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"Do you have any family now?" One asks. We're doing this to save families. To make sure no one else loses their loved ones in a bombing. Four has nothing to do with this anymore.

"Yes" I answer, "Just our mother"

"Where does she think you are?"

"City" Russell answers pulling the attention away from me, "I told her they found new information on us"

"I can use that. Is there a dangerous road you guys have to take to get home?"

"A bridge"

"You're faking our deaths now?" I rush out.

"Yeah, we need to get information on a guy and we can use you two-" Russell and I look at each other "-On your way home Russell lost control and crash-"

"Ok" I cut him off. Even the thought of my brother fake killing us hurts him.

"We're staying at a hotel, I already got you guys your own rooms"

"Thank you," Russell says.

One stays up, "First hand me your phones. I'll get you guys new ones"

We hand him our phones with no hesitation, "Alright let's introduce y'all to the rest of the team" One smiles.

I'm the first one to walk out the jet, then down the steps and the first to approach the group. Four steps to me but Russell stands in front of me blocking him.

"Alright! Everyone gather around" One starts and I move to Russell's side.

"This is Eight" he points to me, "And this tall beautiful beast is Nine. Eight and Nine, this is Two, Three, Five and Seven" One says pointing to everyone as he says their names. Six must be the one that died.

"How tall are you?" Three asks Russell I mean Nine, I guess I have to get used to calling him by a number.


"6'8? Wow," Five smiles.

"And a half" Nine smiles at me.

"We're your new family," Seven says....and just like that Regina was alone. No one with her. I look down, seconds later Nine is holding my hand.

"Nice going guys. Nine and Eight, you're going with Three. Nine, keys" Nine throws One his keys, "I'll see y'all tomorrow," One says.

Nine and I follow Three to a truck, I hear Four calls after me but I ignore him. Russell-shit Nine and I sit in the backseat.

"Y'all two brother and sister no?"

"We are" I answer, "I'm guessing we're the first siblings"

"You are"

I can feel that Russell is upset with Four but I wasn't. The hotel wasn't far from the hotel so the drive wasn't long. Three played Spanish music the entire ride, he was singing and dancing. We all parked and climbed out of our cars. Four went with One but they went here.

"Seven you know you're not supposed to be saying crap like that" Three says as we walk across the parking lot. They all had duffel bags with them.

"Really? After everything we've been through we still doing this shit?" Seven snaps, "We almost lost Four"

"We can't risk people hearing us" Two says. I notice her and Three holding hands.

"Not even on missions?" Seven asks.

"Too risky" Two smiles sarcastically at Seven. We enter the building and walk to the front desk. The place is really fancy, big ass lobby with a fountain when you walk in and apparently there's a bunch of stores in here. Great a mall you can sleep in. The worst part is a large portion of people would come in just for the stores. I don't know why One chose this place.

"Nine" Seven calls then throws him his room key, "Eight" then throws my key. As we walk to the elevators the team talks about One buying the floor.

"Wait what?" I ask.

"Every time we stay in a hotel" Two answers, "One buys the whole floor"

"No wonder he already had rooms for us" Russell groans, He's more uncomfortable than me. We hop on the elevator, no one said a word then hopped off.

"Y'all have a goodnight" Seven says as he walks in his room.

"Night" Five smiles.

"Sorry if we're too loud" Three smirks as he pushes Two in his room gently.

"Goodnight" I smile. I have a good feeling about them.

"I'm right here" Russell-shit, Nine says pointing to his room. I check my key and see I'm across from him.

"I can sleep on the floor"

"Nine I'm fine" I squeeze his arm, "We already sleep in different rooms"

"Nine? So we're staying with numbers?"

"I thought it would be easy for us" I shrug my shoulders.

"Ok....Eight it's a new place with new people. I'll just feel better if we stay together"

"You heard Seven, this is our new family"

Bing. The elevator doors open and Four and One walkouts. I hear Russell growl and I laugh.

"Go" I gently push him to his room, I close his door then walk to my room. My room is large so no damn reason, especially for one person. I throw my bag on the floor by the bed and start to undress. Fancy hotel, fancy shower. Since I'm used to listening to music when I take a shower I put on the tv and leave the bathroom door open.

I feel my body loosen up as the warm water hits my body. Regina would be fine, I know she would. She's been a fighter her whole life, she knew Russell would be more than a fighting/jumping monkey. I wish I had my bow with me, the only weapons I brought with me are my throwing knives and my green butterfly knife. My favorite. I hop out the shower wrapping my body in a towel.

I walk to my bag, drag my lotion then lower the tv volume. Ever since the bombings and us being stuck under crud my skins been so sensitive. After applying my lotion, I put on my favorite oversize gray PAC Man shirt with my green and black men's pajamas.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

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