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Lying there on One's counter while Five sticks a needle up my arm makes you really think. If I go, right now then I would leave with everything fucked up. This is the first time in a year where I have really talked to my twin brother and it's because I was shot. And then there's Four, he's not here now and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know yet. I told him to leave, that I didn't want him here. Even if I do get to say goodbye, I don't know what I would say. 

The pain quickly eases away and my eyelids start to feel heavy. I turn to Nine, "Sleep" I pass out. 


"...on the bed," One says. 

"He won't leave her," Seven says, "Almost broke my arm last time" 

They're talking about Russell. He's sleeping. Thank my planets. 

"Two, come over here" One orders.

I hear footsteps walking towards me then Two asks, "Yes?"

"What happened?" One asks. 

"We must've missed a guy, he shot her then Nine killed him"

Why are they asking about this now? How long have I been out? For some reason, I can't open my fucking eyes. 

"Stop" Four whimpers with a dry throat. "This won't help her" he's holding my hands. I try to move but I can't. What the fuck is going on?

"She'll wake up," One says. I hear a heavy sigh and I know it's Four. "Everyone can stay here but we need to sleep," One says. Feet being dragged away is all I hear next. 

Sleep. That sounds so good right now, I've been sleeping for god knows how long yet I'm still tired. A chair squeaks then someone kisses my forehead. 

"Nothing happened," Four says, "You have to believe me. Yes, I should've called you but it was a surprise...it wasn't just Five and me, Three was there too... but he left early because Two did something in the bathroom. Anyway, I needed help picking something out, something for you. The only reason why I brought Five back to our place was because I need a way to tell you"

Tell me what?

"I thought about doing it at dinner with the family but I know you hate doing that so I asked Three and Five to help me do something at the apartment but Three had to leave. Riley" he squeezes my hand, "I never meant to hurt you"

"Are you still gonna do it?" Nine asks. 

"Yeah" Four answers, "I can't wait any longer. She needs to know...do you think she's gonna sa-"

"Yes," Nine cuts him off. 

There's a long pause. 

"Did she talk about me?" Russell asks. 

"Yeah..she would kill me if I told you but she cried herself to sleep almost every night...I'm sorry mate"

"I was so scared, mama was sick for so long but nothing ever happened to her and when she died I realized that one day Riley's gonna day too...There's nothing I could do about it. I couldn't just stand there and wait for her to die" 

Four squeezes my hand again, "She's been out for the whole day. She's gonna be pissed she missed the money fall" he's trying to change the subject. 

What? I missed the fucking money fall? That was the best part of the mission. Watching thousands of people being rained on with money. That bank stole from people so we gave it back. 

"You should get some sleep," Russell says, "I'll wake you when she wakes" 

"Thanks, mate" Four kisses my cheek then his hand leaves mine. 


I think I passed out again when I woke up I'm able to move but the pain's back. I open my eyes and see Russell sleeping on a chair. 

"Russell" I croak. 

His eyes pop open then stands up, "Hey, you scared the shit out of me. You had a seizure, it was small but still scary"

"Why? I didn't hit my head" 

"You did when you fall. There was a loud thud when you landed, plus you lost a lot of blood and you didn't react to the treatment well" 

I smile, "I have a hole through my chest" 

"I should've done something-I saw him but I jus-" 

"You finish that sentence and I'll scoop out your eyes. You saved me"

He nods his head, "Ok...I'm gonna get the family" He kisses my forehead before walking away. I try to move but my whole chest feels like I have a blue whale on me. I hear someone running then Four's hovering over me. 

"Please forgive me" he begs. 

"I heard you. What do you have to tell me?" 

He smiles looking back at the others then returns his eyes to me, "I got you-" 

"Wait, I wanna sit up," I say grabbing his arm. 

"You can't," Five says, "I'm sorry"

"Screw that" I growl. I tighten my upper body, hold on to Four and slowly sit up. I'm a fucking idiot, this shit hurts. It didn't help that I moved my arms so fast. Russell's at my side now and he is also helping me up. I look at the others and see One, Five and Two. 

"Where are the others?" I ask. 

"Sleeping" Russell answers, "We took turns watching you" 

I turn to Four, "Continue" 

He digs in his pocket then pulls out a ring box. "Four" I gasp. 

He chuckles, "It's a promise ring. I love you Eight and I promise to love you for as long as I'm alive" 

First I love you. I feel like fucking crying. "I love you too" I smile. The pain stops and I kiss him. How could I possibly think he was with Five? For the past few days, I've been proven to be an idiot way too many times. He parts the kiss then opens the box.

"They're so cute" I laugh, "Defenlty me" 

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"They're so cute" I laugh, "Defenlty me" 

He takes my ring out and slides it on my finger. A perfect fix. I look at Five, "I'm so sorry" 

She nods her head, "It's ok. I wanted to tell you that afternoon but Four wanted to wait"

"Thank you"

"Can you lay down now?" One growls, "You're gonna rip your stitches" 

Four and Russell help me lay down. I pull Four down and kiss him. I miss his lips. I part the kiss then his forehead rest on mine. 

"I love you" I whisper. 

"I love you too"

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