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WARNING: This chapter may contain depressing scenes. Possibly a trigger for some.

I laugh at his words, "I can ask you the same thing"

We make out until we're completely out of breath then walk back to the house holding hands.

"I think Russell's in the back," I say as Four closes the door.


I give him a peck on the lips before walking to his room. He's still sleeping. I sit next to him and take in his beauty. His shirt is gone and his scars are visible, I remember all of them as if it happened this morning.

"I love you big brother" I whisper then sat up. I enter the living room, Four's reading my book on the couch so I sit next to him.

"He's asleep" I smile, Four puts the book down then turns to me. "How's the book?"

"I like it and I think I see why you like it" he wraps his arm around me and I cuddle up with his side.

"Oh really? Why do I like it then?"

"You're Freak and Russell's Max"

My mouth drops and I push away from him. That's exactly why I love it, they were me and my brother. It was the first real book Russell has ever read and it was for me, now it's the only book he reads.

"You alright?" His face covered in worry. I nod my head before grabbing his face and kissing him hard. I caught him completely off guard, I laugh on his lips and he pulls me on top of him telling me not to do it again.

"Fuck, you taste good" his hands move up and down my back as he spoke. His lips move down to my neck and he starts sucking to make sure he left his mark on me. After doing so he kissed my lips again. I play with his hair but he tugs at mine to get better access.

We make out until we can't breathe, I am completely wet and I think I feel his erection. His lips are a hot pink and covered in my blood from sucking on my lip with the cut, his pupils are huge and his cheeks are red. I can only imagine what I look like. The second I get off Four I hear Russell's door open.

"Morning" Russell groans rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Did you hear me in your room?" I whip my lip before standing up and hugging him.

"No" he kisses my head then walks to the kitchen. Four jumps up, grabs my arm and drags me to my bedroom door.

"What's wrong?" I whisper.

"Ask him"

"Now? I'm not like you, I just can't snap-" I snap my fingers "-into action"

"That's bull. Look the sooner you ask him the more time he'll have to think about it"

"He won't leave Regina"

"We kill people that-"

"That bomb villages?" I take a step back. I can't leave Regina but now I see why Four wanted to do the damn mission. Hearing my story just motivated him and gives us a hella of a reason to join too.

"I didn't-I'm sorry but it is true"

"I know" I peck his lips, "I'll ask him"

His face softens and he grabs my hand, "I want to wait until we're a hundred percent sure that we'll see each other again to...do anything"

I couldn't help but smile. He didn't want this to be some one night stand thing. I didn't want that either. I look into his breathtaking green eyes, if Russell says no I don't know what I'll do. For so long I've been surviving not living and....I think it's because of him.

"No hiding" Russell snaps. Four and I jump back and I let out a laugh.

"Sorry Russ" I smile at him, he returns it before walking away.

Four sighs, "I thought I was gonna die"

"Not like you're afraid to die" I pat his chest before walking to the kitchen. Russell made an easy breakfast ( cereal ) for us and we ate together at the table.

"Ok" Russell wipes his lips, "Regina" he gets up and walks away.

"He's gonna ask you for a run and I'll tell him after," I say getting up, I grab my and Russell's bowl and put them in the sink.

"I think you're beautiful," he says out of the blue.

"Um-thank you" I didn't believe it, Nothing about me is-

"I mean it" he stands up, "You're fucking gorgeous"

A nut in my gut told me otherwise, "Did my brother say something to you?" A while back I stopped eating completely, lost so much weight and I almost died. Russell begged me to eat and I couldn't do it anymore, I started to eat again but my depression got worse. Like I said, I'm surviving not living.

"He told me a few things-"

"You've got to get...ahhh" I snatch the bowl in the sink and slam it back in. Lucky for me it's plastic.

"Oy love" he was now standing at my side, "He's just worried about you"

"What...." I step away from him, "What did he say?"

I want to ask him if he felt sorry but he wants me to join his team so that can't be it.

"Not much. I didn't want to find out like that but he was protecting you. He wanted to make sure I didn't hurt you" He steps closer and cups my face, "There's Nothing wrong with you"

"I don't want to talk about it" I push him off and walk to my room. I can't believe my brother, I've always felt like I was in some Fog that my brother controls. I can't tell him how depressed I am or how unhappy I am. I love Russell but we've lost so much and I can not, will not do that to him.

I hear Russell's footsteps walk back to the living room then Four and Russell whispering. I couldn't make out what they were saying.

Knock. Knock.

"Leave me alone Russ" I sit on my chair for my desk. He stands at my door for a second then walks away.

"Fuck...." I get up, walk over to the door and grab the knob. Deep breath Riley.

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