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Woohoo!!! Finally done with this is hectic exams week. P'Forth was also busy with work but managed to have lunch with me most days, on days that he couldn't make it he would have food delivered to me. P'Forth has become a beacon of light in my life. He is great in every aspect except for his jealousy and possessiveness. The last time we had lunch together, he almost got into a fist fight because a guy unknowingly asked for my number. That's another issue I've been having lately. Ever since I started dating P'Forth, I don't only get approached by women but by men too.

Kit says it's because of my relationship status on Facebook, it has drawn a different crowd of suitors.
Some are curious if I've quit the Casanova lifestyle and others are simply interested in having sex with me.I decided to attend P'Forths family's dinner party with him. Mostly because I want to know how his mother is my God-Mother. Since my own mother has gone off the grid, she's most likely occupied with new ventures. Well at least I won't be spending my birthday and New Year's by myself this time.

"Ai'Beam, can I take a quick nap at your place while I wait for N'Yo?... I have a really bad headache. His final isn't over until 4pm and I don't want to drive all the way to my place and back"-AiPha... " Of course you can. Do you want to stop by the pharmacy?".... " it's cool Ai'Kit already offered to buy some after he has lunch with N'Ming". We both drove our cars to my place. I grabbed my luggage 🧳 to start packing for my trip, P'Forth cleared his schedule up until when classes start back up for me. He claims he has a lot of fun trips install and want more personal time with me. I noticed Phana trying to take a nap in my little couch, " You can sleep in my bed Pha, the Couch is too small for you hahaha". He moved to my bed and passed out as I proceeded to pack my luggage.

I just finished my last meeting for the day. I want to have things in place before taking my time off. N'Beam has two weeks off from school and I want to spend every waking morning with him. Honestly, having him by my side would put my mind to ease. Of late, Beam has become more alluring as if that's even possible. He has suitors every time we are out, it makes me worry. What if another N'Type situation occurs again. I got chills thinking about it, I need to find a way to cajole him to move in with me permanently.

I checked the tracking system, he is home now. I sighed in relief. " let's see what you are up to babe"... I turned on my laptop to watch the CCTV in Beam's room. " WAIT!!!! Who the hell is laying on his bed?" Next I see Beam walk to the bed side and lean in towards this man. "Okay Forth, don't over react!!! The position of the camera could be deceiving" I said to calm myself down as I watched their interactions. Next, I noticed whoever the other guy is reach out to his head. Okay I've seen enough I grabbed my keys and headed towards Beams place.

"Phana...Ai'Pha... I've made you some ginger tea. Kit and N'Ming will be here in 10 minutes", he opened his groggy eyes and asked " what time is it?.."... " it's 3:18 pm, N'Yo is not done yet". He nodded his head, he didn't look good. I checked his temperature by placing hand on his forehead. " You are running a fever Ai'Pha, we should got to the hospital." He shook his head then reached out to feel my forehead while he felt his for temperature difference. " I will be okay once I take the medication, no need to head to the hospital"-Phana. " Well come drink the ginger tea at least". I heard a knock at the door. "Oh great, Kit is here..."

I opened the door to an out of breath P'Forth. " P'Forr... catch your breath. Is someone running after you? Why are you out of breath?".... He shook his head no, " ...are you here by yourself ?". -P'Forth.Why is he asking that right now? I looked at him all puzzled, he move inside and was heading to my bedroom, when AiPha appeared from my bedroom. " Hi P'Forth, is been a while, how are you doing?" -Phana. P'Forth glared at Pha without responding. What had gotten into him? Is he mad that because Phana is here? Why did he ask whom I was here with?... " Hey Beam, why is your door ajar?"-Kit. I was trying to decipher what was going on when Kit and N'Ming arrived.

When I saw an image of a man touch Beam, I snapped instead of reasoning it out. I didn't consider his friends to be in his bed. I dashed out of my car and my heart is racing. I'm doing my best to calm down, now that I know it's Phana. But I need to have a word with Beam, it is not appropriate to have Phana in his bed. After all, he does like men and with my babe this alluring I can't put nothing pass even a friend. " here you go Phana, I got you the medicine... but why so much tension "-N'Kit. I glanced over in his direction, and N'Ming noticed that I was irritated. " Ayee P'Pha, Wayo is done with his exams. And kitty I need to go pack my stuff so we can leave early . Traffic would be hectic."-N'Ming. I nodded at him for understanding. When they all left I grabbed Beam by the waist.

As I locked the door, I felt P'Forth's hands around my waist. Okay I can't let this one go, pretending nothing just happened. " What the hell was that all about Phi?, why did you run in here like that?".He spun me around and tried to kiss me. But I blocked him by putting my hands over his lips, " No!!! You need to answer me. This erratic behavior is a bit much. You are cold one minute the the next minute you are hot. What is bothering you, huh?.... He looked me in the eyes and huffed, " Beam can you please not have other MEN in your bed?"-Phana. Is he serious right now... "What other MEN, Phana?hahaha??"... he grabbed my face and looked me in my eyes" Yes!! Phana... last I checked he like boys.this could have ended really bad for your friend Beammie, heed to what I'm saying. Don't have other MEN in your bed!!! Okay!!! Not even PHANA I don't like to share nothing of Mines" -P'Forth.

I pulled his hands off my face, " You don't trust me huh? You think I'm a dog in heat that would fuck anything 😠. If Phana liked me I doubt you would be standing here now.I am not your PROPERTY!!!P'Forth. If this is how you feel then leave my place. I am not going no where with you. You've loss your GADDAMN mind!!". I moved away from him to get the door for him when he said!!! " What do you mean by IF HE LIKED YOU? Does that mean YOU LIKE HIM!!!"-P'Forth. I face palmed 🤦‍♂️ myself, not this unreasonable side of him again. " Alright P, what if I liked PHANA!!???" Oh boy I could see the anger brewing in his eyes!! Oh FUCK!!!

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