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"Russell please" I beg standing in front of the door stopping my older brother. I can't believe he was doing this again.

"Move" he growls looking me in my eyes thinking I'm afraid of him.

"Just because you have some rare disease that makes you stronger than others, faster than most and-and-and...Russell please"

"I'm doing this for us" he whispers/shouts. "Mom...can't-do this"

"This isn't the only way to make money. You can't-"

He grabs my arm, pulls me to the side then open the door. "I'll...be...back" he promises before leaving. I close and lock the door, 12 minutes older and he thinks he has to protect me forever.

"Riley!" Regina yells from her room.

I take a deep breath before answering, "Coming, Mama!" I walk into her room and force a smile.

"What happened?" She groans.

"Russell'a doing a 'run'" I sit in the chair by her bed, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No baby, I'm fine" she coughs, "No worrying about me tonight....go...read"

"Mama it-"

"No baby. Go" she insisted, I nod my head before getting up and walking out. But I can't read or sleep, shit I can't even watch tv. Somethings wrong, I shake that damn feeling.

Being the fat ass I am I walk to the kitchen and pour a bowl of cereal. It tastes different in the afternoon.

Bing Bing. I check my phone and see it's a text from Tye.

Tye: W.E u did last night was fucking incredible 😏

"What the fuck?" I whisper to myself, I haven't seen him in two days. Some boyfriend, he promised he wouldn't do this again. I ignore his text and continue eating. When I finish I clean my dishes then watch Friends in the living room.


I wake up to my phone ringing. It's Russell.

"Yeah?" I whisper rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Riley?" An unfamiliar male with a British accent asks over the phone.

I wake up immediately and sit up, "Who's this?"

"We're pulling up" he rushes out then hangs up. I jump up and grab my bow and arrows from our cabin. I run outside and hear a car coming, I pull my arrow back when I see headlights. Whoever was driving my brother's pick-up stops when they see me.

A guy with golden blonde hair jumps out the drivers' side with his hands up. "Riley?" He asks, it was the guy on the phone.

I aim my arrow at his throat, "Where's my brother?"

"In the back seat. He's injured"

"My brother doesn't get hurt" I growl, he steps closer and I aim at his head. "One more step and you'll get an arrow through your eyes" I warn.

"He cut his wrist"

What?...."Which wrist?"


I put my weapon down and run to the back, "Russell!" I open the back door and see Dylan with Russell and Jax in the passenger seat.

"Riley..." Russell whispers.

"You big idiot" I throw my bow and arrows in the back and grab Russell's arm.

"Riley-" Dylan starts.

"Don't!" I put Russell's arm around my shoulders and help him out. Dylan is on his other side and we carry Russell back in the house then place him on the couch.

"Riley I-"

"Stop!" I yell cutting Dylan off again. "My brother!....Your friend! Is hurt! Did you forget that?!"

Jax and the other guy rush in through the front door, "Can you help him?" Jax asks.

I turn to them and ball my first, "I'm the only one that can help him" I growl before running to the bathroom and grab my sewing kit then rush back to my brother.

"I...should-had...listen....to...you" Russell breaths as I kneel down in front of him.

"One thing. One fucking thing" I grab his chin and check his eyes, I watch as his dark eyes lose their life. Ever since we were little that one cut hand some hold on him.

"Okay, I can do this" I release his chin and grab his wrist, I clean the blood from his deep cut.

"What the hell happened?" I ask the three guys in my house.

"He broke the glass" Dylan answers, "It all happened really fast...I'm sorry"

It takes me 10 minutes to sew up his wrist and clean up the blood. I pack up my kit with shaking my head.

"I fucked up I know" Russell whispers.

"Yeah you really did" I snap, "You can literally cut off your arm and not bleed out but cutting your wrist can kill you"

"Riley?" A familiar British voice ask.

I look back at the door and see the blonde-headed guy staring at me.

"Who are you?" I finally ask, he looks at Russell then back to me, "What? You don't know your own name?"

"Little R" Russell barks.

"I'm sorry" I sigh.

"I'm Four. I'm sorry about-"

"Yeah, I know" I walk back to the bathroom and put my kit away, "Fuck..." I walk to the living room and see Four sitting with Russell.

"The guys are gonna stay the night" Russell informs me.

"Whatever" I whisper walking outside to reserve my bow, I turn back and see Dylan at the door waiting for me.

"Leave me alone Dylan" I groan getting annoyed.

"Can we talk?" He steps closer, "You know I didn't mean for that to happen"

"Are you talking about my brother or you leaving me then risking my brothers' life?"

"Both...I know you have a boyfriend-"

"How the hell did you know about that?!" I yell gripping my bow in my hands. I can't catch a break tonight.

"Oy!" A male yells, Dylan and I look back and see Four by the door. "Doesn't seem like she wants to talk to you"

"We're old friends" Dylan shrugs his shoulders as if I'm some whore.

"That's not what I said. Now fuck off" Four growls.

Dylan turns to me, "See you tomorrow" he walks away bumping Four's arm with his.

I wait until Dylan's inside to talk, "I don't need you to save me"

"I bet you don't. I saw the way you handle that bow"

"I don't need this"

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