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I don't know if it's the drugs Five filled me up with or the fact that Four is sitting next to me but I feel like I'm sitting on clouds. Yep, I'm high. The money fall is all over the news. 

"We did it" I chuckle looking at the news on One's tablet. "We gave the people back their money" 

Four kisses my cheek then whispers, "We need to talk" in my ear. I look at him and nod my head. I'm not even a little nervous with his ring on my finger I know it's nothing bad. He smiles and I admire his handsomeness. His perfect little red lips, his sexy blonde (with a small hint of brown) that I always want to tug at and his eyes. Fuck, his eyes are amazing blue with a hint of green. I can stare at them all day. 

"Yes?" He chuckles, his accent thick. 

"I can't look at you?"

"You can, I just wanna know what's going on in that beautiful head of yours"

I blush at his cuteness. I'm so happy I found him. 

"Alright," One groans rising from the couch, "Everyone out" 

"Can I go home now?" I ask. 

"It took us ten minutes to get you on the couch" One growls, "And it's five feet away" 

Everyone including Nine stands up from their spot, we quickly say goodbye then they leave. When One heads to his room, I slowly sit up and make room for Four. 

"We needed to talk" I remind him. Our eyes lock and I see how soft his eyes are. Four reminds me of a large teddy bear you just have to hug. 

"I love you" he starts with, "The ring I gave you is a promise ring...but what if it wasn't?"

I laugh weakly, "You want it back?" 

"No" he sighs/chuckles, "If I asked you to marry me, what would you say?"

I feel like the air in my lungs was sucked out through the hole in my chest. I smile, "I would say yes"

"So why don't we?" He asks with excitement. 

"Because we just said our first I love yous and it's been a little over a year. Billy, I love you and I know relationships have not been your best but there's no rush. We live and work together, we even workout together some time. I don't know about you but I already feel like we're married"

He laughs and it's music to my ears, "You're right...I'm sorry it's just when everyone was rushing back to One's place and I didn't hear anything from you...I was scared" 

"I'm not going anywhere any time soon," I think for a second. Four has been crazy about finding the perfect woman since he was young, now he's asking me to marry him? Well, he didn't actually do it but still, it's marriage. I wonder if he thinking about...

"Four" I try to sound serious but it comes out kiddish, "Have you been thinking about us having kids?" 

He claws at his neck and I yank his hand away, not caring about the pain. "Hey" I snap, "Do you want kids?"

"Yeah" he smiles, "I do" 

"Come here" I pull him closer to me and e carefully rest his head on my shoulder. His smell fills my nose. "One day, yeah?" 

"One day" 

I kiss his head, "How many kids?" 

"I want three. One girl and two boys" 

I laugh and ignore the pain. Drugs are wearing off. He must've noticed my pain because he removes his head and sits up. 

"You should get some rest" his voice soft. 

"Yeah I should" 

He stands up and I lay back down. One had left blankets out for Four so he can make a small bed by the couch. It reminded me of our nights playing the Xbox on the floor. Four grabs my hand places it to his mouth then kisses my knuckles. 

I'm standing in the bank, Two and Nine are nowhere to bee seen. Dead bodies surround me. It's quiet, dead quiet. I hear the click of a gun, I spin around to a man sitting up with his gun aimed at my head. 

Russell isn't here to warm me or scary the man with his loud voice. I'm alone. I try to move but my body freezes over and I'm stuck. 

I inhale. BANG!

I jump up and groan in pain, feeling like someone just torn my chest open. Fuck, I may have just ripped my stitches. 

I look around, I'm back in One's apartment, Four sleeping on the floor next to me with his mouth open and his eyes slightly open. He looks peacefully yet there's a hint of being worn out. I did that to him, I was being sloppy and I got shot. I hurt my family. 

I'm cold but I'm hot beams of sweat soak my body. No, I can't do this again, I can't be afraid to sleep. The sun is taking its time rising into the sky, lighting the world the higher it gets. The front door opens and Seven steps inside, he's sweating as much as me. I forgot about his morning runs. 

"Are you ok?" he walks over but stops at Four's feet. 

I take a deep breath and take a second to think about my nightmare. "How did I survive?" my voice raspy.  

"I don't know. It's a fucking miracle" 

I hate that word. Too many times there was a miracle. My brother was killed when Russell and I went. What the hell was that? Why only take him? I look down and see my arms are pale, I can only imagine what my face must look like. 

My head throbs with an unfamiliar torment. "When?..." I ask, my voice unrecognizable. "When do I make a full recovery?" 

"Average wound would be six to eight weeks but this may take longer. You had a hole through, your chest. You were able to look-Ahh!" he jumps back then Four sits up. Four kicked him. 

"Sorry" Seven barks then walk away. 

"Don't listen to him" Four says rising from the floor. He sits behind me and kisses my shoulder. I want his arms around me but I know he's afraid of hurting me. 

I swing my legs off the couch and turn, my shoulder gently touches Four's. "I had a nightmare" I feel like a heavyweight has been lifted off my chest despite the hole.

His left reaches over and grabs my face. I sink into his touch. "I'm right here" Three little words never felt so powerful. I ignore my suffering and rest my head on his shoulder. His hand travels down to my upper arm. He's scared to pull me closer. That's what hurts more, he will always fear to touch me. 

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