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The next morning Susan was out of here, as Four demanded. Nine and Four had to lock me in my room so I wouldn't give Susan a going away gift. Smart idea for them, a safe idea for her. After, we all gather in the kitchen to call the others. 

"I wanna go home" Five whines, "Now I have to take care of others"

"I've worked more in the kitchen than you" Seven reminds her. 

I begin to block them out, Nine's words are fresh in my mind. I wonder how he will react when he finds out Four and I are trying. He'll probably wait until my baby is born to kill me. 

"...yeah, I'll go" Four says.

I snap my head at him, "What? Where are we going?"

"Not you" he chuckles, "I'm heading to town. I'll be back in an hour" he rises from his seat. 

"Now?" my voice is high and shaky. I never thought Four and I will be parted, not with a family like ours. 

He smiles warmly, "The sooner I leave, the sooner I can come back"

"Alright," I groan. 

He leans down and cups my face, "I love you Eight million"

I roll my eyes playfully, "I love you more" 

He kisses my lips softly then draws back, "I'll be back then" he announces to everyone. "Don't break anything" 

"Why are you looking at me?" Seven asks. 

"What's that on your leg again?" Four smirks. They share a laugh then Four leaves. 

"Why is he going again?" I ask One, "And why by himself?"

"Because you need supplies and we both know Four will go crazy if we keep him locked up for another hour," his forced smile tells me something else. 

I want to go back to my room but I've walked out of them one too many times, so I nod my head and stay. Twenty minutes of talking is bearable, we quickly say bye since none of us are good at them then head off to do our own things. Nine follows me as I walk to my room. 

"You don't trust him," he says, not ask. 

I stop and turn to him, "What?"

"One, you don't trust him"

I want to yell at him for telling me how I feel but that will just prove him right. "Thanks, Nine" I smile then turn and walk away. Took me three minutes to find Five's room, new records. "Five," I say knocking on her door. 

"Fuck" I hear her whisper, "Hold on!" she shouts. The door opens and my eyes widen at the sight of Seven, his clothes were obviously rushed on. I smile. 

"Hey" his eyes drop to the floor then he runs off. He mutters a sorry when he bumps into me. 

"What the hell was that?" I smirk as I step into her room. She's sitting in the middle of the bed with her legs crossed. 

She blushes. "Seven and I were just..." she throws her head in her hands, "I don't know what it was" 

I smile, "Has it happened before?"

"Yeah...we had sex"

I squeal as if I was fifteen again, "When?"

"Do you want to know the first time or the last time?"

I laugh and shortly after she joins me. Somewhere in my weeks of recovery, they had sex, he was comforting her and it just happened and it continued to happen after. They wanted to try and stop but they couldn't. If I hadn't stepped in, it would've been their second time here. 

"Do you like him?" I try to hide the excitement in my voice. I feel like a teenager in high school. 

"Of course I do" she blushes, "He's sweet, funny, and strong. Oh, my-fuck! Eight, his body!" she exclaims as she takes my arm and shakes me. 

"I believe you" I laugh, "But that's not what I mean, you went from friend to fuck buddy. Do you even want to be more?" 

"I dunno" she groans looking away. "What if it like last-" she slams her hand over her mouth. 

"What?" I laugh, "Last time? Like with Four, last time?" 

She's still for a moment then nods, "I'm sorry" 

"We can talk about it" I love her, it hurts to know she's not comfortable telling me things. 

Our eyes lock then she sighs, "After finding One, Four was the first I really connected with but then..." 

"Me?" I feel my eyebrows sew together. 

"We were drifting apart before you came...it's like he knew he was going to find you" she takes me hands in hers, "I'm sorry" 

I lean forward and kiss her cheek, "I will hit you if you apologize again" 

"Alright, she giggles. In the corner of my eye, I see the clock on her nightstand, we've been taking for almost an hour, where is Four?

"Is that clock right?" I ask hoping it's fast. 

"Yeah, why?" 

I jump up and bolt out of her room. "Nine!" I howl, I hear Five running after me. I make a few wrong turns but finally, I find the garage, it's as big as a house. There's only five cars though. I turn to the wall and look for a key. Five must've caught on because she's looking too. 

Seven and Nine rush in, "What's wrong?" Seven asks. 

"Four's still gone," Five says, she sounds worried. 

"Eight!" Nine barks speed walking to the doorless jeep. The car was already moving when I jumped in the back, if it wasn't for the bar, I would've fallen off. 

"What is it?" I growl. 

Nine shakes his head, "I wanted to go but One said they knew Four" 

"What the fuck are you talking about?" 

Nine is driving so fast on a dirt road, without my seatbelt I'm bouncing everywhere. 

"One needed to..." he thinks for a moment, "He needed to talk to someone but he can't drive all the way out here so he sent Four" 

"Fuck!" my heart is pounding in my ears. When did Four talk to One? Did everyone know about this? Why just send Four? We always have backup for each other. We never go alone. 

He looks over his shoulder, "Riley, I'm sorry" 

"Don't" I growl. He knew. He knew and he let him go. 

He looks back at the road, "Fuck" he stomps on the barks and I almost fly through the windshield. Thank my planets for the bars. 

I look ahead and see a car has crashed into a tree. "Four!" 

"Eight, no!" he reaches for me but I'm already out of the car. No matter how fast I run, the car seems to be farther and farther away.

My heart won't work anymore, my blood is cold and my head is fogged. Four can't be hurt. Hot tears run down my cheek. 

"Eight! Stop!" Nine orders. He's right before me. Suddenly my feet are swept from under me and I slam into the ground. In a too quick motion, I'm on my back, and Nine is on top of me.

"GET OFF!" I struggle to break free from his hold. 

"STOP! I can't help him if you're like this!" 

I fight harder. "Riley, don't make me" He whispers, I almost didn't hear him. But I don't stop, I scream for him to get off me. His head drops and his still for a moment as if I wasn't under him trying to help the love of my life. 

He lifts his head as a tear rolls down his cheek, "I'm sorry" 

The last thing I saw was my brother's fist slamming into my face. 

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