I tried calming myself down during my ride there. I know it's just a picture, I know there might not be any thing going on between Type and Beam. But I need to set the ball rolling. I saw Lam and Park chatting with some of the engineer students as I was pulling in. I parked my car, said a mantra to myself to calm down. Today I'll do my best to get closer to Beam. "Hey Forth, come meet the new Hazers! Apparently we are legends here hahaha 😂" - Park.
I met Lhong, Pop, and Perth. " Swadee P'Forth" said Perth and they all wai. "Phi you are my idol, we were wondering if we can hold a seminar for you to give a TedTalk...I believe a lot of the engineering students will be inspired by your stories" -Lhong. I smiled it is humbling to know others look up to me. I mean I was among the few who landed a job before even graduating.
After graduation, I worked for the company for a year and set out to start my own. I can see how this would be inspirational. I nodded and said, " sure why not, that's the least I can do for my juniors"... " Oh great, we will let our Head Hazer Type know, and set a date. Thanks P'Forth"... At the mention of Type's name, I almost took back my words. I looked over at Park and Lam, " let's go we are going to be late. See you later Nongs".
" Why that salty face..." -Lam. ... "Huh, what are you talking about?" He stopped in his tracks, and put his hands in his pocket. " ummm, I'll get us some water Lam. You want anything Forth... No? Cool. Peace"- Park. Park excused himself the moment Lam pocketed his hands. I know what that means ,he did that whenever he was annoyed, mostly at Park. I guess out of reflex he wanted to not witness Lam's razor sharp tongue.
He excused himself before being caught up in the cross fire.Lam doesn't have a filter, he's very blunt. He says what he wants and means what he says, hence why we've been friends for so long. " why the sudden change in mood when the Type name was mentioned? If you appear in front of N'Beam looking scary how would that look?". I swear nothing goes unnoticed by Lam, he should have worked for the FBI instead of becoming an electrical engineer.I feel bad for Park sometimes because he lives with a mind reader. Then again, Park doesn't do much thinking lol.
Just the thought of that made me crack a smile. " What the HELL are you smiling about Ai'Forth? Now are you going to tell me what that was about?". I took out my cracked screen phone, and showed him the picture of Type spoon feeding Beam. " what is this about!!"- Lam. "That guy feeding Beam is Type" I felt anger brewing when I showed him the picture. " ...So? Is that why your phone got cracks in it? You need to grow the fuck up Forth! Now you throw tantrums when you don't get your way!!! It's just a picture!!"...
" Lam!!! That kid is the HEAD HAZER, I've met him before, he doesn't look he do anything just for the sake of it, he is definitely hunting.This don't look like just a picture. Did you read the comments...". Lam looked at me with a puzzled face. " I don't know who you are... but my bestfriend Forth is not an insecure prick. You scared of a little competition?"- Lam. We both looked at each other then break out in laughter. This guy what would I do without him 😊. " Well I can see why you are insecure, He is very HANDSOME lol". He walked off after saying that, " WHAT!!!! LAM I AM TELLING PARK YOU ARE CHEATING!!!" hahahahaha. He flipped me off an kept walking.
It is almost time, where is P'Forth and his friends. I looked out towards the entrance. It was as if Moses has parted the Red Sea. The crowd leading up to the ticket booth moved to the side to make room for a guy that looks like he just hop out the pages of GQ. I am straight, but that is one of the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on. Behind him was P'Forth and another guy with the similar body built as that of P'Forth.This guy quickly run over to the handsome man and round his arm around his waist. Well if that wasn't the most settle way of saying 'Fuck off' this is MINE then I don't know lol. " hey N'Beam!!!" P'Forth waved at me. " Sorry for keeping you waiting, these are my friends Lam (handsome man) and Park". " Swaadee Phi" I gave them their tickets and we met up with Kit backstage. N'Ming was busy flirting with Kit, until he noticed the men with me and P'Forth. " Oh shit!!! P'Park and P'Lam.."- N'Ming. He run over and gave the Park guy a bear hug. " Get off my MAN!!!Ming"-Handsome guy.
They all burst out in laughter. I stood next to Ai'Kit. " is there an inside joke we don't get?". " The Park guy use to go out with Nong Ming's sister, they've known each other of years. I guess this is a reunion lol"...while they were wrestling about, talking about engineer stuff, I couldn't help but feel a set of eye balls on me. I turned and it was P'Lam (handsome), he smiled at me when we made eye contact. He had his eyes glued to me, it made feel a bit uneasy.
I walked over to where Kit and Ming were standing, " why is this P' starring at me like that?" I whispered to Kit who was fighting off N'Mings cheesy advances at him. " Perhaps you have lipstick stains all over your shirt hahaha"-Kit. Really Kit, i haven't slept with any girls in about a week now. I just haven't been feeling up to it. I decided to struck a conversation with P'Lam since I couldn't help but wonder if we've met before.
The timing was right because he was by himself. P'Forth went out with N'Yo to get his stuff from the Car. P'Park is busy chatting with the engineer students. He is a burst of energy compared to his boyfriend. He is more reserved, " Hi P'Lam would you like anything to drink". He smiled and said " My MAN already got me a bottle of water" he showed it to me. There is something about how he claims his MAN, it was with so much pride. " I'm guessing you won the Moon during your year, huh?"-P'Lam
Before I could even answer I felt an arm around me. " Nope, N'Pha did, but if you were to ask me. Nong Beam would have been a better candidate. If he was an engineer student that year I'll have voted for him to represent us"- P'Type.
I moved his hand and glared at him, I would have cursed at him if it wasn't for fact that P'Lam was in front of us. He smiled and said, " P' my babe Beam always playing hard to get". Okay I've had enough, " I'm not your fucking babe, you need to quit it!!!" I pushed him and walked away. I could hear him running after me, " N'Beam!!!Beam!!..."

Fanfiction"Why is this P' staring at me like that" Beam whispered to Kit who was busy fighting off Ming's cheesy advances at him. " Perhaps you have lipstick stains all over your shirt hahahahaha..."Kit. Forth in this story is an older man who falls for Beam...