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The next few weeks past by as a blur. Almost every night I had the same nightmare from the bank. After the third night, Four was up before me and I'm in his arms. I hate it, I want him to sleep but I can't wake up before him or stop my nightmares. I've healed enough to walk around the apartment. 

Five barges in with Nine behind her, "We're partying tonight" she smiles. 

"What?" Four asks with a chuckle. 

She ignores him and places her hands on my knees, exposing her chest to me. "Your old friends just invited us to a party. Rooftop party" she wiggles her eyebrows. 

"Are you bunkers? She was just shot" Four snaps at her then looks at Nine, "You can't honestly be ok with this?" he shouts a little. 

Nine shrugs, "She needs this," I notice the bag on his shoulder. 

Five straightens up, "Are you coming?" 

"Yes," I breathe. I need to go out, I've been locked away for so long. "But I don't have anything to wear"

"Nine and I got you covered" She smirks, "We just wanted to make sure" 

"Alright" I smile then look over at Four, he looks pissed. Nine remove the bag from his back then pulls out my blue jeans. 

"Can you guys give a sec?" I ask Nine and Five. They nod then leave the apartment. 

"Are you serious?" Four snarls. His eyes burning with rage, "Must I remind you there's a bloody hole through your chest!"

"Watch it" I warn, smiling. "Are you gonna help me shower or what?" 

He shakes his head violently, "I'm not helping you risk you heath" 

"Fine, I'll ask Five to help me" I smirk. 

He rolls his eyes then steps to me. He helps me up then we walk to the bathroom. Usually, when he helps me shower, we wear out underwear but I don't this time. I try to convince him to remove his boxers but he's too pissed. One thing about being on bed rest is not being able to touch Four. 

Four holds me up as I stand under the water. I want him. I turn around and kiss his neck, right under his ear, his favorite spot. He groans, digging his nails into my hips. I run my hands up and down his strong, wet chest. When I feel him already growing hardening I reach down and grab his erection. 

"Riley wait" He breathes. 

"Let me touch" I beg, "I want to hear you moan my name" 

His eyes flatter shut then he sinks into my touch. I slowly start pumping my hand up and down his staff. I tighten my grip a little and he leans on me. 

"Fuck, Eight, don't stop" he moans. I suck on his neck and he moans louder. I love doing this to him, seeing like this, under mine control. Yes, my control. He moans my name and he loves me. Speaking of I love yous...

"I love you. I fucking love you" he growls. His hands grasp at my elbows, our forehead rests on each other, my right hand n his staff and my left on his shoulder. The way he's moving under my touch tells me he wants to be in me and not just have me jerk him off but knowing him, he will cut off his arms before touching me. And it's not in a bad way, it's his way of caring. 

He leans down and sucks on my neck, making me moan. "Don't stop...I'm close" his accent is thick and warm in my ears. When he comes he's bitting down on his bottom from screaming my name. He missed the water completely and my thighs are covered with his come. 

"Sorry" he breathes. 

I smile, "It's ok, we're in the shower" I remind him then peck his lips. 

He cups my face, "You can't be serious about this party, you can barely move" 

"No, I can. Four, you treating me like it happened yesterday. The party may be insane idea but...I've been cooped up in here for way too long" 

His hands drop to his side as he steps back, "By me" he half says, half asks. His eyes are filled with hurt along with his features. My heart aches. 


"I didn't know I was a bother" I almost didn't hear him over the water. 

"Four, you're not" I shout a little, "You love me and if it was the other way around, I would hide you away too" my words cost him to smile a little but he quickly pulls it back. I close the distance and grab his neck with both hands, "Nothing will happen if you're there to protect me" 

A large smile spreads across his face, "Fuck, you got me" he growls, grabbing my waist.

"So you're coming?" I almost squeal. 

"I was coming regardless but now I won't be as moody" 

I sink into his body, "I love you" 

"I love you too"

After our shower, Four gets dressed then leaves to fetch my clothes from Nine and Five. When he returns he's scowling. 

"What happened?" I ask. 

"Nothi-I saw your outfit" 

I smile as I grab the bag, "What's wrong with that?"

"Five must've picked it out" His eyes match the harshness of his tone. I keep quiet as I open the bag. I found my navy green crop top, a pair of jean shorts (which are not mine), and fishnet stocking (which are also not mine). Now I see why he's upset. 

"I can your jacket if anything," I say. I won't change my mind about wearing these clothes since Four and I moved in together I've been more open to things. He rolls his eyes. I walk over to him and kiss his cheek. His body was tense but after the kiss, it isn't. 

I dry off and change into "my" clothes. Four watches my every move. I love his eyes on me. When I'm dressed I grab the bag and notice there's something in there. Makeup. Five, I groan in my head. I pull out the makeup. 

"Don't tell me you're wearing that" he whines a little. 

"What's wrong?" I feel like I've been asking him that a lot lately. 

"You don't need it" he sounds serious. I drop the makeup in the bag then flung it over my shoulder. 

"Ready?" I ask. 

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