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I open the door and see Four, "Really?" I snap.

"Riley give me a chance to explain"

"It's Eight now" I start to close the door but Four holds it open.

"I wanna talk"

"Fine" I let him in then close the door, "Talk"

"I...um, first I'm sorry, I should've told you this earlier. Five and I use to be a thing. Nothing serious"

"Wow, that makes me feel better," I say sarcastically. I walk over to the bed and sit down.

"There's nothing going on with me and her-"

"It doesn't matter to me. Don't think just because I'm still here means it's because of you"

"I know that I just don't want you to be mad at me"

I look up at him and see how sad he is, "Does One allow dating?"

"No-yes things changed awhile back. I dunno" he rushes out with a thick accent.

"What are you talking about?"

He sighs, "I almost died in a mission if it wasn't for Seven, he broke the rules and came back for me. Seven told us his name then I did, then the rest of the team did. Three and Two started dating but when that started our team started to drift apart. One doesn't really talk about it anymore"

"So do those rules still apply?"

"I don't know. Anyway, me and Five started to hang out but I didn't trust her"


"Her and One were a thing. She never told me....Riley please" he begs.

I stand up, "Go" I snap. He can still have a thing for her.

"Please I...I like you"

"The way you 'liked' Five?"

"I've never kissed her. I've never wanted her the way I want you" he steps closer, "Tell me to leave and I'll leave" he growls. I don't want him to....I feel my pulse quicken. I want him.

"Stay" I sigh and instantly Four grabs my waist and kisses me. I grab the back of his neck and pull him closer to me.

"Riley" he groans before grabbing my neck and moving his lips down to my neck.

"I said...it's Eight" I breath as I move my hands to his lower back. He pushes me back and we fall on the bed never parting the kiss. I wrap my legs around him and he groans on my lips.

"Eight" he groans, I reached down for his shirt and pull it up. I want him.

He pulls away, "Are you sure?" He breaths looking down at my body.

"Yes" I push him back and he takes off his shirt revealing his sexy strong body. He goes for his pants next and I start to take off my pants. Only my pants because he only took off his pants. He kisses me again and falls in between my legs. His hand slips down to my underwear, then my folds and he starts rubbing.

"Oh fuck" I moan pulling away from his lips.

"Someone's wet" Four smirks.

I want him, "Fuck me" I moan and he jumps back and pulls off my underwear then his. He falls back onto me, places himself at my entrance and starts rubbing.

"Four stop teasing" I beg him.

"It's Billy actually"

I grab his face and smile, "Fuck me, Billy"

"With pleasure" he slowly enters me groaning, "You're so fucking tight"

I hold back a whimper, Four is larger than Dylan and since this is my second time having sex it fucking hurts.

"You ok?" He asks noticing my pain.

"I'm fine" I claw at his lower back wanting more. His pace quickens and he starts grunting. I look into his eyes and moan his name ( Billy ) loving the sounds he made just for me.

"Oh fuck!" He slams his hand into the wall and thrust harder into me. His eyes roll to the back of his head as he slows down.

"You..feel so...oh fuck...fucking good" he groans before kissing my lips again.

"Billy...harder" I moan on his lips wanting more. He thrusts into me and I scream out in pleasure, "Billy!"

I grab his shoulders as I start to bounce up and down. My knees go weak and my stomach starts to knot.

"Riley...fuck" he groans going faster and harder, "Scream my name... let me...know how good-shit...I make you feel"

"Fuck! Billy! Billy! Billy!" I moan/scream every time he slams into me. He tries to kiss me but I'm bouncing too much.

"Billy!...I'm close" I moan as I feel my climax approaching.

"Don't" he growls then grabs my neck, "Do not come" his grip on my neck tightens.

"You like that?" He groans.


He pulls out of me and sits up, "Turn around"

"Billy I-"

"Now" he snaps, "And ass up" I follow his orders then feel him slid into me.

"Ohhh Fuck!" He groans then returns to his fast and hard pace. He slaps my ass and I fucking love it.

"Billy I can't!" I moan gripping the sheets.

"Fine" he groans pulling out of me, he flips me over then slams back into me. I'm on my back again, bouncing like crazy.

I curl my toes, "Billy I-ahhh!" I yell as I come all over him.

"Shit! Riley!" He pumps faster, he pulls out of me then starts jerking himself off. We didn't have a condom and he didn't want to risk it. He comes all over the sheets as he moans my name.

He lays down next to me, "Did not expect that"

"What did you expect?"

"C'mon here" he puts his arm around me and I lay on his side. "I thought we were gonna talk but I couldn't control myself"

I look up at him and smile, "Are you blaming me?" I ask joking around.

"No. Skeen" he gets up and puts on his boxer.

"What does 'skeen' mean?" I ask sitting up.

"Ok. I thought you know that since you knew everything else I was talking about" he lays down next to me.


"Night Precious" he wraps his arms around me then puts his forehead against mine.

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