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"You're joking" Four laughs with a thick accent.

"No I'm so serious, the old SpongeBob shows are better. They're the originals"

"They're not funny"

I roll my eyes, "That explains your humor"

His lips make an O shape then he smiles, "I am fucking hilarious"

"Yes, baby you're freaking hilarious" I smile before kissing him.

Bang Bang Bang

I jump at the loud banging at the door, "I'll get it" I peek his lips before jumping up to answer the door. I open the door to an angry One.

"Hey One, what's up?" I ask.

"Lest talk," he says through his teeth then walks away.

I turn to Four and smile at him, he returns the smile then I follow One out. He's standing a few doors down.

"Four's doing fine," I say.

"You left your post" he growls trying to control his volume.

"My post? What are you-"

"The wall, you came down to check on Four-"

"I didn't know it was Four. I came down for the team" I correct him.

"No, you left the team. What would've happened if they came back? You were guarding the wall"

"Is there something you're trying to tell me?"

"Yes, I'm not risking you leaving the team again. You're flying home tonight"

"What wait?! You can't do that!" I shriek. 

"It's my fucking team. Pack your stuff" he walks away before I could say anything.

"Fuck" I growl to myself. I walk back to the room and Four jumped up when he saw me.

"What happened?" He asks as I close the door.

"One's mad at me for leaving my post. He's um, he's...sending me back home"

"What? That's ridiculous-"

"Four stop, he's just sending me back to our home. Our den. He's not firing me, I don't think he can. I mean how can he? He already killed me"

"Well let's go, we need to pack" he sighs as he rises from the bed.

"Whoa, we? Four we both know you love this job" I push him back on the bed. 

"I don't care" he growls and I smile. He's picking me over our job. 

"How about this?" I ask climbing on his lap, "You stay here and when you come back to me, we can have part two"

"What do you mean part tw-" I mash my lips on his, cutting him off mid-sentence. He grabs my waist and kisses me back harder. I tugged at his hair wanting more of him. His perfect little lips never tasted so sweeter. He flips us over, never parting the kiss, me on my back, him hovering over me. His lips move down to my neck and I can't help but moan as nibbles on my skin. His heat, taste, body driving me crazy, I want more. Need more. I reach down and unbuckle his pants.   

He pulls away and looks me in my eyes with huge pupils, "I'm going with you"

"No, you're not" I breathe.


"Fuck me"

He doesn't hesitate, he jumps off me and pulls my pants down also with my underwear. His pants are next. He climbs back on top of me then places himself at my entrance. He kisses me then push in me. A whimper escapes from my lips into Four's. 

He pulls back, "Are you ok?"

"Still adjusting I guess, I'm fine"

He slowly starts sliding in and out of me. He kisses me and I moan on his lips. I don't even care that we're not using protection, I want him, not him covered with something. Him. And by the looks of it, he doesn't want to either. 


We lasted longer than our first time, well he did. Funny thing is he had to come on his pants. 

"Next time. protection" he groans looking at his pants. 

I laugh, "I gotta shower" I peck his cheek then went to the bathroom. I was upset about leaving but knowing that Four is coming back home to me helps a little. I take a quick shower only cleaning the important parts. I'll take a real shower when I get back to the den. I exits the bathroom in only a towel. Four's asleep. I smile at his cuteness. 

I dried off, dressed in Four's shorts and his sweater. He won't mind. I walk over to Four and kiss his temple. "I'll see you soon" I whisper. 

Leaving the room was easy, leaving Four was hard. I walk down to Nine's room and knock on the door. It opens to a shirtless Nine. 

"Your friend's here?" I ask. 

"Yeah, wassup?"

"I'm heading back to the den. Can you give me a ride to the jet?" 

"What? Why?" he steps outside closing the door behind him and I step back. "One's sending you home?"

"Yeah, I honestly thought he would've told you. Can you take me or not?"

"Yeah, give me a second" he walks back in his room, I wait for a minute then Nne walks out with a shirt and his keys. 

"Four doesn't want to take you?" He asks as we walk to his car. 

"He wanted to go with me but I said no"

"Of course"  he chuckles and I hit his arm. 


The first few minutes of the drive was spent in silence then my brother says, "He really likes you"

"Four? I hope so" I smile. 

"I'm sorry for letting him get hurt"

My smile fades, "Your speaking is improving" I say changing the subject. 

He looks at for a long second then turns back to the road, "I don't want the others thinking imma-"

"A Frankenstein? They won't" I reach over and grab his hand, "I won't let them"

My brother's height, strengthen and lack of ability to talk reminds people of Frankenstein's monster.  For some reason, he likes it when I think of him that way but no one else. It hurts him. "I wasn't there but I'm sure as hell you didn't let him get hurt"

Nine looks at me and smiles, "I...Thank you" 

"Ew," I shriek pulling my hand, "Thank yous are nasty" 

He burst out laughing. Ding-Ding. I look down at my phone, Four texted me. 

FOUR: Did you take my clothes????

I laugh. ME: Yes I did. You'll get them back later

FOUR: I feel like you tricked me....

ME: I miss you

FOUR: I fucking miss you too

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