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Hime walks through the cold halls....eyes were laid on her.

She made her way to the visit room with a officer on her side.

She was a usual visitor here since she was little...after the incident that happened that lead her to not knowing who she really was.

The officer opened the door into the visit hall where she saw the usual faces of wives, children, mothers, fathers, husbands visiting one of their friends or families that had commited a crime.

Hime's eyes diverted to a man who sat alone in a table in the middle of the crowd.

"You've got 20 minutes Hime..."

The officer smiled at her before giving her the time to talk to the man.

And when the officer left, her bright shinning personality faded....

Her eyes were cold and empty and so full of anger and confusion

She becomes a completely different person whenever she comes to this place to see him...the man who she only knew that knew the whole truth

She made her way to the man

The man was staring at nothingness on the table, mumbling and mumbling and mumbling-- useless and meaningless words

Hime sat across him and sighed

The man flinched and his eye's met hers

"Oh Hime...hahaha" The man started to laugh like a maniac-- well technically he was.

"You remember anything now Wooshik?" Hime didn't even try to be formal with the older man

Wooshik just diverted his eyes on the ceiling and started laughing again mumbling meaningless words

"No..." the man laughs even more, causing everyone in the room to send weird glances at him

Hime knew it was useless to get any sense with this man....but she couldn't help but hope...she wanted to know who she really was before the incident. And even though she knew she couldn't get any sense with Wooshik, she was almost satisfied to see him struggle and suffer behind bars almost everyday

"...lady...lady knows" Wooshik suddenly mumbles

Hime's eyes widens "what? Who? What lady?" Hime asks him desperately

"Lady knows..." Wooshik mumbles again and gigled

Hime took a look around "which lady? Do you know her?"

Wooshik just giggled his eyes where everywhere but on Hime

"Oh shes here she's  she's  shes shes HERE HERE HERE HERE HERE here here...." Wooshik chanted...clapping his way back into a door in the other side of the room where the cells were located but Hime was forbidden to go there without any officers monitoring her--after several attemps of Wooshik trying to kill her actually almost happened.

Hime sighed and desided to call it a day, she would try to ask him another time...maybe he was actually close to remember the truth...and the closer he does, the closer Hime will know the truth.

Hime stood up furrowing her eye brows, she was holding in her tears of frustration and anger. She just wanted to know the truth soo bad

Its been years since she wanted to know the truth, she felt tired handling all of this by herself

"I'm sorry"

Hime heard a faint voice of a lady

She turned to her side, in a other table there was a beautiful woman around her 40's. She was soo beautiful that the prisoners shirt looked like gucci on her.

And sat across her was a pale short haired girl that was about Hime's age or maybe a year older or two, the girl looked exactly like the woman

"Hana...I'm sorry"

The woman took the short haired girl's hand and apologized again

The short haired girl named Hana stood up giving her mother a sad smile.

As Hime was about to walk her way out of the visiting room, Hana turned the same way Hime was going as their eyes meet.

Both of them stopped as they meet eachothers eyes, a feeling so similar went up Hime's was a feeling telling her that, that girl infront of her was someone she should know...

Hime looked away first as she walk past Hana who was still frozen on her spot

Little did Hime know...Hana was the fruit of someone who knew the whole truth of her identity...who knew the whole truth about what happend 8 years ago....the one who knew what truly happened to her mother

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