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The burning continues even after Five removed the blade from my hand. Whatever Five gave me helped but didn't do what it was planned to do, stop the pain. 

"You had to be a baby" Nine growls. 

"Why don't you put on a dry shirt, huh?" I smirk. He rolls his eyes then sits on the chair. 

"Got it!" Seven exclaims turning the laptop to the side. One, Two, and Three are on the screen. 

"It's been one fucking day and y'all are already falling apart" One groans. Four's arm tightens around me.

"If only you knew mate" he sighs. I scowl at him. 

Nine stands up, "Did you find anything?" 

"Cam" Two answers, "He's working on something"

"Can we go home?" Seven asks. 

"Shut up" Five hisses, "Are you guys ok? Two did you hurt Cam?"

"No, I did" Three smiles wave a little, "Nothing serious"

"It wasn't necessary, that's why it's nothing serious," I say. 

"Yep, she's right" Three winks at me. 

"Watch it mate" Four warns. I look at Four and I notice Three has always flirted with me, even though he's madly in love with Two, Three flirts, and Four always threatens him. 

"I'm not feeling well," I say. 

"What it is?" Four asks. 

"Doesn't matter. Go rest" One orders. Four hustlers me up. 

"I'll call you later!" I shout as Four pushes me out of the room. "I'm sorry" I whisper. 

"Why did you do it? What happened?" he's trying to hide his anger. 

I don't answer, I can't answer. I don't know what's wrong with me. For some reason, a tiny part of my mind wanders back to Tye. 

"For fuck's sake Eight" he snarls, "You've got to stop doing this"

When we return to our room I want to barricade myself in the bathroom but I don't, instead, I sit at the edge of the bed. Four's pacing makes my stomach knot. 

"Say something" 

"I can't!" he barks, "What do you want me to say?! There's nothing to worry about?! I tried but you don't listen!" 

His yelling reminds me of Tye. He would yell at me for accusing him of cheating but...I was always right. "Tye" I sigh realizing what's been bothering me. 

Four stops, "What?" he snarls. 

"I thought Tye cared about me...even when he was cheating. I'm so sorry Four, I know you're not him. You will never be him" 

He closes the distance and kneels on one knee in front of me. He carefully takes my hands in his, "Marry me. We'll do the whole fucking ceremony thing, just...don't do this. You're my life, my love, my everything...I dunno what to do to prove that to you" he looks hurt. Pain that I've caused. 

"Fucking ceremony, huh?" I laugh then realize I'm crying. 

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes but you're only asking because I'm being stupid" it's true. 

He shrugs, "You always are"

"Hey" I smile. He leans up, I grab his face as he kisses me forcefully. I fall back, taking him with me. He parts the kiss then lays at my side. I go along with it and curl at his side. His heart is racing under my ear. 

I look up at him, I'm startled when I see his eyes are closed. "Are you tired?"

"Yeah" he whispers.

"You've been sleeping all day" 

"Yeah" he pulls me closer, already drifting into sleep.

"Four" I sit up and place my hand on his cheek, "Why have you been sleeping so much?" I hope he can hear how distressed I am. 

Takes him ten seconds to fully shrug, "Sex, worrying about you...Don't leave" 

"I'm not" I whisper pushing his hair out of his flawless face, even his scars are perfect. He's sleeping now. I lay on his chest and listening to his heartbeat. 

Fucking. Pissed. I'm fucking pissed, Four is gone when I wake up. It's dark outside, where is he? I hear light footsteps outside my door. I jump up and head after them. I'm too far behind and it's too dark to tell who it is but I think it's a woman. I follow her to the kitchen but stay by the entrance, behind the wall.

"Don't go," Susan says. 

Someone sighs heavily. "I don't want to be anywhere fucking near you" Four snarls with a thick accent. 

"I didn't mean to upset her or you" Susan's voice is forcefully sweet, "Can I make it up to you...guys?" I can hear her smirk from here.

"I've already wasted enough time on you" I smile at how harsh he sounds. 

"Wait" Susan pleads then light running footsteps. 

"What the fuck?!" Four yells. The sound of the table being pushed kills the silence then Susan gasp. I want to run in there but I can't move. I was fucking right about her! But why is Susan gasping? 

"I'm hurt" she hisses, "You hurt me!" 

"You did that to yourself but my wife will do a lot worst if you do that shit again" 

I slide down the wall to the floor when Four called me his wife. His wife!-Wait, what did Susan do? I was about to jump up when Four stomps out of the kitchen. Shit, he's gonna see I'm not there. Oh, fuck it. I run after him. 

He must've heard my footsteps. "I said!-" he spins around and stops when he sees me, "Eight? What are you...did you see that?" 

"I heard it, what did she do?" 

"What the actually fuck?!" Seven yells from down the hall. We were closer to the roos than we thought. "Go to sleep!" 

Four rolls his eyes then he looks back, "Go back in your fucking room before I break your other leg!" 

Seven and I share the same shocked expression. Seven nods once then returns to his room. "Four" I whisper. 

When he turns back to me, his face is stone hard. "Sorry" he softens, "She...she threw herself on me"

I nod and swallow my anger, "What's wrong? Did she-"

"She!" he steps back and takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. "I want her out fucking out of here" 

What did she do? "Ok, let's go back and call One" 

He nods but doesn't more, I snake my arms around him and lead him back to our room. "Fucking right" he mumbles. 

"I know was" 

"How can someone possible do that?" 

I open the door and we step inside. "Does this have anything to do with your exes?" Four's words of being cheated on when he only tried his best, playback in my head.

"No!-Yes! I dunno!" 

"Not everyone is like that" I smile a little. 

His body loosens up, "I know you're not"

"So, come sleep with me" I drag him back to bed. He smirks. "Not like that" I laugh. 

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