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WARNING: This chapter may contain depressing scenes. Possibly a trigger for some.

I have no idea what do say to him. Looking into his green eyes made me smile and by the look of his smile, I must do the same thing to him.

His phone goes off again but he ignores it stepping closer to me.

"You're not gonna answer that?" I stutter trying to take the attention away from me.

"No....we only live once right?"

"Yeah....?" I have no idea what he's talking about, it actually seems like he's gonna kill me.

"I know you won't tell anyone. C'mon" he grabs my hand and drags me outside. We walk until he feels it's safe enough to talk.

"Ok" he turns to me and grabs my hand, "I faked my death"


"I tell you I faked my death and that's the first thing you ask?" He chuckles, "This rich guy found me...there's actually a few of us. We're all numbered. We all faked our death"

"So what do you do?"

"I'm Four the skywalker"

"Parkour" I laugh. He looks at me like I don't believe him, "What?"

"Nothing...we 'get rid of' bad people" his smile is long gone by now.

"You mean kill? It's nothing I haven't heard before"

"So you've faked your death before and killed people?" He chuckles a little.

"I've been left to die, I watched my friends die...my mother died giving birth to me" I take a deep breath trying to control my tears. This is the first time I've told anyone about this and I just met him.

"You don't have to" he whispers squeezing my hand.

"No" I look him in his eyes, "My father left not long after. The fucked up thing is he named me after him" I laugh through my tears, "This amazing, loving, supportive family took us in...but they bombed our village and died in front of us. If it wasn't for my brother I would've been died, after they found us they send us to America to give us a fresh start" my legs go weak and I sit on the ground. Four sits down next to me and wraps his arm around me.

"We ran away from our foster home then found Jax and Dylan. There was more of us but because of our leader he got them killed"

Four rubs my knee then places his forehead against my head gently.

"You've been through more shit, haven't you?" He whispers in my ear.

"Yes," I cry, "We're triplets...not twins. We still are"

"I know sorry won't help" he moves back then pulls my hair behind my ear.

"You are..." I turn to him, "You are the only person that knows" I wipe my tears then lean-RING. RING. My phone starts ringing. It's Regina.

"Yes, Mama?" I feel Four's eyes on me so I cover my face with my hand. Was I really about to kiss him? Was he gonna kiss me?

"Where are you? I've been ringing my bell" she sounds so weak.

"I'm sorry mama, I was just walking around. I'll be right there" I hang up then scoot away from Four.

"What is it?"

"We gotta go" I jump up and he mimics my actions. We walk back to the house side by side not saying a word. Four stays in the living room as I go check on Regina.

"Sorry mama" I close the door then walk over to her. "Russell's getting your meds"

"I heard two people come in. Who's here?"

"A friend mama" I removed her covers, help her up then walk her to the bathroom. I place her on her chair, set her bath then undress her.

"Why you smiling so much girl?" Mama asks when she relaxes in the water.

"Sorry, mama. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable"

"I'm not" she snaps, "I just ain't ever see you smile like that. Blushing and all"

I didn't even know I was smiling, "Do you want me to wash your hair mama?"

"It's bad enough you have to carry me around. I got this" she closed her eyes smiling, "Come back later"

"Ok mama" I laugh, I kiss the top of her head then walk out. I join Four on the couch.

"What are we watching?"

"I was watching Skins" he hands me the remote.

"We can watch this" I not it's some British show. He doesn't put the remote down so I grab it and play Friends.

"How old are you?" He rushes out.

"We're 20. You?" I smile looking in his stunning green eyes.

"28" his smile leaves, "Wow I'm old"

"28 is not old. Old is 60"

"60? Wow, you're insane" he folds his arms over his chest and leans back in the seat.

"My sanity has nothing to do with this" I turn my body to face him then place my head on the back of the couch. "Have you ever read Freak The Mighty?"

"I don't read unless I have to"

"Well, that's gonna change. Come on" I pat his leg then stand up.

"Where are we going?" He stands up and smiles at me. I ignore his question and lead him to my bedroom door. I go through my bookshelf as he waits outside my door.

"There" I grab the book then walk back to Four, "Here"

He grabs the book then flips it over reading the back. I lean on the wall as he flips it back over.

"You want me to read this?" He asks looking up at me.

"No, I want you to use it as a fan," I say sarcastically.

"Alright" he chuckles, "I'll read this if you do something for me"

"Depends" I smile. He did want to kiss me.

"On what?" He leans down closer to my lips. I think he can hear my loud heartbeat because I sure as hell can.

"Riley!" Regina yells from the bathroom. Four jumps back and cover my mouth, holding in my laughter.

"Sorry" I giggle walking to the bathroom.

"Yes, mama?" I close the door. Shit, I can't stop blushing.

"I'm done, baby girl"

"Alright, mama. Did you wash your hair?"

"No, I did not. Now get me out"

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