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After dinner N'Yo and I headed back to my suite. N'Ming offered to drive Ai Kit back since they live in the same building but different floors. So Beam ended up dropping Forth off at the Engineer Parking lot.I feel uneasy for some reason about this P'Forth. He stared mostly at Beam during dinner, it was almost as if he was eye fucking him.

Scratch that, he was definitely eye fucking Beam. Did I make a mistake having Beammie drive him back? My mind is distorted, and my gut tells me something isn't right. " P'Pha why do yo look so worried?"-N'Yo. "I'm a little worried about Beam. He didn't seem like himself at dinner and he was awfully quiet".

I checked my phone to see if Beam has texted me, rather it was Kit letting me know he had arrived at his apartment. My mind was racing a mile a minute. Beam should have been home before Kit,his apartment is closer to Campus than Kit even if he made a stop or two on the way home.

The dinner went as good as good could be after this afternoon's altercation. P'Pha was respectful and P'Forth was not that concerned with us as before. He seem to be warming up to Pha, but I couldn't help but wonder if he was on a date with Beam. He kept placing food on Beams plate, but the truth is Beam hates sushi. He normally tag along just to socialize with us.

And what was with all that goggly eyes he kept making at P'Beam. He was eye fucking him the entire time!!! Thank God P'Pha didn't notice that. Or did he and was keeping his cool? I'm sitting next to him now and he looks distorted. When ever a notification came in he would glance at his phone. I couldn't help but asked, "is everything okay P'Pha?". He finally blurted out what has obviously been bothering him all this while, and that was " Is your Phi into boys?...". I was tongue tied for a minute, I guess he did notice all the eye Fucking that was going on.

He just refused to believe that was indeed what he was seeing. " ummm, well P'Forth don't like labels. He is attracted to whatever peaks his interest at the moment". P'Pha suddenly pulled the car over on the side and asked again, " does that mean he is attracted to BOYS?"😱.Oh crap, Phana doesn't play about his son. The way he grabbed his phone to call P'Beam you would think he was a helpless Prey who was going get devour by my Phi 🙄. I could hear P'Pha cursing under his breath. " I should have had Ming drop off your P'Forth...should have followed my instincts ... what if he tries something with Beam?"-Phana.

I started saying a prayer, because knowing P'Forth he probably have him bent over somewhere if he was determined enough. P'Beam!!! Please answer the call.He called P'Beam and I heard him answer in a chipper mood, "Hey Ai'Pha, are you home already? I took a deep breath and tried to slow down my beating heart.Why is he painting my P'Forth in such a bad light. P'Forth would never do anything bad to P'Beam. Well, at least not without his 'Consent''.


" Beammie, are you home?" - Phana. "Y-yes, I'm home, why what's wrong?"...Next he bombarded me with 21 questions, " what the hell Beam!!! Why didn't you text or call to let me know?... What time did you get to the parking lot?... Did Forth say anything to you?.." OMGosh, Phana!!! Chill I'm good I dropped him off and now I'm home. Are we good I'm getting off the phone now.I sighed and hunged up.

But across from me at a table, in a Korean restaurant is P'Forth. Grinning from ear to ear. " I guess your Daddy wanted to make sure you wasn't eaten by the big bad wolf huh? Hahahahaha".
I know what you are wondering, why  I'm I currently with P'Forth? After we got in my car heading back to the parking lot, we were both quiet on the way there. I guess he noticed my discomfort with him in my car and tried to break the ice. He was asking how I met Kit and Pha. Whether I had a speciality I wanted to focus on in medicine. By the time we reached the parking lot, I knew about how he recently landed a big deal with a Chinese company and ways that he was planning to expand his company.

His face lit up when he talks about the work that he loves. He wasn't given off that creepy look from before. When we got to the lot there were a few cars and the 2019 BMW I8 was one of them. " oh wow, the person that owes the I8 is an engineering student!!!"... P'Forth smiled watching me geek out about the I8. " whoever it belongs to must come from a wealthy home!!!whewwww that car is a beauty. What do you think P'? Are you into cars?... I glanced over and he was smiling at me. He looked almost child like when he remote started the I8 and said, " Do you want to check it out? 🤗"

So I ended up having to ride with Beam back to the parking lot. It was obvious I made him feel uncomfortable during dinner, he hardly touched his food. He wasn't the only one who felt uneasy, his daddy was pretending he was cool, but I could see through the facade. In fact I was enjoying how uncomfortable I made him while eye fucking his son in front of him hahaha. I didn't make it this far in my line of work without being able to read people. You got to know when to fold your cards and when to play them.

And that was exactly what I did during the ride back. I wanted Beam to be comfortable around me, so I broke the ice with small talks. The key to the hunt is you want your Prey to graze the the land, then pounce on them when they least expected it. When we got to my car, I was amazed by Beams surprise upon seeing the I8. It was quiet refreshing, because the crowd I roam in are not impressed by such things. He lost it when I remote started the car. His face lit up, Beam is really gorgeous now that I'm next to him watching him smile and laugh. Seeing how excited he was,I offered for him to check the interior of the I8. He agreed to it, it felt like two friends engulfed in a common passion. We talked about other fast cars on the market, race car driving.

I discovered then Beam wanted to be a race car driver if he had not made it into med school. I told him how my friends and I were part of the illegal car race when I was his age. Then I heard his stomach roar," I think you need to feed that thing". He laughed and said, " I haven't had anything all day, truth is I hate sushi but Pha always drag me along because that's his baby yo's favorite". I smiled at him and asked, " what are you craving? I got room to eat". He looked at me hesitantly then said, " I know this really good Korean restaurant. I was planning on ordering a take out but you can join me there".

I nodded my head and put the address in my GPS. We met up and the food was actually good, I can see why he enjoys it. Before we left the restaurant, I received a text from N'Yo... "Is P'Beam your new Prey?...". I watched as Beam got in his car , that boy is really alluring. I got in my car and replied N'Yo's text with "...😬😬🤫, no sudden moves Yo, don't scare off my PREY".

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