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A/N: I have two ideas on how I want the story to proceed. Hmmm, perhaps I'll write another ForthBeam Fanfic. Enjoy the new chapter.

I was lost for words, Beam's mom is very intimidating. "Cat got your tongue??", she said. "Sorry, it's just that this was an abrupt visit"... she kept pacing around my office, then suddenly said," How is your mother? Still a HOUSEWIFE I presume?hahaha." Wait!!! She knows my MOM?!? Who exactly is this woman, she continued talking
" I don't normally pry into Beam's personal relationships ... well he's normally sleeping around not much of a RELATIONSHIP ,but it seems this one is serious. So!!! Mr. Jaturapoom what are your intentions with my SON?" 🤨

Oh she is here to size me up, to see if I'm good enough for Beam? ...Yet Beam is  under the impression that his mom didn't care for him. I finally gathered myself to say, " I was under the impression Beam was an orphan , it's nice to see you PARENT every now and then" I was stunt by her reaction ...she chuckled then said," You got a lot of balls young man lol. I do free range PARENTING.

Believe me!!! there isn't a THING that goes on in his LIFE that I don't know about... including whom he is shagging with" she said standing in close proximity. " Boy!!!! You really take after your Father"... Okay it appears she isn't just stating information that she looked up, she really knows who my parents are, " You know my parents?"... I asked but she ignored my question, then said ,
"... you still haven't answered my question?".

"I am in love with Beam, if that's what you want to know. This RELATIONSHIP is a real one, and I have no intentions of letting him go" I replied sternly, since it appears she came here to intimidate me.She looked me in the eyes, but with a softer gaze this time. "Oh my poor son, there's no chance he would ever TOP huh?this is what he's willing to give up PUSSY for". 😳 Beams mom truly doesn't have any filter, she says what's on her mind. " Well I've seen and HEARD all I needed to know". She said grabbing her purse and putting on her shades. As she struts out, she said " Just so you KNOW!!! I never miss a TARGET". 😉Did she just threaten me??

*Ding Text from MOTHER*
" Just met the Boyfriend ... let's have dinner at the Sun Roof Hotel at 7pm.XO-MOM" Why does she sign off her text? I have caller ID!!!SMH. She've already met with P'Forth... I should have known better, her minions already reported to her about my current situation. My mom and I don't have that typical Mother and Son relationship. To her, I'm just one of her many projects she works on. I sighed, " is everything okay Beam?"-Ai'Kit

" Yeah!I just have dinner with my mom". Kit dropped his spoon, " oh you think she found out about P'Forth?"-Kit. I nodded my head " Psssh, Found out?!?? She already MET with him".
"Hahaha Shiaaa, I wish I was a fly in that room. Your mother has a razor blade for a tongue, what I would pay to see her in action"-Phana. I glared at Phana, but he is right. Mother doesn't have a filter, I wonder what she said to him...

" Brenda Barame!!! That BITCH was in your office?"-Mother. Whoa!!! I guess she does know my parents after all. " Has she ventured into computer engineering now? What did she come to see you for?"... " so ummm" I cleared my throat. " Omg!!! Are you dating BRENDA BARAME!!! FORTH!!!".... " No no no MOM!!! I'm dating her SON!!!" There was complete silence after I said that, "Mom...Mother are you still there?".
" Yea son... you are dating little Beammie?"...huh!!! she knows Beam!!! " Did he grow up well? that little boy has been through so much".... " Mom you know Beam?"... " Yeah, Beam is my God-son".

What??? there is so much that needs answering. "I'll tell you everything when you come home for New Year's Eve"-Mom. " Yeah!!! about that...I might not come home this year. It's Beam's birthday and I want to spend it with him". I could here dishes being tossed about in the background " NOW YOU KNOW BETTER FORTH!!!YOU BETTER COME HOME!!! BRING BEAM TOO!!" click she yelled and hunged up. What the hell is going on??? My mom has a God-son that I DON'T know of? And it's Beam!!!

Okay P'Forth hasn't texted or called, I'm guessing she didn't say anything out of pocket. As I was about to head home and change, I noticed my MOTHER, coming out of the Principals office. Well it was hard to miss her since all these men are out here gawking at her. " Mom!!!???..." I called out to her. " Hey, Beammie!!! You are done with lectures?". She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed my cheeks. " I thought we had dinner later, didn't know you were stopping by on campus?"... she put her arm around my shoulders, " that's because I'm not here to see you , had to make sure all that money I'm paying on tuition is not going to waste"she said.

I stopped in my tracks, " Wait!!! Do you come here often? And NOT look for me?". She walked off to her car and waved, " I'll see you at Dinner son, I have an important appointment"-Mom. Some random guy next to me whistled and said, " At what age did she have you!???? She is very BEAUTIFUL !!!". I rolled my eyes and facepalm 🤦‍♂️.

I'm home getting ready to have dinner with mom, when I heard a knock at my door. Who could it be, I opened the door to P'Forth with a bottle of wine and Korean food. " Congratulations on finishing your first exams!!!". What??? No phone call or text, he just shows up. I guess he could read my thoughts,
" I can't surprise my BOYFRIEND ? Were you expecting another visitor? Why are you all dressed up?" He said and proceeded to walk in. He placed the stuff on my dining table.

" Oh no, you are always welcome... just that I wasn't expecting you". He pulled me close to him, planted a kiss on my lips and and sniffed my head "Oooo you smell sooOooOO good"-P'Forth. He placed his hand on the lower of my back, and initiated a make out session.Wait he hasn't mentioned anything about mom, did she lie about going there? I pulled away, " Hey!!! Save it for some other time Phi.I have dinner with my mom and have to study afterwards for my 3 remaining exams". He smirked when I said MOM.
" So!!! Guess what I found out today?"-P'Forth...I looked at him with a puzzle look on my face...Oh lord, what did mother cook up this time. "Beam you and I are related!"-P-Forth said. My eyes widen in shock, 😳😨"WE.ARE.WHAT?????

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