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I was not able to sleep a wink last night, I was thinking of how to protect N'Beam as I watched him sleep. I knew I couldn't be around him all day, and I didn't want this event to prevent him from living his life. Beam is very mature for his age,but now that I look at him, he is only Twenty years old.

He is still a kid who has to fend for himself at an early age.I'm meeting up with Park this morning, he will have his IT guy help me put a tracker on N'Beam's car. N'Beam was peacefully sleeping when I was leaving the house, I didn't want to disturb his sleep . I left him a note that the housemaid arrives at 7am, and he should let her know what he wants for breakfast.

I woke up around 8am to an empty bed and P'Forth nowhere to be found. I saw his note, then checked my phone to find text messages from all my friends. First one was from Ai'Pha, " Hey Beam I hope you are feeling better. Don't bother coming for lectures for the rest of the week. I'll take notes and come tutor you myself.... and I hope P'Forth is treating you well If you need anything call me".

I chuckled,oh Ai'Pha!!! Always in daddy mode, but I'm grateful for him and Kit. I read all the other text and it was all my friends checking up on me ,I felt loved. I wanted to call my mom and tell her what happened. But P'Forth is taking care of it, once she knows my grandpa and uncles would know about it . I just want this situation to go away, I don't want to give it more life than needed.

I got out of bed and took a shower, then I went down to the kitchen. " Good morning Sir, I'm Kara the maid...I was instructed by Mr. Jaturapoom to do anything you want. What do you want for breakfast?"... " oh it's just eggs I can make it myself 😊" I told her but she refused to let me do it, and proceeded to do it herself.

I moved out of her way and went to the living room. This mansion is very beautiful, we came in late last night that I didn't look around much. There is map on of the house by the mantle. The house has an in door pool, a sunna, 6 bedrooms, a gym, basketball court, a 10 car garage and an in home theater. Wow 🤩!!! He has attained all this by age 26, he's a hard work. I smirked while Kara brings over more than the eggs but a breakfast fit for a king.

" Hi Ai'Forth, this is Cane my IT guy" -Park. Ahhh finally, I met up with the IT guy. "So what do you have to offer in terms of tracking?"... Anything you want, we can do for you. Park was telling me about your situation and I believe you would benefit from our nano tracker"-Cane. " What does that entail? Tell me more about it"...

" well aside from tracking his car, we can put a tracker on his phone and even a watch. That way you would be able to not only track where he goes but know where he is at all time"....Mmmm that sounds like a better idea, I mean I can't have bodyguards following him on campus. " Alright, I plan on getting him a Rolex for his upcoming birthday, I'll have you do that and also his car". We shook hands and Cane went about his business.

" I knew that Nong was Flirtatious, but I wasn't expecting him to be a SAVAGE!!!"- Park.
" Yea, Ai'Park. Beam is really shook. I get why  you bugged Lam's car... how is he doing? and sorry about last night"... " I know it might sound crazy, but it put my mind at ease knowing where he is... he thought I did it because I didn't trust him though"-Park hahaha. 

Honestly, when Park told me that he had a tracker on Lam's car, I thought the same as Lam. That he didn't trust him, but this scenario with N'Beam made me understand Park better. Lam is gorgeous for a man,he was actually in commercials as a kid and could have  pursued modeling. He is constantly being hit on by both Men and Women. " I get it now Park,you rather be safe than sorry".

Phana did as promised, he stopped by P'Forths house with N'Yo, and Kit. Ming had a test and couldn't come with them, but he bought me flowers for Kit to give me. " Hi P'Beam, do you feel better now?" -N'Yo. " lol Yes N'Yo" I ruffled his head and smiled widely at my two best friends who had a concerned look on their faces. " I'm better now guys, believe me I am. I'm thinking about attending classes tomorrow"... " No, there's no need it's almost the weekend, you still have next week before the finals"-Phana. N'Yo gave Kit a tour of the house while I studied with Phana.

"Shiaaaa, Beammie your boyfriend is loaded! You lucky asshole haha"-Kit. At the mention of boyfriend my face turned red. I noticed Phana glared at me, "I hope P'Forth hasn't tried anything with you !??... I honestly would prefer you stay with me ,Beam"... "No, no ,no he hasn't tried anything, I even have my own room".... I said and I went back to my work.

😒 Pha weren't you the same person that told me to follow my heart, why go all daddy on me now. " So  is he your boyfriend or Not? Because, N'Ming told me what it means to wear that bracelet" -Kit. I looked at the bracelet on my wrist, I haven't taken it off since P'Forth put it on me. Matter of fact, I even shower with it on. " What does it mean to wear his bracelet" I looked at him questionably... " hahaha well technically it means he OWNS you 😉" - Kit.

I arrived home to a pouting Beam, in one of my T-Shirt's and shorts. He looked mad but couldn't help but notice how cute and small he looks in my T-Shirt. " P'Forth, why did you put this on wrist?" I traced my eyes to the bracelet he was holding in his hand and smiled.

" oh you finally found out what it means 😊"...
" YES!!! That I'm your property??? You OWN ME?". Wait who told him that!!! "No Nong!!! That's not what it means... the emblem represents my heart and you having it means I give you my heart!!" ... he looked at the bracelet, and shyly run up the stairs to MY room.

I entered my room to find him buried under the blankets. Lol why so cute N'Beam!!! " Are you planning on sleeping here again?" He didn't reply, I went and took a shower 🚿 ,came back to find him still in the same position. "N'Beam, Beam look at me? Why are you being shy all of a sudden? hahaha" I turned him over to face me, but he had his eyes closed. With a tender voice I said," Open your eyes Beam!! Or else I'll KISS you" he quickly opened his eyes, hahahahaha why is he so adorable.

" so the last time I confessed I did it in your sleep, this time I want to look in your eyes and ask.... N'Beam I LOVE you, would you do me the honor of being my BOYFRIEND?"... he turned tomato red, then buried his head on my chest. " what is your answer Nong? Do you still need more time?" He shook his head No profusely when I said that.
" I need you to put it in words N'Beam"... it was silent for a minute then I heard " I love you too P'Forth"-N'Beam.

"hahaha REALLY NONG!!!", I pulled him off my chest and planted a kiss on his lips. He gasp from shock and pulled away. I looked him in the eyes and said, "I LOVE YOU BEAM"... I leaned in for a kiss and this time he opened his mouth and allowed me to invade his mouth with my tongue... "SHIT!!!" ... it turned into a full blown make out session.

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