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"Can I join you?" He points to the truck.

"Sure" I watch as he jumps into the back of the truck then he sits down next to me.

"Who's Regina? She can't be your real mum right? I saw the photos"

"Biological mama" I correct him, "And she's not but she is our real mama"

"Sorry....and I'm sorry about this morning"

I look at him and smile, "It's alright I should've knocked"

"I should've locked the door....Can I ask bout your boyfriend?"

"Are you always this nosy?"

"Only when I want to get to know someone" his smiles brightens but my smile fades. What does he mean?

"I'm gonna go" I get up then jump off the truck. I thought he would try to stop me but he-


I stop in my tracks then turn around. He was already standing up.

"I don't want you to think I'm some arsehole like Dylan" he buries his hands in his pockets.

"I'll answer your question if you answer mine"

"Deal" he smiles, I return the smile then walk over. He helps me up and we sit down.

"So a while back my boyfriend Tye cheated on me-"

"And you went back to him?"

"You don't understand" I bring my knees chest then hug them. "Tye was the first guy to ever notice me..."


"Riley!" Russell yells after opening the door, I jump up then off the truck.


"They leave now"

There he goes again talking like that, I know he wants to seem 'normal' around others but it hurts him.


We walk back inside and I give the guys a goodbye hug. I'm really gonna miss them...even Dylan. They were our family for a long time.

"Next time just come over to say hi and not because Russ was bleeding," I say pulling away from Jax's hug.

"Nice seeing you again" he kisses my cheek then I hear Russell sigh through his nose.

I watch as the three men in my life walk out the front door. I sit down and change the channel to Friends.

A minute or two goes by before the door opens again and Four walks in.

"You alright?" He asks before closing the door.

"About Dylan? Yeah"

He walks over then sits down next to me. "It's not true"

I turn to him, "What's not true?"

"What you said" he looks me in my eyes, "About Tye being the only guy that noticed you"

"What?" I watch as his eyes move down to my lips. Fear of him kissing me strikes through my body and I jump up out of my seat, away from Four.

"Riley I-"

"This isn't funny. Playing some sick joke on me"

"It's not a joke" he stands up, "Listen, if I wasn't leaving in a few days I would ask you out on a proper date-"

"No, you wouldn't" I snap, "Guys like you don't like girls like me"

My phone starts to ring, I pull it out of my pocket but Four grabs my hand stopping me from picking up. I look at him.

"What do you mean 'guys like you'?" His accent seems to get stronger by the second. I look down at his chest, images of his shirtless...wet...strong body pop in my head.

Shit. I don't know what to say...this is just how I think. My phone stops ringing...1....2....3 it rings again.

"He'll come back if I don't pick up"

He lets go of my hand, I pick up and turn around putting the phone to my ear.

"Russ? I'm sorry I-"

"I'm getting Regina her meds" he barks. Why is he upset?


"Alright" then he hangs up....what-what just happened? I had the feeling he was calling about...I feel Four behind me breathing down my neck.

"You stayed with Tye because he supposedly noticed you" he whispers in my ear, "But what if I told you I noticed you?"

"I...I" I feel his fingers move up my arm to my hair as my heart bangs against my ribs.

"Can I?" He growls this time but I couldn't speak. I feel the butterflies flap around in my stomach. Tye never made me feel this way...to be fair we never did anything other than kiss. We were like two kids in middle school.

"Turn around" he orders and I follow, his eyes are already on my lips again. He leans down rubbing his nose against mine. The butterflies faded away and a large knot appears.

....if I wasn't leaving....

I jump back remembering what he said. His eyes popped open...oh my planets his eyes are so sexy. Focus Riley! He's leaving and he does parkour....

"How did you met my brother?" I rush out. "You said you were leaving, where?" I can tell by the look on his face that I catch him off guard.

"It was awhile back...he helped me"

"How? Helped you with what? My brother doesn't just help people"

"I...." he sighs through his nose, "I can't tell you. I'm sorry"

"I'm not" I have a lot more questions but he won't tell me. He uses a fake name, Russell and I use to do that when we were homeless or in trouble.

I walk to the kitchen and clean up the boys' mess, my brother means well but I knew he wasn't gonna do it. Four walks in the kitchen and his eyes meet mine.

"Ever since I was little I had trouble looking people in the eyes but....not with you" I don't know why I'm telling him this but his beautiful green eyes are hard not to look at.

"Thank you" he smiles with his perfect pink lips.

Bing. Bing. His phone goes off and he checks it. My attention goes back to the dishes in the sink.

"Go on a date with me" he steps closer to me.

I look back at him, "I thought you said you're leaving in a few days" I remind him.

"I..." he rubs the back of his neck, "I can die tomorrow. I'm free"

"What's going on? You-you're really gonna risk it with Russell? The only reason why Russell let me date Tye was because I begged him"

"Has he's always been so overprotective?"

I cross my arms over my chest, "How long have you known my brother?"

"Not long...So that date"

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