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Hime sat down beside Eunsang, just like any other day.

Eunsang looked up to see a very tired looking Hime. It was finals of course who wouldn't be tired.

"You okay?" Eunsang asks, slipping his phone back to his pocket.

"Yeah, I just really need sleep right now" Hime sighed, opening her Genetics textbook.

Eunsang shifted and leaned forward to reach for her textbook.

"hey, what are you doing-" Hime furrows her brows as she tries to get it back from him.

"Hey, hey," Eunsang tried to keep it out of her reach as Hime tried to bite his arm to get her textbook.

"Hime, hey calm down" Eunsang drops the textbook to the ground as he gently made Hime face him and stopped her from reaching the textbook.

"What?" Hime says with a sad tone.

"Look you've done enough, you're going to do well, I promise you that," Eunsang gently shakes her shoulders.

"but-" Hime furrows her brows.

"but!" Eunsang raises his voice but still in a sweet manner.

"If you don't rest," Eunsang pinches her nose.

"If you don't take care of yourself," Eunsang then flicks her forehead as Hime shuts her eyes closed.

"You're not gonna pass if you're going to pass out during the exam" Eunsang joked.

Hime kept quiet, she knew he was right anyway.

"Now tell me," Eunsang rests his chin on his palm.

"Did you eat breakfast?" Eunsang asks Hime.

Hime then smiled at him.

"Why? would you give me food if I say no?" Hime bits her lips just thinking of the food.

"tsk, just take it" Eunsang takes out a pack of milk bread in his bag and tossed it to Hime, who ate it less than a minute.

Eunsang then laid his back on his chair, enjoying the view of his lover enjoying a small meal.

"You could take my lunch if you want, I cooked it myself, it's my sister's recipe"Eunsang offers.

"I would love too but I'll eat it with you later in lunch" Hime giggles as she pokes his dimples, he was smiling a lot lately.

well, as long as she was with him, Eunsang would never stop smiling.

Hime's eyes were slowly closing, her eyelids weighed like they have been infused with lead.

She licked her dry lips as she rests her head on Eunsang's shoulder.

"you know what, you're right, I do need a nap, wake me when it's almost time" Hime crosses her arms and laid her head comfortably on Eunsang's shoulder. Eunsang couldn't help but feel like Hime said that to him as if she was about to do something brave.

"No worries, I'm just gonna be here, I'm not going anywhere" Eunsang assured her as he picks her textbook up from the ground with his feet.

and as it was on his hands and opened the textbook, notes were everywhere.

a very familiar handwriting greeted him, of course, she did write Junho notes (which she gave to Eunsang). But Eunsang felt like he had seen this before somewhere else.

"You have very bad handwriting you know that?" -EUNSANG

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