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" What did YOU just say Beam!!! You like Phana?" I started pacing back and forth because I couldn't believe my ears. He stood there with his arms folded. "Yes!!! I like Phana... What are you going to do about it"-N'Beam. Okay now I know he is saying things to get me worked up. " Are you hearing yourself right now... I've known Phana the allllll my life!!! It never occurred to me to suddenly develop feeeelings for him until I met you right?

You think if I wanted to be with him I wouldn't have by now?"-N'Beam said sarcastically.He proceeded to unpack his stuff, " What are you doing now... hold up, hold up Beam. I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry. I'm a complete fool and you make a valid point." I said scratching my head. I didn't reason it through. I am calm and collective most of the time but I don't seem to reason when it comes to Beam.


" Honestly, if this is what this relationship is about then I don't want to be with you. You need to TRUST!! Me" I looked him in the eyes. I don't know where all this doubt and jealousy comes from but it needs to be nipped in the butt. "I'm sorry Beam for being unreasonable ,its not you I don't TRUST rather the ones that approach you"-P'Forth.

I took a deep breathe, " Do you think I can't protect myself, I'm a man just like you!!!"...he smiled and pulled me closer to him. " Yes you are babe, you are the manliest MAN I know hahaha. Can you please forgive me?".... I rolled my eyes, I don't know how to beat it into him. If I'm not with him then it won't work with anyone else. " Don't let me ruin our plans huh, pack up your stuff". -P'Forth. " No you pack it".


After he made me pack all his stuff, he hasn't said a word to me since. He didn't say a word on the ride to my place. When we arrived he quickly run to his room and locked the door. I really messed up, I need to have them remove the cameras from his apartment and just have the nightly security. Ahhh!!! This is not good, the goal is to have him move in permanently after this holiday.

I went into my room and showered, came downstairs and made ice cream sundaes. *Knock.Knock.knock* "N'Beam you can't spend the entire time in the room!! Let's have movie night okay!!" I hear him moving about in the room. " please open the door, I'm sorry!!!...." still no responses " I have ice cream!!!". He suddenly opened the door. Why is he so adorable 😍!!! He has on that over sized shit that I love. " C'mon,let's go to the movie theater".he didn't respond but followed.


I am giving P'Forth the silent treatment, but I can't refuse ice cream 🤗. But he needs to understand that unnecessary jealousy will not be tolerated, especially when it's towards my friends. " What genre do you want to watch? I got horror, drama, romance...Beam"-P'Forth. He just smiled then said " I guess I deserve that lol... how about kdrama?" I was still not paying him no mind, just shoveling ice cream in my mouth. He picked a kdrama,I was trying not to be drawn in but it was too good to ignore.

Next, P'Forth came over and pulled me on top of him and covered us in a blanket. " You can continue with your silent treatment, just lay on top of me okay"-  he said and cradled me in a hug. I didn't fight him this time because he smelled good and I love cuddling up with him.With a tender tone he said," I'm sorry Beam, I won't let my emotions get the most of me again okay. I'm just scared to loose you". He pecked me on the forehead and went back to watching the drama. What makes him think he will loose me? I slowly drifted off to sleep.


Beam didn't say a word to me all night, I get his point now. I need to work on my anger. I woke up to a blue screen tv and N'Beam still on top of me. I looked at the clock and it was 6am. I lifted him up and laid him in my bed. He sure look cute when he is not giving me all that I went for a swim and called the house maid not to come in for a week. I wanted every moment to be just Beam and I.

" why does one person need all this space" I heard when I came out of the water.  " You decided to talk to me again hahaha". He just rolled his eyes. " well to answer your question, I won't be the only one if you moved in with me"... " Yea!! So you can lock me in here away from society...Nope. Besides I like my own space."- N'Beam. I thought to myself that's going to change by  the end of this holiday " why are you laughing, huh? I'm hungry what's there to eat?"-N'Beam..." Don't worry I'll FEED you, you won't starve" I winked at him. I then lifted him, and dropped him in the pool. " P'Forth!!!".-N'Beam. "C'mon Nong, one more lap okay"


After the swim, we ended up going to the gym. No wonder he is so well built. We had brunch since it was late in the day now for breakfast." Nong, when you finish pack an overnight bag, I want to take you somewhere"-P'Forth. "Where exactly are we going... do I need my passport? Lol"... I said really excited. " you'll find out when we get there" he said smirking 😏. Now I'm really anxious, I don't like surprises at all. The wait and anticipation is killing me. When I was done I went over to P'Forth's room.

He was in the shower, I went over to his bed and what I found struck a sudden fear in me. Because in P'Forth's overnight bag he had a rope, lube and packets of condoms. I gulped, " oh shit!!! Does he plan on DOING IT tonight?". I suddenly got nervous. I talk a big game, but I don't know if I'm ready for this. I rushed back to my room, I watched videos on 'first time bottoming'.... 😱😳😨😨I'm breaking out in cold sweats. I jolted when I heard, " N'Beam!!! Are you done packing???"-P'Forth. Oh lord, how I wish I can teleport out of here. All I kept imagining is P'Forth's HUGE SHLONG... I AM SO FUCKED(pun intended)

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