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Ahhh!!! Ever since Beam and his boyfriend filed for restraining order. I had no other choice but to transfer university. My family's business also suffered, apparently Beam's mother has the biggest shares in my fathers company and I've made my Dad filed for bankruptcy. All because of that whore!!... I get mad whenever I think about it.I've been staking out at his apartment, but it appears he has security disguised as regular people guarding him. Also, he mostly spend his time with P'Forth. I even followed them to P'Forth's family home. That fucker, definitely protecting his little whore. Hmmm, time will tell how long this will last.

For almost a month, I've been plotting my revenge. My family own a cabin in the woods, and that's where I've been hiding out. My car was taken away from me, so now I drive a piece of trash. The more I think about, it only make sense to make N'Beam suffer for destroying my LIFE!!!. As if faith and the stars were in alignment, because Beam miraculously run into my car while I was staking outside P'Forth's home. I guess him and the boyfriend had a quarrel because I can see P'Forth in my rear view mirror as I drove off... 'Great!!!This is working in my favor' 😈.

It has been three days since my altercation with N'Beam. He got into a random car that night and I rushed back to get my keys and drove to his place. I banged on the door several times and was contemplating on breaking down his door, but I don't want him to hate me more than he already does. After, an hour of hanging outside his door I called Lam. " Lam!!! I don't know what to do!!!"... I said hysterically when Lam picked up. It was around 2am when I called, he sounded groggy. " What's wrong Ai'Forth?".... " it's BEAM!... I think he broke up with Me!😭". I said bawling my eyes out. "Calm down, tell me what happened"- Lam. I narrated everything that happened, then I heard a loud Smack*!!! " ouch. Lammie!!! Why did you hit me? What did I do?"-Park... " You advised Forth to put a CCTV and tracker on Beam!!!"-Lam... These two, this is not the time for their lovers quarrels. " Lam!!! I need advice on what to do. Please. I'm afraid I might loose him!!!"... "Okay... if he didn't tell you it's OVER , then he's just mad. Give him time and refrain from stalking him on that damn CCTV!!!"-Lam. I decided to do as he said.... " Forth!!!NEXT TIME, don't ask for advice from Park about relationships. I allow him to think he has control."

Over the course of these three days I've had flowers, food and gifts delivered to N'Beam but no response. His phone is completely shut off, almost like he went off the grid. They resume classes tomorrow, and I planned on stopping by his campus but I have an emergency conference to attend. I'll surprise him in a grand gesture when I return in two days time. I hope he would come around by then and forgive me.


My lunch with N'Yo's father went really well. He is a very calm soul and without a doubt love his son. He basically without exact words stated he would end my life if I hurt his precious boy. I assured him that I truly love Wayo, and would do everything in my power to keep him safe. Once, that was over I texted Beam to update him on m lunch but there was no response... Hmmm, that's not like him. Even if he was busy, he would text back to let me know. Then I called his phone hours later and it went straight to voicemail. My assumption was he was busy with P'Forth, probably enjoying the last day of our holiday since classes resumes tomorrow.

" Morning Pha, where is Beam? Is he still at P'Forth's" Ai'Kit asked during our first block. Okay, now that's not like Beam. Even during his Casanova days, he never missed up school and pleasure. His education was a priority for him. I started getting mad 😠, " I hope P'Forth is not going to be a distraction for Beam. He can't be missing classes like that. The work load is a lot this block for him to miss even a day" I said. " You got P'Forth's number? Let's call after lecture." Ai'Kit. We did exactly that after our class, his phone went straight to voicemail. I went from being mad to being concerned. I knew immediately something was not right. We went over to Beams apartment to find the entrance covered in flowers, gifts and delivered food addressed from P'Forth,that smelled like it had been there for days. I called Wayo, " Hey, N'Yo.. What is P'Forth's address. I can't get hold of him or Beam". I asked sounding extremely worried and Kit was biting his nails pacing back and forth." P'Forth is outside the country for a conference, I can give you his international phone number... calm down Phi"-N'Yo. Kit's eyes widened, " this is bad!!! I'm calling Ms. Baramee".-Kit.

I am currently at a conference in Hong-Kong, it's more like, I was there physically but mentally I was elsewhere. I couldn't help but think about N'Beam. I texted him that I was leaving for a conference and texted him my international phone number that I use. Aside from him, only my close relatives have that number. I was in the middle of giving my presentation when I noticed two missed calls. I excused myself on the third ring, and went out to answer. " Hello P'Forth!!, this is Phana. Is Beam with you? He is no where to be found and his phone is off"...My heart started to palpitate and I was dazed out for a moment. Wait!!! I'm I dreaming!!! "P'Forth!!! Are you there!!!"-N'Pha... " No he is not with me... I'm heading back to Bangkok. Go to the police station and file a missing person report right now ." I finally gathered my thoughts to say.

Omg!!! I hope he is SAFE!!! I felt so guilty and distraught. I told my assistant to finish the presentation and I got on the next flight back to Bangkok.! Upon arriving in Bangkok I called the security I had hired for N'Beam. " When was the last time Beam was in his apartment?"... " Ummm Sir, Mr. Baramee hasn't been back to his apartment since the holidays".... " What the FUCK!!! I'm I paying you fuckers for?"... " Sir you told us to report on suspicious activities and people, and since he left with you for the holidays, we assumed he was with you." I hung up the phone and watched the CCTV at his apartment. My heart dropped seeing the hallway scattered with roses 🌹 🥀 that were withering. Nong!!! Where could you be at???OMG!!! That car he got in!!!! Of course, I live in a secluded neighborhood, there are no Taxis parked around. Think.Think.Think Forth... as if a light bulb went off in my head. He had on the watch the night he left, I called my IT guy, " Hey!!! Turn on the tracker on Beams watch and let me know his location"... " Yes sir, I'll send you an address in less than 10 minutes".... Hang in there N'Beam, I'm coming to get you. * I said a prayer, lord look over my Beammie*

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