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"Um I think you forgot that you're in a towel"

Immediately I blush and cover my already covered body with my hands.

"Thanks" I rush back to my room and shut the door. Why me? What the hell did I do to get this embarrassed? I feel something move down my leg, I look down and see blood. Not period blood, knee cut blood.

Knock. Knock.

I jump back and take a deep breath before opening the door. To shirtless Four.

"Can you put on a shirt?" I whine.

"Yeah. Want breakfast?"

Yes, I'm hungry but after that jump, I just feel awful, "I'm fine" I close the door before he could say anything else. After covering up my cuts I noticed the bruises over my ribs so I uncover my mirror and check the rest of my body. I have a cut on my bottom lip, bruises on my forehead and my arms. Why the fuck haven't I noticed these before.

I put on my green sweater with black sweats. The sun is just beginning to rise. I walk out my room to the kitchen, Four had put on a black tank top.

"Sure about breakfast?" his accent stronger than usual.

"I'm sure. I'm gonna take a walk" I grab my bag and put in a few snacks and water.

"What about your legs?"

"I'm fine" I turn for the door but Four moves in my way.

"I'll go with you"

"Ok. Leave a note for Russ" I walk past him and wait outside. A few minutes past before he walks outside wearing a blue and white hoodie with black sweats.

"Ready?" He smiles.

"I lead the way" we walk up the driveway.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," Four says as we reach the main road.

"What happened?" The sun was now in the sky shining light on everything casting shadows too.

"I didn't know you were afraid of heights"

"Oh that. It comes and goes, to be honest"

He stops and grabs my arm stopping me with him, "You stilled went bonkers"

"Why didn't you tell me I have bruises and cuts all over me?" I ask changing the subject.

He lets go of my arm, "I figured you saw them"

Why haven't I seen them? I didn't look in the mirror but I did take a shower, I should've seen something.

"Never mind" I finally say, "Don't matter"

"Do they hurt? You should be resting?"

"I'm fine. Come on" I continue walking but he stops me again. I know what he wants.

"I owe you a kiss"

He nods his head slowly, he grabs the face and leans in. This time my heartbeat doesn't speed up, maybe because I'm just waiting for something to stop us like always. But nothing ever does. He kisses me softly, my heartbeat basically bangs against my chest as I kissed him back.

The kiss deepens and his other hand finds my waist then he pulls me closer. His mouth tastes so minty fresh and his sexy cologne fills my nose. I grab his neck pulling him closer, I can't get enough of him. He tugs at my hair making me title my head so he can get better access to me.

His phone starts to ring and he ignores it but I don't. I pull back and see how large his pupils are.

"Answer" I order, he groans while rolling his eyes then he answers his phone.


I step back and look down at the ground as he talks.

"....early? You said I had a few days....alright, I'll see you then" he hangs up and looks at me.

"Leaving early?" I didn't think I was able to frown this hard.

"We still have time"

"Time for what?" I snap, "What do you expect me to do? Fall for you? Or we just fool around until you leave?"

"I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do" He steps closer but I step back. "Please don't be like that"

"Be like what? After Dylan and Tye, you think I'm not gonna be like that?"

"Ok I get it but it's not like I want to leave you"

"Are you even gonna come back?"

"It may take a while. I don't know" he says honestly.

"How many times have you almost died?"

He looks down ignoring my question.

"I've seen your scars, I've seen how you move your arm. You've broken it before-"

"People die if I don't do this" he snaps looking up at me.

"I understand that but you said there's a team of y'all. You can't sit out on this one?"

"No, I can't"

"And if it was me? If I was the one leaving, would you let me go?"

"....No, no I wouldn't"

There's a long heavy pause of us just looking at each other "....Fuck!" He yells backing up. He pulls out his phone then puts it to his ear.

"What are..." I stop talking when I realize he was calling his team.

"Yeah, it's me...hey hey hey. I can't do the mission" he takes a second to look at me then back at the ground, "....I just need some time....yeah two...I'll ask" he hangs up then turns to me.

"Did you really just do that?"

"I want more time" he grabs my waist and pulls me closer, "If you still want that"

"Of course I do but...why me?" I look into his green eyes and basically melt in his arms.

"Don't act like I'm the only one that feels this thing between us. The moment you almost killed me I felt something" he chuckles and I join him. We really did meet that way, me trying to kill him.

"Ok" I rub his strong chest with my palms then move up to his neck, "I did-I mean I do. Wow, that sounds like-oh no" I look down and place my forehead on his chest.

"You guys can join us" his voice so emotionless.

I look up at him, "I can't leave Regina"

"We can hire someone to look after her. You and Russell are not the only ones that can do it"

"I-I-I...don't know. She's my mom, she didn't even know us, she only had our papers...it's not just my decision"

"I know" his grip on me tightens, "But it's not like you can't come back. Three still sees his mum"

"Three? What would our numbers be?"

"Eight and Nine" he leans down and our noses touch, "What have you done to me?"

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