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I wake up with a huge smile on my face. I sit up and see Four's still asleep, flashes of what happened last night playback in my head.

"Fuck...." I slowly climb over him and tiptoe to the bathroom. I don't get why the hell that happened last night. I turn on the water and take off what's left of my clothes.

"Oy" the bathroom door opens and Four walks in. Immediately I cover myself.

"What are you doing?" He says running a hand through his messy hair.

"Can you get out?"

"Really? After we just had sex?"

"I was wearing a shirt" I snap. I don't know why I feel so weird right now.

"Babe c'mon" he smiles.

"Babe? I thought you wanted to take things slow?"

"I do" his smile fades away, "I'm sorry I just thought..."

Fuck it. I grab the back of his neck and kiss him. I feel him smile on my lips before kissing me back.

I pull away, "Wanna take a shower?"


"Four let me do it!" I yell/laugh.

"No, you're not washing my hair. Let it be dirty!" He laughs back at me. The shower is big enough for both of us but we still stay close to each other.

"Please" I pout knowing he loves my dark eyes.

"Alright" he groans, I grab the shampoo and pour a small amount into my palm.

"Close your eyes" I smile.

He follows my orders and I start washing his hair, "Oy! Not so rough"

"Based on last night you like it rough" I smirk to myself.

"Har har har" he growls grabbing my waist. I don't get why I was so nervous before, I feel so comfortable knowing it's him looking at my body.

"Ok rinse" I step back and let him wash off the shampoo. I rub in the conditioner next, I tell him to wait three minutes.

"Three minutes? That's daft as a bash"

"No, it's not. If you wanna be a baby then wash it off now"

He growls at me then snaps his teeth at me.

"Sexy. Put your head back" I have to stand on my tiptoes to wash his hair for him.

"There" I smile stepping back out of his reach and take in his hair, "I did that" I giggle.

"Kiss me" he bits his bottom lip.

"Ask nicely" I grab his shoulders. I didn't expect us to be this good this early.

"Can you please kiss me?" He grabs my waist again and pulls me closer to him.

I nod my head before leaning in THEN he pulls me back into the water. I jump back and wipe my face.

"What was that for?" I put my hair to the side and squeeze out the water.

"For making me ask nicely"

"Areshole" I snap getting out the shower.

"Areshole? How?" He turns off the water then steps out, "I'm sorry babe" did he really just say sorry after questioning how he's an asshole?

He really just tricked me. AHHH I'm so fucking mad. I grab a towel then wrap myself and walk out the bathroom.

"Eight. I'm sorry" Four follows me out as he wraps a towel around his waist.

"It's gonna take more than that" I snap turning to him, "Out of all the things you could've done...you asked me to kiss you"

The laughter leaves his face realizing how pissed I am, "Riley I'm-"

"Out!" I grab his shoulders and push him towards the door, I open the door and throw him out.

"Eight I-"

I slam the door before he could say anything. Fucking ass, of course, he would joke about kisses me. I dry myself off a little then put lotion, I get dress then walk over to my brother's room.

Knock. Knock. "Nine" no answer. "Nine?"

The door swings open, "Yeah?" Nine mumbles as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes.

"Eight!" One calls down the hall. Nine steps out into the hall and I back up. One walks up to us.

"The teams downstairs in the cafeteria waiting for y'all"

"Waiting for us?" I ask.

"We all eat together. Go, I'll be down in a minute"

Russell walks back in his room then walks back out as he puts on a shirt. We walk down the hall to the elevator and I press the down button.

"You and Four," Russell says out of the blue.

I close my eyes in true embarrassment. Russell can hear anything with a mile, "Did you-"

"Hear y'all? Sadly yes-" the doors open and we hop on, "-I had to change rooms"

"But you were in your room"

"I went back there so you wouldn't worry"

Like One said the team was waiting for us in the lobby but Four wasn't there.

"About time" Five smiles, "I'm starving" she tangles her arm with Russell's and leads him to the cafeteria. What....? What just happened?

"You ok?" Seven asks me.

"Yeah" I smile, "Come on"

Since there's eight of us we had to get one large table with a small one. Two and I stayed at the tables.

"How long have you and Three been together?" I ask.

"Official? Not long. Us just fucking? Long-time"

"Oh" to be honest Three doesn't seem like her type but love is love, "Four tells me Three still sees his mom. Do you see anyone?"

"I have no family to go see. Don't apologize either, we all signed up for that" she looks up, "Hey Four"

I look in the direction she's looking in and see Four walking over with flowers. What the fuck?

"Eight, I'm really sorry I fucked up and I'm sorry I'm sure a tosser or more like a wanker. Forgive me?" Four holds out the flowers. I know completely what's he's calling himself and it's true.

"You really did fuck up" I stand up and cross my arms over my chest.

"Yes I know"

The flowers are green. My favorite color. "I forgive you"

Out of nowhere he smiles and kisses me hard. I feel him put the flowers on the table then he grabs my waist.

"Cut that off" Russell growls.

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