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Eunsang glanced at the empty seat beside him.
His mind for some reason was full about thinking if Hime would come to school or not...

It was 7:52 AM...any minute now classes would start.

Eunsang began to lose hope...Hime usually goes to school very much early than everyone.

From time to time his eyes would look at the classroom's door waiting for her entrance...

"Looks like you have a lot in mind" a voice snapped Eunsang out of his thoughts and returned his attention to his text book and notes. Junho, a chair infront of him raised a brow

"You've been staring at the door and at that chair for awhile..." Junho smirked clearly teasing Eunsang

Eunsang scoffs and raised a eyebrow back at Junho, "Then? It doesn't mean I like her"

"I didn't say anything about you liking her..."
Junho chuckled. Eunsang blushed at his mistake, but managed to pull off a blank expression.

"You were getting to the point..." Eunsang mutters and gulped

"You know, now that your hair's matter how much you pull off that blank expression of yours, your face is seriously red right know" Junho said in a teasing tone, Eunsang remained a unbothered face but his eyes again couldn't help but glance at the door again.

Haruto then went in the classroom almost slipping, that kid always slips on nothing.

Eunsang shiftes on his seat expecting Hime to follow Haruto from behind. But no Hime was found.

Haruto then sat on the chair infront of Junho.

Junho took a look at Eunsang's expression, though he had a blank expression Junho could feel his friend's mood, for Pete's sake they've been friends since middle school along with Sihoon and the others.

Junho then leaned his forearms at haruto's chair in front of him.

"Psst Haruto, where's your twin sister?" Junho asked him as he glanced back at Eunsang and gave him a im-doing-this-so-you-won't-be-staring-at-the-door-anymore look. Eunsang just raised both of his eye brows at him, confused. Junho just rolled his eyes at his response.

"I don't know with her, she left earlier than me...I thought she would be here earlier than me..wait let me text her-- wait a minute, first of all why are you looking for her?" Haruto asks innocently, Junho gave Eunsang a smirk that said this-is-an-opportunity-for-your-stupid-lovelife, at first Eunsang couldn't understand what he was saying but later his eye's widen.

"Because Eunsang--" Junho couldn't finish his sentence when Eunsang fell off infront of his chair, just to cover Junho's mouth. Their classmate's attention was now directed towards them, the guys grinned and the girls giggled for a second then continued onto their business.

Eunsang then glared at Junho, telling him to shut up or he'll kick him off his chair if he does saying anything.

Haruto was confused but shrugged it off anyways.

"Because" Junho cleared his troat and gave Eunsang a one last look that saids "I got this"

"First, your sister called me handsome, second I really think your sister's cute..." Junho smiled at Haruto, but Haruto remained the bitch faced look-- similar to what Hime usually had.

Haruto's eyes went back and forth to Eunsang and Junho, then his eyes stopped at Eunsang. He then
Look at Junho and pointed at Eunsang, "He has a crush on my sister doesn't he?"

Junho then gave Eunsang a i-don't-got-this and please-don't-kill-me-look.

"HAHAHAHA Haruto did you do your homework?" Eunsang tried to change the subject, but it was just making it more obvious.

"It's okay, I'm totally fine with it...I would like my sister to have a significant other like Eunsang, SO what you need man, her number?" Haruto sat on Home's chair besides Eunsang and placed a hand on Eunsang's shoulder "no need to hide it bro, its okaaaay, let it ouuuut~" Haruto whispers into Eunsang's ear, NOPE NOPE,Eunsang thought.

The thought of what Eunsang did to Hime the other day then appeared on his head....the way she took control of him without knowing, changing him into a completely diffrent person. How he pulled her by the wasit-- aAAAaaa EUNSANG STOP AKSKDKKDOS, Eunsang screamed on his mind, gosh he couldn't accept the fact that girl was driving him insane, she was driving him crazy.

Eunsang then shook his head and gently pushed the younger boy away from him, "I said I don't like her-"

Eunsang cuts himself of as he saw a tired Hime entering the classroom, she didn't look bright and colorful as Looks like she's been up all night.

Haruto got up from his seat as he noticed her unusual dark aura.

"Hey sis, are you oka-" Haruto get cut off as Hime raised her hand signaling him to shut up, she then placed the stack of books on her hand on top of her desk, she sighed and gave Haruto a smile telling him she was okay, Haruto then understood and sat back down his place.

Eunsang took a look at Hime, she looked like she haven't got sleep all night.

Eunsang hoped for Hime to look at him and smile but she avoided his eyes. Something was off

He then decided to greet her, "goodmoring Hayme,"
Eunsang smiled at her,mispronouncing her name on purpose, Hime then slowly took a look at Eunsang and her signatured smile appeared, "Goodmoring to you too weirdo" Eunsang then tsk at her comment but he ended up smiling like a idiot.

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