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About thirty seconds later a woman is yelling and calling One an asshole. A have naked woman runs out of the hall (One behind her) she curses at him one more time then she leaves, slamming the door behind her. 

I stand up from the couch, "I'm sorry" 

One shakes his head, "It's fine. Do you want some water?" 

"Yeah, please" 

"You wanna watch a movie?" He asks grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. I try to smile but it doesn't work. One knows me well. 

"I don't think a movie's gonna help" 

He walks over and hands me the water, "Should I call Nine?" 

"No, he'll talk when he's ready. I can't rush him" 

One sits down next to me and grabs the remote, "I feel like I'm not going to get another straight answer but I'm gonna try again. What happened?"

"Like I said I came home earlier than usual, Four wasn't home so I waited on the couch. Anyway, the door opens then Four and Five walking in. You should've heard them, they sounded...happy. Four and I haven't been ourselves lately, I guess he just wanted more attention...maybe I fucked up" 

"Hey" he grabs my hand, "You didn't do anything wrong. You guys are always together and you wanted some time to yourself" 

"What if it was nothing? We're all friends"

"I'm not good at relationships but I fucked up enough to know that he should've at least called you and said he was hanging out with her"

I start to cry, "I don't want to go back there" 

"You can stay here" 

I look at him, "Really? But we have a mission in a few days" 

"That's the only thing you have to worry about"

"Thank you" I pull him in for a hug but quickly remember he's shirtless. I jump back, "Sorry" 

He laughs, "You're fine" 

I wipe my cheeks, "I left everything there, my phone, my money, my keys, I don't even have clothes" 

"You can wear my clothes for the rest of the day and I'll grab your stuff tomorrow" 

"Thank you again-wait are you going somewhere?" 

"Yeah" he rubs the back of his neck, "Getting ready for the mission" 

"Thank you for changing my position again. You doing that pushed me harder" 

"Thank me again and I'll push you off the roof"

"I believe you" 

"Alright" he stands up, "I'm gonna get you some clothes" 

One left after handing me a few pairs of clothes and getting dressed himself. I want to call Nine or Two and Three. Now that One is gone I'm just stuck with my thoughts, talking to him about it hurts less. I rise from the couch and walk over to the radio, I blast the music the return to the couch. 


I CAN NOT SLEEP and music usually helps. I had turned off the music and turned on the tv. I had watch the sunset wondering where One is. Yes, he still isn't back, it's been hours. 

I don't wanna feel this. 

I rise from the couch and walk to the kitchen. I open the fridge and spot a bottle of Vodka. Fuck it. I grab it and pour myself a glass. I chug down as fast as I can. I'm a lightweight so this will be fast. 

"Four stop!" One yells outside the front door. 

"I know she's here!" Four snaps back, "Let me talk to her!"

"She's not here!"

"Then let me in!"

I put my cup down and open the door. Four and One stop. "Leave," I say, my voice cold. Four's eyes are red and his cheeks are wet. Was he crying? His hair is a mess and his neck is red. 

"Riley please" Four begs, "Let me explain. Nothing happened, we were-" 

"I don't wanna hear it Four. One was right, if nothing was going on then you should've texted or called and tell me"

"I couldn't-"

"Leave" I growl, "I don't want you here"

One grabs One's shoulder, "Let's go"

Four doesn't look at him or move, he keeps his eyes on me. I look at One and he nods his head. I step back and close the door. I return to my drink and chug it down. A long minute passed then One steps inside. 

One sighs, "What are you doing?" 

"Drinking" I force a smile, "Are you joining me?"


I pour him a drink and hand it to him. He jumps on the counter. We drink in silence and I think, when Four's really disturbed he claws at his neck, that would explain his red neck. But is he upset about me leaving or him getting caught?

"Alright," One groans grabbing my cup, "Talk" 

"He looked awful, did he say anything to you?" 

He shakes his head, "He was waiting outside" 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to go" 

"You're fine" he hands me my drink, "Go easy" 

"Why? Because you think I'm drinking out of anger? Well, I'm not. I'm hurt and I don't know how else to stop it...no...I don't know what I'm feeling" 

"Let's get shitface and watch a movie" 

"Horror movie" 

He jumps off the counter, "Let's go"


One grabbed something stronger and we took shots, something I don't do but fuck it. We made popcorn then made a bed out of blankets in front of the tv. We agreed on the movie Train To Busan, which was a mistake, it wasn't in English and it kept keeping me an anxiety attack. 

When the movie was done played Left 4 dead on the Xbox, which was a mistake too. That fucking witch scared the shit out of me. 


I wake up on the floor with One next to me. I laugh then stand up, my head hurts a little so I take my time to the kitchen. I grab a water bottle and accidentally slapped the door shut. One jump up. 

"Fuck" he groans. 

"I told you to drink water" 

"Throw me one" 

I throw him a water bottle and he almost pours it on himself. I walk back over to the blankets and sit down. "Thanks" I smile. 

"What I say?" 

"I said thanks, it's different from thank you"

"Same differences" 

I laugh, "Drunk scared...is fucking disrespectful" 

He smiles, "I'm happy I was able to help you" 

"You did" 

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