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We did wash each other after our...moment in the shower. With Four passed out on the bed, I change into his clothes. I love his smell. I dry my hair with my shirt, plant a kiss on his cheek then leave our room.

I wander around the large house. I turn a corner and bump into someone. Nice, EIght. It's Susan. "Hi" she smiles, "I was actually looking...for you"

I narrow my eyes, "Well? What do you want?"

Her lips twitch but she holds her smile, "I wasn't able to find you earlier so I couldn't ask what you wanted for dinner but if you're ok with a late dinner, I-"

"Four doesn't mind" I smile cooking my head to the side. 

Her smile fades, "Do you want anything?"

"Four likes spaghetti"

"Eight!" Nine calls from down the hall but I keep my eyes on Susan. "Eight" Nine whispers then grabs my shoulders. He tries to tug me back but I stand my ground. 

She looks above my head, "I thought you were with-" 

Nine's laugh cuts her off, he finds this funny? "Eight and I are...siblings" he explains. 

"Oh," Susan nods, "Well, I have to-"

"Go" Nine snickers causing me to laugh. I can tell she wanted to roll her eyes but instead, she walks away. "Be nice" Nine whispers. 

I spin around, "I don't like her"

"Yeah, I know, why else would I say that?" he's holding back his laughter. 

I roll my eyes, "I wasn't gonna do anything" I can't tell if that's a lie or not. Nine drops his arm on my shoulders and leads me back down the hall I just came from. 

"How's Seven?" I ask. 

"Miserable. He keeps hopping around" 

I laugh, I knew Seven would fight his own wounds. Nine stops, making me stop then I realize we're standing outside my door. I look up at my tall brother, "Can we talk in like...ten minutes?" 

He smiles, "If you can find the front door, then yeah"

"Thirty minutes then" I joke. He nods before kisses my head. 

Stepping into our room I see Four is still sleeping on the bed. He's on his side now. I lock the door before strolling over to him. "Baby?" I whisper crawling on the bed. I roll him on the side then swing my leg over and straddle him. 

"Mmm" he smiles, eyes still shut. 

"Let's talk" I move my hands up and down on his chest, "Wake up"

He mumbles something and I groan. "Can we talk about our...baby?"

His hands shoot up and land on his face. "Ok" he croaks as his hands roll off his face. He sits up and steadies himself on his elbows, "I'm up"

"I want to tell Nine-the others"

"Baby" he groans, "They might be...ready. Let's just wait until you're showing"

I giggle but it quickly dies, "I thought you would be...excited to tell everyone" 

"I am, my mates but not the family" he rubs my thighs, "They might see it the way you saw it, you know, before. Dangerous to have a baby in our...business" 

"Whoa, hold on" I climb off him and sit next to him, legs crossed. "If you know this is dangerous then why-"

He sits up, "Because I will protect you. Both of you"

I want to fight him, tell him, he can't. Nine is the strongest, fastest, scariest person I know and still, he can't protect me. How can Four? If something happens to me, Four will torture himself, I can't let him do that, not with me or our baby.

He grabs my shoulders and pulls me to his chest. "You know it's not that bad, living out here. Maybe we can start a life out here" 

I sit up, "Maybe? You want to live in the city?"

"Yeah" his eyebrows pull together, "I knew this would be a problem"

"There is no problem. No city life. We can visit but no live"

He smiles, "Alright. Come here" he kisses the end of my lip, then my cheek, jawline, and stops at my neck. He nibbles at my skin and I laugh. "Let's try again" his voice vibrates on my neck. Already his hands on my back, pulling me close.

I hold his shoulders, "Dinner" I manage to say but it comes out as a moan. 

"After" he yanks me closer and I flow back. With his body, he pins me down. 

"You don't like it when your food is microwave" I remind him. 

He peers into my eyes and I see the lust building in his, "Again...?"

I sigh...I can never say no to him. "Quick ok?"

A wicked smirk forms on his lips, "Maybe"

It wasn't quick, Four took his time, enjoying how much it was torture for me. I never yelled at him like that before especially during sex. But then again I've never come like that before. 

"Hey," Seven smirks as Four and I enter the dining room. Nine punches his arm. 

Susan jumps up, "I'll get your food" 

Four kisses my temple before she runs out of the room and I almost jump on him again. We take our seats and I notice everyone is nearly done. 

"One wants to FaceTime after dinner" Five informs us, "He knows what happened...with Seven and..."

"Us" Nine snarls, "The running"

"Nine" I whisper. Susan returns with two plates in her hands. Four jumps up and take them from her. My jaw drops. He sets a plate in front of me then sits down. 

He leans over then whispers in my ear, "I didn't want her hovering over me"

Nine laughs. I grab my drink and throw it on him as I rise from my sit. "Eight" Four gasps. 

"Fuck this" I slam my glass on the table, it shatters, glass flying across the table. 

"Eight!" Nine barks. Four reaches for him but I push him off and storm out. 

I don't know why I did it, why I left. Maybe she gave him a look and that's why he did what he did. I stop and that's when I feel it, the warm liquid soaking my hand. I fucking cut myself. A tiny hand grabs my upper arm then spins me around. It's Five. 

"You're not stupid, so stop acting like it" she hisses. I ignore her and held out my hand. "Fuck" she groans grabbing my wrist. 

"Stupid, huh?" I smile. After the bank, everything else seems painless.

"Can you even feel that?" she asks. I pull my hand back to see what she's talking about, there's a large piece of glass sticking out of my hand.

"Are you alright?" Four's panicked voice fills the silence. I feel the pain stinging my hand. I look over Five's shoulder, Four's face is twisted with pain and worry. 

"She'll need stitches!" Five exclaims. Four is at my side. 

"I'm fine" I insist, "I can't do any more stitches, just cauterize my hand"

"Are you bloody insane?" Four snarls. 

"She's bleeding too much," Five says, "Eight?" 

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