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I didn't realize how exposed I am until we exit the bathroom. Nine's eyes widen and Five squeals as he jumps up and down, clapping her hands. I've never seen her like this but then again I'm filled with drugs. I feel Four's eyes on me and I immediately feel better. I always feel perfect in his eyes. I turn around and our eyes lock, I step back then take his hand in mine. 

"You're not wearing that," Nine says.

"Leave her alone" Five smiles, "She's with Four"

He scoffs, walking away and Five follows. Four grabs his jacket, kisses my hand then releases it. I watch as he puts it on. He takes my hand again and we leave. 

When we step outside, I take in the night's cold wind, I've missed this like crazy. The sky is a beautiful dark blue but they're barely any stars since we're in the city. Four pulls my hair to the side and kisses my neck. I smile. 

"I love you" he whispers in my ear. 

I chain my fingers with his and whisper, "I love you too"

We walk down the street to Nine's car, Three and Two are waiting for us. "Don't you look hot" Three says, earning a hit from Two and a growl from Four. We hop into the car and drive off. Four's arm snakes around my shoulders, he carefully pulls me to him and I rest my head on his shoulder. His minty smell fills my nose. His arm bends then he rubs the top of my head. 

I didn't think this was possible, falling for someone so hard. I wish I had meant him sooner, just to have more time with him, even spending weeks alone with him wasn't enough. Maybe this marriage Four was talking about isn't as crazy as I thought. I look up at him and before I know it, I'm attacking his lips. I pull him closer to me, I can't get enough of this man, for so long I thought I only needed Russell but I was dead wrong. If anything were to happen to Four, I'll be lost. 

"Alright, y'all two" Nine growls. I smile on Four's lips before pulling away. 

"Sex must be so rare after the accident" Three says. Again Two hits him and Nine growls this time. 

When we arrive at the party it's colder than I thought. Four hands me his jacket, earing a kiss from me. I feel bad but he was gonna throw it off the roof if I didn't take it. 

The music is loud, the lights are blinding but I don't care, I always hate parties when I first arrive then I sink into the music. The worst part is I can't drink. Nine would kill me and Four would burry my body. 

The five of us walk over to the bar and immediately find Nikkie, Dylan, and Jax. Dylan's eyes widen when he sees me. Four's arm pulls me closer, I look up at him and see him glaring at him. I reach up and kiss his neck. Nikki hugs Nine then turns to me, I try to hug her but Four's hold on me is too strong. I look Nikki in her eyes then cook my head in his direction. She smiles the kisses my cheek. I watch as the girls take a round of shots. 

"Imma dance with the girls," I tell Four. 

He finally looks at me, "Stay close, yeah?"

"It's a roof, stay by the door and I'm good" 

His left eye twitches and I pull away from his grip. "I love you," I say then gently kiss his lips. When I pull away, he grabs a hand full of my hair and pulls me back to his lips. His tongue lips into my mouth. I don't know if I should be turned on by his jealously or annoyed. The kiss deepens and my knees go weak. He grabs my waist and I'm surprised he doesn't pick me up and fuck me on the bar. He pulls away then licks my lips. 

"Are you ok?" I ask wiping my lips. 

"What the hell is he doing here?" he snarls. 

"Like I know. Why are you getting mad at me when I found out the same time you did" Annoyed, I'm going to be annoyed at his jealously. 

"Zip up the jacket" he orders and my mouth almost drops to the floor.

"Alright" I pull his jacket off, zip it up then slam it into his chest. "You're being fucking ridiculous" I storm away and he calls after me. All Dylan did was look at me and now Four thinks he can order me around? I would understand if Dylan had to try something but he did nothing. I love Four but he's a pain in my ass. I find the girls on the dance floor, Nikki must've noticed how disturbed I am because she grabs me by my waist and dances on me. I laugh. Now in this light, I can see she hasn't changed a bit, it's been a couple of months but not even her hair has changed. 

I dance for one song and I'm already sweating like crazy, the bodies surrounding me don't help my case either. I feel like I'm about to collapse. I push my way through the crowd hoping to find Four or one of the guys. Nothing. My chest grows tight and my back aches with pain. I walk to the part of the roof where no one goes, I make sure to keep my distance from the railing. Where's Four? Nine?

"Damn you look sexy," a familiar voice slurs behind me. I turn around to see Dylan swaying side to side with a red cup in his hand. 

"Leave me alone" I sigh. 

He steps closer, "What happened with us?"

"We agreed to one thing and nothing else. You pushed on then pushed me away"

He takes a few more steps towards me, I back up but my back hits a wall and I jump forward, scared I might fall off the roof. He smiles and I realize I just jumped in front of him. He reeks of alcohol. 

"I'm with Four and he's already not happy with you" I warn him. 

He shrugs, "He's not here" 

I push him back but I'm too weak so he doesn't go far. He chuckles, returning to his spot in front of me. "Don't be like that. We had fun...just imagine how great it would be now" 

"Fuck you" I growl, "You were my best friend" 

He throws his cup on the floor and his drink slashes on us, "No! I was fucking in love with you and you didn't even fucking notice it!...Well, I'm done" he grabs me by my neck and slams his lips on mine. 

"Dylan!" I yell into his mouth. I try to push him back but my chest hurts too much. I feel a warm liquid slide down my chest. Fuck, I'm bleeding. My head spins and I collapse. Dalyn wraps his arms around me and holds me up. He pushes his body on mine and I claw at his face but he kisses harder. I begin to cry. 

Dylan pulls back and I drop to my knee, new pain combines with the pain before. I spit on the floor trying to get the taste of Dylan out of my mouth. I look up and realize Dylan didn't pull back, he was yanked back by Four. Four on top of Dylan, already Dalyn's face is bleeding. My throat burns as if I've been screaming for hours, I want to scream for Four, not for him to stop but to hold me. Dylan's no longer conscious but that doesn't stop Four, he punches Dylan repeatedly until Three runs over and pulls Four off him. But Four wasn't done, he kicks Dylan in his face, chest then his privates. 

"Riley" Four says, stepping out of his stage of rage. He drops in front of me and grabs my shoulders. "She's bleeding!" he yells over his shoulder then quickly turns to me. 

"I wanna go home" I manage to say. 

"I'll get you there. I promise" He scoops me in his arms and I hang my head back. I can't move. 

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