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7:40 AM

Hime steps in the classroom surprised to see Eunsang earlier than her sitting on her chair.

Hime took her time to look at him. He placed one foot on Hime's chair, his eyes looked more tired than usual--, he was too focused on the text book in front of him. But surprisingly he still looked very handsome

"Hey, get up. It's my chair"

Hime then straight forwardly walk to him and slammed her hands over Eunsang's text book.

Eunsang then looked up to her and smirked. He leaned back and crossed his arms, clearly he refused to get up for her chair

Hime was taken aback from his sudden action and change of character, where was the soft, shy Eunsang?

Hime raised a brow and scoffs also crossing her arms imitating Eunsang

"What are you doing? I said get up, don't waste my time mister, its not only you who needs to study..."

"Really? It's your seat? Gosh i clearly did not know that--"

Eunsang's sarcasm got interrupted by Hime

"Eunsang theres literally my name on that chair-- gosh please just get up your chair is just basically beside mine--"

Hime complains,

"Really? Too bad, I sat here first"

Eunsang stated which kinda was starting to piss Hime off

"If you really wanna sit here, why dont you sit on my lap instead?"

Eunsang smirks, Hime was shock, from their frst impression she saw Eunsang as a shy and hot headed boy...sure she kinda sees him as a weiedo and all--but she never expected this side of him.

"What the-- okay, what is going on??? WHO ARE YOU! YOUR NOT EUNSANG! EUNSANG'S NOT A ASSHOLE-- oh wait maybe he was"

Hime questions furrowing her eye brows

Eunsang looked down then looked up to meet his eyes with Hime's with the most playful smile Hime has ever seen

"Oh Hime," Eunsang stood up and took a step closer to Hime, his face centimeters away from hers...Hime could feel her heart beat raise

Eunsang grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer to him.

"Guess don't know the real Me and the things I do just to get the things I want"

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