traffic is really hectic. I decided to go get it because I know how hard he has been working on this surprise N'Yo.
I watch N'Beam converse with N'Kit for a moment, then headed towards the exit. I got distracted when Lam said, " Hey Forth!! Park and I are going to the Party at N'Types. Some of our classmates will be there and my MAN is enjoying reliving his college days lol". I was hardly listening to Lam because my eyes were busy tracing N'Beam... " Are you even listening forth!!"-Lam..." Y-yeah.. you guys have fun" I said as I run over to Beam who looks like he was hailing a Taxi to leave. I finally got to him out of breathe. " N'Beam!!! Do you need a ride?" He hesitated for a minute, then said " Yeah, I have an errand to run for Phana downtown, I don't want to be trou-...". I interrupted him before he could finished his sentence. " it's no trouble at all, I don't mind. Let's get my car from the Engineer lot". He agreed!Oh great this would buy me sometime with him.
The traffic was just as I predicted, a part of me felt bad for dragging P'Forth into this. It was no help with the constant text from Phana. I called the Jewelry store that I was almost there and they give me a bit time since they closed at 8pm and I had 10 minutes left. " Calm down N'Beam, we will make it in time" said P'Forth. I guess he could tell I was distraught, but his calmness made me feel at ease. I run over to the store and got the parcel and made sure it was the right product.I got back in the car and called Phana. " I got the gift Ai'Pha, Nong Yo is going to love it. You would definitely be getting you some with this tonight ! Lol". Phana also laughed on the other end. But next to me was a fuming 😤 Forth. I should have been careful with my words. P'Forth firmly gripped his steer, his fingers were white from him gripping too strong. His face looked scary, this definitely a different side of him. Oh, Shit!!! Sorry Ai'Pha 🤭, I might bury my friend tonight.

Fanfiction"Why is this P' staring at me like that" Beam whispered to Kit who was busy fighting off Ming's cheesy advances at him. " Perhaps you have lipstick stains all over your shirt hahahahaha..."Kit. Forth in this story is an older man who falls for Beam...