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" Beam, why does it matter who has whose last name?... I mean you could both keep your last names or use both"- Mother... " I want us to be a unit, to me having the same last name solidify our roles in each other's life"... " Beam Jaturapoom , have a nice sound to it. Besides you aren't a true Baramee. What is the harm in taking his last name? Really think about it." I looked at her in silence. She've made some valid points. " talk it over with your soon to be Husband, marriage is built on communication. If you can't face these little hurdles , you have no chance with the bigger issues"-Mother. I sat there and finished my brunch in silence, I need to talk to P'Forth. *Text from P'Forth * ' let's talk things over honey, I'm sorry if I offended you. Please come home'. " Is that Forth?"- Mother I nodded yes. " So why the fuck are you still sitting here for? Go talk to your man!!"- Mother. Really!!! Can she pretend to at least be on my side🙄

I texted N'Beam, an hour ago. He has been gone for two hours now. I took a shower and when I got out he was sitting on the bed staring at his phone. " When did you get in?"... " About 10 minutes ago..." oh good he is answering me. I sat next to him in my towel. " Babe, about earlier this morning. I want to apologize. You don't have to take my last name if you don't want to okay"... he looked me in the eye but did not say nothing, " I'll take your last name if that's what you want... or we can use both okay... Please don't be mad. We are supposed to be planning a wedding now"I said. Then he pouted his lips and said, " P'Forth.... would you ever let me TOP you?". Wait!!! What? Where from that question. I gulped, " you want to TOP me?... hmmm, I understand you do have dick after all and would want to stick it somewhere hahaha" I caressed his cheeks and peck the tip of his nose. " I've never been Top'ed but if that's what you want you can"... I stood up and dropped my towel. " I'm curious now, because you are one hell of a power bottom 😉".

I only asked to put him on the spot, but when he dropped his towel I got nervous. I suddenly became shy, why is he acting like this!!! He held my neck and said "show me what you working with, Daddy !!" Oh my gosh I cringed!!! P'Forth is too manly to be acting cute. " Oh hell no!!! Don't you ever say that again... ewwww" I said laughing. He laughed too, then pecked me on the lips, " you do know I'll do ANYTHING FOR YOU right?"-P'Forth. I nodded my head. " I want us to communicate okay, you can't storm off when something doesn't sit well with you. I know you are younger but you are my PARTNER and your opinion matter to me. For you, I'll be Mr. Forth Baramee hahaha"... " Really doesn't sound good hahaha. What about Forth B. Jaturapoom?". He smiled and said, "I like that babe... but we do have a problem!!" Huh what could it be? " Why what's wrong?" He moved my hand and placed it on his hard cock. " he is very excited to see Mr. Beam B. Jaturapoom"... I looked him in the eye and winked. " I'll take care of that for you, Daddy"....

We have been running around within the last week trying to find venues to hold our reception. Thank God, my mother stepped in and decided to be our wedding planner. All Beam and I had to do was show up for fitting and food tasting. Lam and Phana our best men's have been busy sending out invitations and making sure everything is in alignment. In two days I'll be marrying the love of my life. Above all I have the best honey moon travel plan set up. A safari in South Africa, a tour in France and Italy, then South Korea for authentic Korean food. Beam will flip when he finds out. I've been sitting on this secret for a while and can't wait. " I just picked up the rings, I have everything. The stylist will arrive at 9am. Get here on time!!!" Lam called barking at me. " I'll be there on time don't worry Lammie hahaha, I'm the one getting married why are you so stressed?"..... " Forth!!! You got my husband running around doing your errands. He wasn't this stressed during our own wedding" Park. Of course he was around 🙄, no surprise there " I am grateful to have you guys as friends".... " Wow... you made Lam shed a tear!!!" -Park. " I'm NOT CRYING, I have a lash in my eye!!!!"-Lam. Hahahaha, I truly I'm grateful for them.
Ahhhh this day is finally here. Phana is helping me dress and Kit is in the background raining insults per usual. " Where is the hair stylist!!! He is fucking late" Ai'Kit. " Calm down P'Kit... he texted that he is 10minutes away!!" N'Ming. I honestly can't believe they are still together, only Ming can handle that grumpy cat. I was all dressed up, the hair stylist finally arrived. I am currently about to walk down to P'Forth down the aisle. Seated to the left is my family and friends and to the right is P'Forths. I looked around and everyone that mean something to me was here. Then P'Forth started singing!!! Oh that brought on the water works. I had no idea he would be singing. I walked up to him with all eyes on me, but in that moment it felt like it was just the two of us. We said our vows and exchanged rings.

We are officially married!!! The reception was one for the books. The cake alone was 5 foot tall and the place was decorated in white tulips and gold. It exceeded my expectations. " Thank you Auntie Sheila!!! This is beautiful!!!" ... " No Beam!!! It's mother now, I'm your mom okay!!!" She hugged me so tight. " That's enough mother, you'll suffocate him hahaha" P'Forth. " Can I get a dance with you Hubby!!"-P'Forth. " You don't have to ask... husband!! Hahaha". We danced the night away. I was shocked when we went to the airport instead of our hotel after the reception. " Where are heading P'Forth?"... " Buckle up honey, we have the world to see"- P'Forth.

A/N: we have come to the end of my story!!! Thank you all for reading. I have other ideas for ForthBeam. Let me know if you would want another fanfic. Again I do not own none of these characters. Just a fan and a ForthBeam shipper.

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