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For the past few days, I've been staying with One. He's gone all day but with me all night, we drink, watch movies and play games. But all that changes tonight, tonight we'll be rubbing the bank that rubs from innocent people. In the morning and the afternoon, the people working there have no idea but at night, criminals work with the money. Tonight I will also be seeing Four. 

"You ready?" One asks. 

"Yeah" I stand up from the couch with my bag in my hands, walk past him and open the door. 

Three picks us up and we meet up at our meeting spot. Everyone else is waiting for us. Four tries to step to me but Nine yanks him back. 

"Did anyone forget their position?" One asks. We all answer with a no. "Partner up and let's go" 

Seven goes with One, Four with Three, Two with Nine and I'm with Five. We leave to our spots. Five and I hide in an alley. 

"Eight can we talk?" Five asks. 

"I'm doing my job" 

"We're going be here for another hour" 

I slam my palm on the drink wall then jump in her face, "I don't give a fuck. I want nothing to do with you"

"Nothing hap-"

I push her back, "Save it" I hiss. 


I grab her had and twist it the way Two taught me. She drops to her knees, groaning in pain. "Call me Riley again and I'll rip off your arm" I throw her hand back and return to my post. 

If it was another girl then I wouldn't care, all my anger would go to Four but I know Five. We danced in clubs together, we had dinner together way too many times, she helped us move into our apartment. Yeah, they others helped too and they were there for the dinners but I would still listen to her, care for her. She was my friend. How could she have done this to me? 

(One Hour Later)

"Alright, they're moving in the back" One says over the headset. "Two. Nine. Move in" 

I swallow hard, the people in there are carrying heavy and my brother is about to go in there. One...two...three. A woman screams with true horror, it seems like everything stopped for a quick moment then heavy gunfire replaces the screaming. 

My hand moves before I tell it to, I put down my mask then my feet move. I'm running, Five's right behind me. The gunfire muffles in my ears and all I hear is my breathing. We approach the front of the building just in time. Men covered in black with guns are running out. I stop then my grip on my gun tightens and I aim then fire. Headshots. Five shoots too but she only shoots in the chest. The smoke bombs Two and Nine threw are now seeking out of the building, fogging the air. 

When everyone is down I run inside to the back where Nine and Two should be. Five stays outside. Nine is already carrying bags of money out the back door, Two is hacking the computers. 

"Cops are two minutes away" Seven informs us over the headset. I shove my gun in the back of my pants and help Nine. 

(Over the headset) "One minute," Five says.

(Over the headset) "One. Three. Make the sky fall" One orders. I rush outside and hear the sirens then a loud bang. We blocked the other streets so when the cops come, they only have one way. Four and Three are waiting on top of the buildings ready to drop heavy shit. 

I run back inside, "Do you need help?" I ask Two. 

"No, I go it"

"Riley!" Nine yells. BANG! I didn't feel it at first. BANG-BANG-BANG-BANG! I swallow my screams and drop to the floor. Already there's blood gushing out of my chest. The first bang was for me and the other four were for the guy that shot me. There's a hole in my chest and my back, the fucking bullet went through.

"Riley!" Nine yells running to my side. My shirt and neck are soaked in blood. I pull off my mask and scream when the pain strikes me. Not my best idea. 

"What's going on?!" One yells over the headset. I yank it off and again pain hits me but I don't scream this time.

"There's too much blood, we have to torch the place," Two says, she's now on my right. Blood, I taste blood. 

"I can't move her," Nine says. 

"You're gonna have to"

Nine's jaw clenches, "No, it'll hurt her" 

"Get me out of here" I growl. Nine looks down at me and nods his head then his arms carefully slip under me. I groan in pain when his right arm wraps around my lower back. I'm lifted into the air then Nine rushes to the back door. 

"Eight!" Five screams behind us. 

"No one says anything!" Nine barks, "We finish the mission!" 

I'm carefully placed in the back of the car (which is pointless since they laid me on my back and I have a hole there) then Nine lifts my head then sets it on his lap. "Hold on" Nine whispers, "Please" 

"You don't beg" I remind him. My voice hoarse. More blood clogs my throat and I cough, blood spits out and lands on my face. 

"Riley" Nine whimpers, "I'm sorry"

"Don't. I'm not going anywhere. We were born together and we'll die together"

He caresses my cheek as a tear rolls onto his cheek.

"Ok!" Two yells then the car door slams, "Let's get out of here!"

The car speeds off, making the tires squeal. I cough again and I spit out more blood. Nine's face is white, I can only imagine how pale I am. 

"I want a garden" I whisper, it's getting harder for me to talk. 

Nine smiles through his tears, "Can't handle the city life huh?"

"Hell no, I miss the lake in our backyard" 

His smile leaves, "What happened?" 

It takes me a moment to realize what he is talking about (Four and Five). I slowly shake my head, "Later" I croak. 


"I promise I'll tell you later" 

He shakes his head, "Promise, we'll die together"

I hold out my pinky, "I promise"

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